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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

Spare_Change, there is no discussion to be had about the validity of Marriage Equality with those of us who believe in it.

We think you are defective in character or deficient in intellect or both if you oppose it.

I am not being mean. I am telling you what the majority of America thinks of your opinion: it stinks.

First of all, you have absolutely no idea what my opinion is .... I have not stated, one way or the other, my position on gay marriage. So, I would appreciate it if you would grow up and actually read what is written.

My objection has been, and will consistently be, that the ruling by SCOTUS has violated my First Amendment rights ... that has NOTHING, NIL, NADA to do with gay marriage. Quite bleating that same ol' garbage, attacking people for what you THINK they feel, and actually engage in the conversation.

If you can't do that, I strongly recommend you just shut the hell up.
How has that ruling violated your First Amendment rights?

If you don't understand my position, you haven't been paying attention. Get back to us when you're caught up.

No one understands 'your position' because you haven't been able to show us this 'violation of your First Amendment' you keep claiming but cannot demonstrate.

Actually, you REFUSE to accept the violation, because you inherently do not understand the violation. I can make it no simpler than I have ... your refusal to understand is your problem, not mine. Your willingness to cede your individual rights is a problem for both of us.

You clearly do not understand this basic precept of Christianity --- "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Devotion to God means to stand against sin. Suddenly, the government says I can't do that. Suddenly, it's 'hate speech'. Suddenly, it's 'discrimination'. My position, and commitment, to God should not bring me into conflict with the government. That is the purpose of the 'free expression' clause.

Today, I am allowed to only practice my religion in my church ... to do elsewhere brings me into direct conflict with the law. PLEASE explain to me how that is NOT violating my individual rights.
Second --- you're saying so doesn't make it so. Explain to me how my rights have NOT been violated. Explain to me how my free expression of my religion have NOT been violated.

Your free expression of religion has not changed at all- it is what it was on Thursday last week.

You can still pray- you can still go to church.

Nothing has changed at all.

You have yet to express one actual violation of your First Amendment.

Obviously, you didn't bother to actually read the previous posts, did you???

Why don't you get back to us when you catch up? If you like, I can make a reader available for you.

Your free expression of religion has not changed at all- it is what it was on Thursday last week.

You can still pray- you can still go to church.

Nothing has changed at all.

You have yet to express one actual violation of your First Amendment.

For the first time in history, the government has decreed that I must forgo the free expression of my religion in order to comply with the law. For the FIRST time ...

It's not about gay marriage .... it's about protecting my individual rights.
No, they haven't. You are still free to bash gays all you want. Your First Amendment rights are intact.

You should be embarrassed by your simplistic, and obviously cursory, knowledge of the First Amendment. Feel free to study up, and get back to us.
You're wrong ... but it's nice to finally have your attention. I was getting a little tired of the childish antics.

The First Amendment - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

My religion dictates that homosexuality is a sin - period. Further, my religion believes that aiding and/or abetting the commission of a sin makes you as guilty as the sinner.

The government is, for the first time in history, forcing me to choose between my religion and compliance with the law.

Whether it is by forcing me to acknowledge their homosexuality, participate in their ceremonies, or pay taxes that support their lifestyle, the government has mandated that I will aid and abet their sin.

Now - to be clear - I firmly believe that gays should receive equal treatment under the law. However, I do not believe that my individual rights should be violated to make it happen.

Oh please. The 10 Commandments told you that you shall have no Gods before your God, that you shall not make graven images, and that you will remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. But all of those commandments are violated by millions of people, including the federal gov't, but that wasn't aiding and abetting their sin??

Your individual rights have not been violated. Funny that you don't mind your taxes being spent on war, but object to them being spent on gays. That sort of blows your claims of being harmed because of the your religion.

First ... the government is incapable of violating the 10 commandments. Those are God's direction to PEOPLE, not things. Your argument carries no weight.

Second --- you're saying so doesn't make it so. Explain to me how my rights have NOT been violated. Explain to me how my free expression of my religion have NOT been violated.

You are cherry-picking my statement. You want to ignore the gov't violations of the 10 Commandments? How about the millions of people?

Your freedom of religion was violated by Hindu weddings, Buddhist weddings, and pagan weddings. Even atheist weddings didn't bother your religious freedoms. All of those are a sin.

I ignore nothing ---- you dissemble.

I am concerned about my adherence to the word of God. I am not my brother's keeper - they will do what they will do, and they will be judged accordingly.

I am mystified, however, on why you believe that others practicing their religion interferes with mine.

Homosexuals marrying does not interfere with you or your religion- yet somehow you believe that violates your rights.

Thank you --- I can't believe you have finally seen the light. Or, are you truly misunderstanding completely?

Gay marriage does NOT interfere with my individual rights ... but the actions of the government does.
Oh please. The 10 Commandments told you that you shall have no Gods before your God, that you shall not make graven images, and that you will remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. But all of those commandments are violated by millions of people, including the federal gov't, but that wasn't aiding and abetting their sin??

Your individual rights have not been violated. Funny that you don't mind your taxes being spent on war, but object to them being spent on gays. That sort of blows your claims of being harmed because of the your religion.

First ... the government is incapable of violating the 10 commandments. Those are God's direction to PEOPLE, not things. Your argument carries no weight.

Second --- you're saying so doesn't make it so. Explain to me how my rights have NOT been violated. Explain to me how my free expression of my religion have NOT been violated.

You are cherry-picking my statement. You want to ignore the gov't violations of the 10 Commandments? How about the millions of people?

Your freedom of religion was violated by Hindu weddings, Buddhist weddings, and pagan weddings. Even atheist weddings didn't bother your religious freedoms. All of those are a sin.

I ignore nothing ---- you dissemble.

I am concerned about my adherence to the word of God. I am not my brother's keeper - they will do what they will do, and they will be judged accordingly.

I am mystified, however, on why you believe that others practicing their religion interferes with mine.

Homosexuals marrying does not interfere with you or your religion- yet somehow you believe that violates your rights.

Thank you --- I can't believe you have finally seen the light. Or, are you truly misunderstanding completely?

Gay marriage does NOT interfere with my individual rights ... but the actions of the government does.

And what actions of the government would that be?

Still waiting for some example.
Spare_change is using the old segregationist excuse, "If you can't understand it, I can't explain it."

Well, Spare, if you can't explain it clearly, then it is not a problem to anyone else that counts.

The government is not making your marry a gay.

The government is not making you participate in a wedding.

Those are private 1st Amendment issues.

If the state has PA that makes you conduct business in a certain way, that way is to make sure everyone's civil rights are balanced. As a business person, you do not have the right to discriminate against others because of your religion.
What has happened is that these freaks are no longer able to use their religion to force others to live as THEY believe, so they are throwing tantrums.
The exact words that he used to describe what was happening to him I asked him back exactly how that was happening and I've yet to hear him respond and I doubt I will. He can explain nonsense and walk back him into a corner
What has happened is that these freaks are no longer able to use their religion to force others to live as THEY believe, so they are throwing tantrums.


I don't give a damn how you live your life ... but you can be damn sure I care about how the government has dictated that I will live my life.

Obviously, when presented with a cogent argument, you resort to name calling, false attacks, and childish antics.

PLEASE --- don't bother.
Your free expression of religion has not changed at all- it is what it was on Thursday last week.

You can still pray- you can still go to church.

Nothing has changed at all.

You have yet to express one actual violation of your First Amendment.

Obviously, you didn't bother to actually read the previous posts, did you???

Why don't you get back to us when you catch up? If you like, I can make a reader available for you.

Your free expression of religion has not changed at all- it is what it was on Thursday last week.

You can still pray- you can still go to church.

Nothing has changed at all.

You have yet to express one actual violation of your First Amendment.

For the first time in history, the government has decreed that I must forgo the free expression of my religion in order to comply with the law. For the FIRST time ...

It's not about gay marriage .... it's about protecting my individual rights.
No, they haven't. You are still free to bash gays all you want. Your First Amendment rights are intact.

You should be embarrassed by your simplistic, and obviously cursory, knowledge of the First Amendment. Feel free to study up, and get back to us.
Your First Amendment rights are intact. You can still say the same things about gays you said a week ago and you are still free to exercise your religion as you were a week ago.

Nothing has changed in that regard.

You are not forced to marry a homosexual; you are not forced to attend a gay wedding; you are not forced to support a gay marriage.
Because I am one of those heterosexuals who happens to believe same-sex marriage is simply none of my concern I feel compelled to respond to this assertion by the Blaze contributor.


"An improper understanding of a squirrel is one thing, though. An improper understanding of marriage, on the other hand, will destroy us. Marriage is the bedrock upon which all of human civilization rests. To expand its definition into oblivion is to weaken and destabilize it."


Slightly more than 50% of all marriages end in divorce or permanent separation. http://www.divorce.usu.edu/files/uploads/lesson3.pdf

About half of the remaining percentage are dissatisfied with their partners, regret being married to them, and admit to either regular or occasional infidelity. So according to the Blaze article these statistics mean our society is resting on a bedrock composed of approximately one-fourth of today's marriages.

I believe the simple fact of the matter is marriage just ain't what it used to be. The social and material changes which have taken place in our ever-evolving social order have made the moral institution of marriage wholly dispensable -- with the single exception of the legal obligation to care for children. The romantic promise to "love, honor and obey 'til death do we part" has become almost comically redundant -- as well as a rather flimsy "bedrock."
Agree. Giving gays equal rights just feels right to me

Giving gays equal rights IS right --- that's what should be done. Curtailing my individual rights is wrong .... and shouldn't have been done. There were obvious viable alternatives ... most of which were ignored in the firestorm of political correctness.
I asked what individual rights of yours were curtailed? Is that backing you into a corner?
You, Spare, have no cogent argument. We all are waiting with bated breath for it. Please, deliver.
Spare_Change, there is no discussion to be had about the validity of Marriage Equality with those of us who believe in it.

We think you are defective in character or deficient in intellect or both if you oppose it.

I am not being mean. I am telling you what the majority of America thinks of your opinion: it stinks.

First of all, you have absolutely no idea what my opinion is .... I have not stated, one way or the other, my position on gay marriage. So, I would appreciate it if you would grow up and actually read what is written.

My objection has been, and will consistently be, that the ruling by SCOTUS has violated my First Amendment rights ... that has NOTHING, NIL, NADA to do with gay marriage. Quite bleating that same ol' garbage, attacking people for what you THINK they feel, and actually engage in the conversation.

If you can't do that, I strongly recommend you just shut the hell up.
How has that ruling violated your First Amendment rights?

If you don't understand my position, you haven't been paying attention. Get back to us when you're caught up.

No one understands 'your position' because you haven't been able to show us this 'violation of your First Amendment' you keep claiming but cannot demonstrate.

Actually, you REFUSE to accept the violation, because you inherently do not understand the violation. I can make it no simpler than I have ... your refusal to understand is your problem, not mine. Your willingness to cede your individual rights is a problem for both of us.

You clearly do not understand this basic precept of Christianity --- "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Devotion to God means to stand against sin. Suddenly, the government says I can't do that. Suddenly, it's 'hate speech'. Suddenly, it's 'discrimination'. My position, and commitment, to God should not bring me into conflict with the government. That is the purpose of the 'free expression' clause.

Today, I am allowed to only practice my religion in my church ... to do elsewhere brings me into direct conflict with the law. PLEASE explain to me how that is NOT violating my individual rights.

The government is not saying any such thing.

You can say whatever you want, with the usual restrictions regarding public assembly and yelling 'fire'- wherever you want it.

You can go to any public forum in the United States where speakers are permitted and you can tell everyone how homosexuals are sinners- and you will not get arrested.

As long as practicing your religion doesn't mean pulling chicken's heads off in the public square or some such other issue, you can practice your religion as you see fit.

Friday has not changed how you can practice your religion at all.
Oh please. The 10 Commandments told you that you shall have no Gods before your God, that you shall not make graven images, and that you will remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. But all of those commandments are violated by millions of people, including the federal gov't, but that wasn't aiding and abetting their sin??

Your individual rights have not been violated. Funny that you don't mind your taxes being spent on war, but object to them being spent on gays. That sort of blows your claims of being harmed because of the your religion.

First ... the government is incapable of violating the 10 commandments. Those are God's direction to PEOPLE, not things. Your argument carries no weight.

Second --- you're saying so doesn't make it so. Explain to me how my rights have NOT been violated. Explain to me how my free expression of my religion have NOT been violated.

You are cherry-picking my statement. You want to ignore the gov't violations of the 10 Commandments? How about the millions of people?

Your freedom of religion was violated by Hindu weddings, Buddhist weddings, and pagan weddings. Even atheist weddings didn't bother your religious freedoms. All of those are a sin.

I ignore nothing ---- you dissemble.

I am concerned about my adherence to the word of God. I am not my brother's keeper - they will do what they will do, and they will be judged accordingly.

I am mystified, however, on why you believe that others practicing their religion interferes with mine.

Homosexuals marrying does not interfere with you or your religion- yet somehow you believe that violates your rights.

Thank you --- I can't believe you have finally seen the light. Or, are you truly misunderstanding completely?

Gay marriage does NOT interfere with my individual rights ... but the actions of the government does.
Nonsense. Unless the government is forcing you to marry a homosexual, the government is imposing nothing upon you in terms of affirming gays have the same fundamental right as you to marry the person they love.
The Catholic Church is officially against divorce- and it is a clear sin within the Catholic Church for Catholics to divorce.

Are Catholics rights being violated if the government allow a divorced Catholic couple to be legally married outside the church?

And if not- explain the difference between your position and the Catholics.
First of all, you have absolutely no idea what my opinion is .... I have not stated, one way or the other, my position on gay marriage. So, I would appreciate it if you would grow up and actually read what is written.

My objection has been, and will consistently be, that the ruling by SCOTUS has violated my First Amendment rights ... that has NOTHING, NIL, NADA to do with gay marriage. Quite bleating that same ol' garbage, attacking people for what you THINK they feel, and actually engage in the conversation.

If you can't do that, I strongly recommend you just shut the hell up.
How has that ruling violated your First Amendment rights?

If you don't understand my position, you haven't been paying attention. Get back to us when you're caught up.

No one understands 'your position' because you haven't been able to show us this 'violation of your First Amendment' you keep claiming but cannot demonstrate.

Actually, you REFUSE to accept the violation, because you inherently do not understand the violation. I can make it no simpler than I have ... your refusal to understand is your problem, not mine. Your willingness to cede your individual rights is a problem for both of us.

You clearly do not understand this basic precept of Christianity --- "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Devotion to God means to stand against sin. Suddenly, the government says I can't do that. Suddenly, it's 'hate speech'. Suddenly, it's 'discrimination'. My position, and commitment, to God should not bring me into conflict with the government. That is the purpose of the 'free expression' clause.

Today, I am allowed to only practice my religion in my church ... to do elsewhere brings me into direct conflict with the law. PLEASE explain to me how that is NOT violating my individual rights.

The government is not saying any such thing.

You can say whatever you want, with the usual restrictions regarding public assembly and yelling 'fire'- wherever you want it.

You can go to any public forum in the United States where speakers are permitted and you can tell everyone how homosexuals are sinners- and you will not get arrested.

As long as practicing your religion doesn't mean pulling chicken's heads off in the public square or some such other issue, you can practice your religion as you see fit.

Friday has not changed how you can practice your religion at all.
His argument is especially stupid since homosexuality was already legal before last week's decision. All that changed since then is that states can no longer ban gay marriages. Meanwhile, 3/4ths of the states already made it legal before last Friday.

All his complaints amount to is a new twist from cons in expressing their massive butthurt after getting royally bitch-slapped on one of their most sacred issues. Between abortion and gay marriage, aneurysms across the nation are popping like crazy.
How has that ruling violated your First Amendment rights?

If you don't understand my position, you haven't been paying attention. Get back to us when you're caught up.

No one understands 'your position' because you haven't been able to show us this 'violation of your First Amendment' you keep claiming but cannot demonstrate.

Actually, you REFUSE to accept the violation, because you inherently do not understand the violation. I can make it no simpler than I have ... your refusal to understand is your problem, not mine. Your willingness to cede your individual rights is a problem for both of us.

You clearly do not understand this basic precept of Christianity --- "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Devotion to God means to stand against sin. Suddenly, the government says I can't do that. Suddenly, it's 'hate speech'. Suddenly, it's 'discrimination'. My position, and commitment, to God should not bring me into conflict with the government. That is the purpose of the 'free expression' clause.

Today, I am allowed to only practice my religion in my church ... to do elsewhere brings me into direct conflict with the law. PLEASE explain to me how that is NOT violating my individual rights.

The government is not saying any such thing.

You can say whatever you want, with the usual restrictions regarding public assembly and yelling 'fire'- wherever you want it.

You can go to any public forum in the United States where speakers are permitted and you can tell everyone how homosexuals are sinners- and you will not get arrested.

As long as practicing your religion doesn't mean pulling chicken's heads off in the public square or some such other issue, you can practice your religion as you see fit.

Friday has not changed how you can practice your religion at all.
His argument is especially stupid since homosexuality was already legal before last week's decision. All that changed since then is that states can no longer ban gay marriages. Meanwhile, 3/4ths of the states already made it legal before last Friday.

All his complaints amount to is a new twist from cons in expressing their massive butthurt after getting royally bitch-slapped on one of their most sacred issues. Between abortion and gay marriage, aneurysms across the nation are popping like crazy.
They've actually passed a lot of anti abortion legislation on the state level these last few years. But I guess if people don't care enough to vote to show up and vote? What should I give a damn?
Agree. Giving gays equal rights just feels right to me

Sexual Deviants have never had inequitable rights...

What you're refusing to recognize is actions have consequences... science calls it the natural law of 'cause and effect'

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