Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

If you are of the opinion that the "proliferation of guns" is the problem you have to consider that the ATF/FBI entered into the "Fast/Furious" conspiracy that sent over 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. What were they thinking when at least one of the weapons they carefully recorded was found and ballistic identified as the weapon that killed a U.S. Border Officer? If you need to vent your frustrations at the proliferation of legal weapons inherent in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution it is your duty to call for the indictment of every FBI and ATF agent and every politician who authorized the illegal sale of a single weapon that was used in the murder of a Federal Officer.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough
No one ever proposes full bans...

ooooooh!! what about this:

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Assault Weapon Ban

Read Latest Breaking News from Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Assault Weapon Ban

That isn't a full ban.

It's a ban on one certain type of gun.

People can have as many non assault weapons they want.

Stop lying.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone believe one word from you?

You do know that a so called assault rifle is nothing but a plain old semiautomatic with some doodads on it don't you?

Now you're changing the subject.

You said there was a full ban on guns and used a small city in one state as an example of your claim.

I pointed out that it's not a full ban. Just on assault weapons.

I will further point out that one small city in one state isn't full ban on anything. All it is, is a ban on a certain type of weapon in a certain area of the nation.

Now you back peddle and start talking about differences between guns.

You're a liar. You posted lies. I called you on it and proved you're a liar.

Like I said, if you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone believe one word from you?

I never said there was a full ban on guns anywhere

I am merely trying to remove your ignorance regarding guns

Here pictures might help you

This "assault rifle"


Is absolutely no different in caliber, rate of fire or accuracy than this ranch rifle


The only difference is cosmetic

Actually that Mini-14 is far more reliable than the AR15 is.
Yes I heard Hitler was a big proponent of having people get insured to own their guns. Great point.

Just like you, he wanted to grant "rights" (privilege really) only to certain people.

So would you demand that people get insured to exercise their first amendment rights? Hell, you don't even want them to show ID for fear that illegal aliens will be stopped from proxy voting for dims.

Your war on civil rights is beyond hypocrisy, it is demopocrisy.
A number one should consider before they drink the Kool Aid, gun related homicides are at their lowest level since 1981. There were 8,124 gun related murders in 2014 compared to 18,253 in 1993. Now for reality 99.995% of guns legally purchased are not used in homicides. This of course does not account for black market guns, which all the laws on the books will not prevent. So what do you expect to accomplish with additional laws?
Yawn. Those 7 veterans don't outweigh the other veterans posting..............and by no means doesn't mean someone can't be ready to react when needed, and be able to use the weapon in defense............

Nice try at propaganda.....................Where you expecting us to say.........OMG 7 veterans said we don't know what we are talking about..................and give in..........LOL..................Your side will keep trying and we will OPPOSE YOU until HELL FREEZES OVER.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough
Yeah,,,,but the sure make my dick hard(military expression so it's okay to use vulgar institutionalized expressions{by govt...decree....])....
So he means abortion? Or just anyone that has killed a baby(baby Jesus weeps)??

I'm sure he means anyone who has killed or supports killing babies. Abortionists simply out number all others a couple hundred million to one.

Abortion clinics are the democrats temple, where they practice human sacrifice to whatever god they worship.
Actually, the Supreme Court refuses to rule on the STATES banning assault weapons and many other things that you gun nutters demand. It's the states right not the federal right. If you don't like the state mandated laws on guns, move to one that agrees with you. It's your choice.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough
Bathtubs do too... People fall in them and die all the time.

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