Yes I Am Rooting For Isls/isil


Apr 22, 2007
Call me a traitor or fool I honestly don't care. Yes ISIS/ISIL is evil they would set of a nuke in NY, Paris, Moscow, Tel Aviv and not give a two shits. However, they serve a valuable purpose. They are running through the Middle East killing everything and everyone in their path. Their brutality is uniting the west against Islam. Eventually even the left will turn on Islam. ISIS is making the world open their eyes to the threat of Islam. They are showing us the enemy is not radical Islam it's Islam itself. The great war against 1.5 billion Muslims is kicking off and ISIS is showing us the light!

They are also keeping the Arab dictators at bay and on their toes, so these dictators like ASSSSad slaughter more of their people.

Any of course the are killing other Muslims by the 10s of thousands and that is something we all can celebrate.

Call me heartless, but the enemy is Islam and the war is coming!

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