Yes, 97%

I was trying to think of a simple way of showing that the radiation continues in both objects even if their temperatures are the same.

The simple way would be to show an observed measurement of it...Unfortunately, none exist but you keep believing anyway and then accuse me of believing in magic.

Look at the SB equation...when T is equal to Tc, P = 0. Zero is an actual value...if you believe energy is exchanging when P=0 then you don't believe the SB are saying that a physical law is meaningless and that your magic is correct.
In regards to the topic of this thread, all I have are facts.

You hav e some facts...and some fabrication...and some observation...and models....Fabrication will get you no where...and the models have shown themselves to be of not much use unless you can admit that they are failing because the hypothesis upon which they were built was wrong.....and facts?...facts are funny things. Facts can lead you to the truth or they can lead you to a depends entirely on how you use them...if you take facts, add fabrication, manipulation, deception, and failing models, you aren't going to land anywhere near the truth.
Why don't you go reread the OP and see what the topic of this thread might be, because you seem more than a little confused.
Why don't you go reread the OP and see what the topic of this thread might be, because you seem more than a little confused.

Your claim of having all facts also has nothing to do with the imaginary 97%. Seems that, as usual, you are the confused one projecting as hard as you can.
I was trying to think of a simple way of showing that the radiation continues in both objects even if their temperatures are the same. when a photon is emitted it imparts a small amount of momentum to the emiiter and the same amount of momentum in the opposite direction in the absorber. (this is one of the forms of entropy increase that precludes perpetual motion machines). therefore the two objects should slightly move away from each other. if SSDD is right, and the objects simply stop radiating, then the objects will not only lose the slight repulsive force but the unopposed momentum shift from the opposite side of the objects will actually drive the objects closer. this would decrease entropy. isnt there some pretty strict rules about S ?

SSDD- I couldnt help but notice that your response to this comment ignored the entropy problem with your unexplained on/off radiation theory.
As has been demonstrated here repeatedly, numerous fully qualified surveys, polls and studies support that 97% figure. NO qualified surveys, polls or studies support yours.
SSDD said-

How does the air inside a balloon know that the air pressure is less on the outside?

hahahahahahahahaha. I am with Todd. you deserved to be mocked
Net energy flow is zero.

Keep believing if it makes you feel better...the equation does not describe net energy flow...the equation describes one way energy flow. If the equation described two way energy flow it would be written differently. You don't seem to understand that those equations describe a specific process...not whatever the hell you wan't them to mean. The SB equation describes a one way energy flow.

You feel that it's because the matter magically knows it should stop radiating.

I am afraid it is you who is guilty of magical thinking here...claiming that an equation that describes a one way energy flow is actually describing a two way energy flow....and thinking you actually described a mechanism by which your magic happened.

That's why I continue to mock you.

You think you hurt me when you attempt to mock me? Like your interpretation of the SB equation, you couldn't be more wrong. Do you know why one person mocks another? Ever think about it? All behavior has psychological roots and mocking has them also. You feel the need to mock people who cause you to feel insecure. Mocking is an attempt by the mocker to appear large while feeling this case, it is most likely because you are afraid to step outside your comfort zone....typical of zealots. You have a belief and cling to it for some reason you will probably never know. You cling to it so desperately that you lose sight of the fact that it is only a belief. Your belief becomes real to you and anything that challenges your belief challenges your reality....even though your reality never was real....

Our behavior reveals a great deal about us...and our internal landscape. Look around you, there is a smorgasbord of moderately abnormal psychology on display here...I doubt that there are any actual psychopaths, but people put their internal landscapes on display in places like this. Take rolling thunder for you really think he is someone who is operating day to day on an even keel? You can say pretty much whatever you want and talk to people any way you are dancing here as if no one is looking....except people are looking...I am looking because I find people's behavior interesting in the extreme....because I have taken quite some time examining what elicits behaviors.

For one reason or another, I make you feel very uncomfortable. In short, I threaten you somehow. If I didn't, you would simply show me the hard, observed evidence that energy in fact moves in both directions and move on to the next topic...and perhaps taunt me if I failed to alter my position after you showed me incontrovertible observed proof that you were right. You and I both know that there is no such evidence and you, as a result, are left frustrated and threatened because you can't convince me your reality (which is only a belief) is real. That makes you uncomfortable...and me, pointing out that the equation you rely on here is describing a one way energy flow ( which it is) only heightens that discomfort.

The result is that you must attempt to make me smaller in your own eyes...that's what we do to people who threaten us...we try to make them appear smaller and less threatening.. People like thunder do it to everyone who disagrees with them all the time. It is his automatic response. People like that are a quivering mass of insecurity who find it intolerable to be at odds with anyone on anything. Any and every disagreement calls their entire self image into question...they use every tool at their disposal (and a small toolbox it is) in an effort to make the other person look as small and non threatening as possible in a futile attempt to reinforce their own self image.

Obviously, you are no rolling thunder. You don't go around hurling insult at everyone who disagrees with you and it is clear that you don't see every disagreement as a personal assault on you...but something about me threatens you and you feel a real need, be it consciously our subconsciously to cut me down to size and make me less threatening...Something I am saying calls your unreal reality, that is your belief system into question and you are not at all comfortable with stepping outside that belief...and are just as uncomfortable with people not sharing that belief with you.

So you go right on mocking if it makes you feel better...although I wonder if you will continue to be as comfortable putting your weakness on display having realized that not only are you feeling weak, but are actually publicly voicing that weakness. Folks like rolling thunder can't stop because they are so insecure that it is simply impossible...the need to constantly reinforce their self worth outweighs the knowledge that their behavior exposes their internal insecurities....they are caught in a vicious cycle and are simply unable to break it and probably never will.

So how does the hotter object know that the cooler object is cooler?

How does the air inside a balloon know that the air pressure is less on the outside? How does the radiation from one microwave dish know that the radiation from another dish is of a grater magnitude and in turn allow the interference to diminish its own signal. Anthropomorphizing radiation, or anything else, is a particularly childish and weak means of reinforcing your unreal reality...We could go into how we are taught to anthropomorphize from an early age to frame things we really have no control over in human terms so that we can believe we have dealt with them.

Spell it out why don't you?

Unlike you, I don't need to think I know everything. I am perfectly comfortable with mystery. The physicist at the top of the heap..the smartest guy in the world doesn't grasp the mechanism of how or why energy is beyond our scope at this point. Ask yourself why you have the need to believe that science knows everything even when they don't...Ask yourself why you would need to convince yourself that science actually grasps the mechanism by which energy moves about when in reality, science really doesn't even begin to understand it. Sure, they can predict where energy will move because every observation of energy movement ever made is in one direction...such a track record makes it easy to predict...

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else can spell out the underlying hows and whys of energy movement than we can spell out the underlying hows and whys of gravity...we can predict what, because we see the what, and how big or small it is, but the hows and whys?...that is beyond us...and I am perfectly comfortable with that and for some reason that will probably remain forever are not. For some reason, something inside you assigns some point value to knowing, even the unknowable, to your self worth...or your unreal reality...which is the same thing.

So like I said, go ahead and mock if it makes you feel certainly makes me feel better even though I know that I shouldn't feel good about the fact that I threaten you....goes back to the psychology of laying them out on the table and whipping out a ruler I guess.

I do derive pleasure in seeing the lengths people will go in an effort to convince themselves that a mathematical construct is real don't seem to believe in the AGW mathematical construct and readily point out that it isn't real, but you hold great faith in another mathematical construct which is no more real and can't bear to see it questioned even when all observation shows that it is wrong.

Unlike you, I don't need to think I know everything. I am perfectly comfortable with mystery.

I'll bet you are. LOL!

..the smartest guy in the world doesn't grasp the mechanism of how or why energy is beyond our scope at this point.

Molecular motion is converted to thermal energy. That's why all objects above 0K emit all the time. certainly makes me feel better even though I know that I shouldn't feel good about the fact that I threaten you.

Ignorant people who ignore all the evidence do threaten me. Usually they're liberals.
For some reason, conservative ignorance bothers me more.
And you have to admit, your on/off, emit/stop emitting theory is damn funny!

You must share how the warmer object learns the temperature of the cooler object.
More of that mockery you enjoy awaits your explanation.
SSDD said-

How does the air inside a balloon know that the air pressure is less on the outside?

hahahahahahahahaha. I am with Todd. you deserved to be mocked

No kidding. He's like the old geocentric astronomers, his epicycles get more and more complicated, as he sticks his fingers in his ears and yells la-la-la-la-la, to drown out the simple truth of heliocentrism.
Have to give these people some credit though for distorting reality rather effectively.

Thank about it........get a handful of scientists together that are already bought off and pop in one or two who are not just for effect and come up with a "97% consensus". Most all the dopes of the world never see the size of the "consensus" group or how the number is arrived at...............but is sure is a great soundbite. Of all the scam strategies the climate k00ks have come up with, this 97% one, by far, is the most brilliant one.:boobies::boobies::clap2:
SSDD said-

hahahahahahahahaha. I am with Todd. you deserved to be mocked
And as I told him...go ahead if it makes you feel better about yourself.

It's all about information.
How does the temperature information get from the cooler to the warmer object?
You said the cooler object stops radiating.
So spell it out. End the mockery with your wisdom.
I was trying to think of a simple way of showing that the radiation continues in both objects even if their temperatures are the same. when a photon is emitted it imparts a small amount of momentum to the emiiter and the same amount of momentum in the opposite direction in the absorber. (this is one of the forms of entropy increase that precludes perpetual motion machines). therefore the two objects should slightly move away from each other. if SSDD is right, and the objects simply stop radiating, then the objects will not only lose the slight repulsive force but the unopposed momentum shift from the opposite side of the objects will actually drive the objects closer. this would decrease entropy. isnt there some pretty strict rules about S ?

SSDD- I couldnt help but notice that your response to this comment ignored the entropy problem with your unexplained on/off radiation theory.

I don't understand why you have to make up a position for me....I have stated it as clearly as possible...I have said over and over that I can't explain why energy only flows from warm to cool...and I have never said on/off...I have said that I don't think objects radiate towards warmer objects....and every observation ever made bears that out....

As to strict rules...there are some pretty strict ones regarding the direction of energy flow but you have no problem disregarding them in favor of an unobservable, untestable, unmeasurable mathematical model.

And do explain how you think a photon (if they exist) with no mass can impart momentum to anything...more magic?
I'll bet you are. LOL!

And you are not...which explains why you are willing to substitute reality for an unobservable, untestable, unmeasurable mathematical model and apparently believe that it is real. Interesting, that.

Molecular motion is converted to thermal energy. That's why all objects above 0K emit all the time.

The actual mechanism isn't...we don't really have any idea what is going on at the sub atomic level...we make guesses, we propose hypotheses and theories to explain what we can observe...but as to what is really happening, and what makes it happen, we are in the dark...which makes me wonder what fear resides in people that would make them accept something that is for all its grandiose language...just a guess in favor of what is real.

Ignorant people who ignore all the evidence do threaten me.

Keep telling yourself that...we behave as we do, and react as we do for a reason. Most people, go about their whole lives behaving and reacting with little, if any thought as to what they are revealing about themselves by their actions. Telling yourself why you react as you do after you have already demonstrated the opposite is just more substitution of unreal for the real.

must share how the warmer object learns the temperature of the cooler object.

And you must share how the dropped rock knows to fall down.

More of that mockery you enjoy awaits your explanation.

I look forward to sounds like is hard, empirical evidence that you are not as confident as you believe yourself to be and must make a lot of noise in lieu of simply providing observed, measured examples of energy moving from a cool object to a warm object.....which we both know don't exist....
It's all about information.[/quot3e]

Not for have already told me more about you than you know yourself in this particular arena.

How does the temperature information get from the cooler to the warmer object?

Two microwave dishes transmitting at different magnitudes with overlapping does the weaker signal know to be interfered with?

Two radio towers transmitting on the same frequency at different does the weaker signal know not to simply go on to your radio for broadcast?

Anthromorphizing, as I said, is a very weak sort of defense mechanism....surprises me that people like you and Ian resort to is the sort of defense mechanism a child would think that you would have grown out of it by now.
It's all about information.[/quot3e]

Not for have already told me more about you than you know yourself in this particular arena.

How does the temperature information get from the cooler to the warmer object?

Two microwave dishes transmitting at different magnitudes with overlapping does the weaker signal know to be interfered with?

Two radio towers transmitting on the same frequency at different does the weaker signal know not to simply go on to your radio for broadcast?

Anthromorphizing, as I said, is a very weak sort of defense mechanism....surprises me that people like you and Ian resort to is the sort of defense mechanism a child would think that you would have grown out of it by now.

If you think you are right, lets see the observed, measured examples of energy spontaneous moving from cool objects to warm objects...if you can't show such evidence, then acknowledge that the mathematical model that you subscribe to in lieu of actual observation says that energy can sometimes, in rare instances, move from a cool object to a warm object even though it has never been observed to happen. At least that puts you in touch with reality.... at least you can see reality from there.
I'll bet you are. LOL!

And you are not...which explains why you are willing to substitute reality for an unobservable, untestable, unmeasurable mathematical model and apparently believe that it is real. Interesting, that.

Molecular motion is converted to thermal energy. That's why all objects above 0K emit all the time.

The actual mechanism isn't...we don't really have any idea what is going on at the sub atomic level...we make guesses, we propose hypotheses and theories to explain what we can observe...but as to what is really happening, and what makes it happen, we are in the dark...which makes me wonder what fear resides in people that would make them accept something that is for all its grandiose language...just a guess in favor of what is real.

Ignorant people who ignore all the evidence do threaten me.

Keep telling yourself that...we behave as we do, and react as we do for a reason. Most people, go about their whole lives behaving and reacting with little, if any thought as to what they are revealing about themselves by their actions. Telling yourself why you react as you do after you have already demonstrated the opposite is just more substitution of unreal for the real.

must share how the warmer object learns the temperature of the cooler object.

And you must share how the dropped rock knows to fall down.

More of that mockery you enjoy awaits your explanation.

I look forward to sounds like is hard, empirical evidence that you are not as confident as you believe yourself to be and must make a lot of noise in lieu of simply providing observed, measured examples of energy moving from a cool object to a warm object.....which we both know don't exist....

And you must share how the dropped rock knows to fall down.

Well, if we use a variation of your smart wave theory, the heavier object pulls on the lighter, but the lighter exerts no force on the heavier.

Okay, your turn again.

You must share how the warmer object learns the temperature of the cooler object.
I'm curious how information leaves the cooler object in the absence of emission of energy.
Let me know, I'll be here, still chuckling at your tap dancing.
It's all about information.[/quot3e]

Not for have already told me more about you than you know yourself in this particular arena.

How does the temperature information get from the cooler to the warmer object?

Two microwave dishes transmitting at different magnitudes with overlapping does the weaker signal know to be interfered with?

Two radio towers transmitting on the same frequency at different does the weaker signal know not to simply go on to your radio for broadcast?

Anthromorphizing, as I said, is a very weak sort of defense mechanism....surprises me that people like you and Ian resort to is the sort of defense mechanism a child would think that you would have grown out of it by now.

Science 24 May 1963:
Vol. 140 no. 3569 pp. 870-877
DOI: 10.1126/science.140.3569.870

In a practical situation and room-temperature setting, humans lose considerable energy due to thermal radiation. However, the energy lost by emitting infrared light is partially regained by absorbing the heat flow due to conduction from surrounding objects, and the remainder resulting from generated heat through metabolism. Human skin has an emissivity of very close to 1.0 . Using the formulas below shows a human, having roughly 2 square meter in surface area, and a temperature of about 307 K, continuously radiates approximately 1000 watts. However, if people are indoors, surrounded by surfaces at 296 K, they receive back about 900 watts from the wall, ceiling, and other surroundings, so the net loss is only about 100 watts.

Why are you ignoring this article from 1963?
Did Science Magazine misunderstand the 2nd Law?

Why are you ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann constant?

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, symbolized by the lowercase Greek letter sigma ( ), is a physical constant involving black body radiation. A black body, also called an ideal radiator, is an object that radiates or absorbs energy with perfect efficiency at all electromagnetic wavelength s. The constant defines the power per unit area emitted by a black body as a function of its thermodynamic temperature .

You'll notice it is a function of temperature of a body and not a function of the temperature of the surroundings. Were they wrong?
Do we need an SSDD amendment to the constant?
Wikipedia has an article estimating how many scientist believe in humans causing global warming based on abstracts printed in what? Articles and press releases.

Why did the woman who made this wild guess simply not just ask the "scientists"

Opinion called fact because the dictators say so.
Wikipedia has an article estimating how many scientist believe in humans causing global warming based on abstracts printed in what? Articles and press releases.

Why did the woman who made this wild guess simply not just ask the "scientists"

Opinion called fact because the dictators say so.

Well, now since all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Univesities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, how can you not say that there is near universal consensus on that issue in the scientfic community. And then there is the matter of the articles in peer reviewed journals, not just in the US, but in the world. More than 97% of those articles accept that AGW is real.

What we have is people like you that are scientfically illiterate flappinng yap and demonstrating the abysmal depths of your ignorance. How about posting articles from peer reviewed scientific journals in support of your position?

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