Yes....Dems can win the WH in 2020...but....


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
But they need to find a reasonable message....besides trump is incompetent. The Dems boast at being a Party of the Big Tent....but seems there are lots of smaller tents. As for trump...and his band of criminals.....anything goes....white supremacy...racism...immorality....
anything goes....the GOP nods and winks approval.

If the Dems don't coalesce...they will lose the White House again....

Lose it to a man who is determined to dismantle well established Democratic Principles that have quided this nation since WWII....
They could if someone that isnt an extremist runs.
Not looking good, so far. Identity politics run amok
Uncle Joe is gonna step up. He can go toe to toe with trump.....
Uncle Joe is gonna step up. He can go toe to toe with trump.....
The extremists in the party will not pick him.

They are fighting with each other to see who can give the most anti-white agenda and message. They are falling all over themselves to jump on a Green New Deal full of completely preposterous nonsense. Uncle Joe would be lucky to come in 10th with the direction his party appears to be headed.
Insulting Trump supporters the strategy that worked so well for the Democrats in 2016 on display again.
This vid offers a little insight into how Trump works. I’ve shared it before.....


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