Yes, its true....the U.S. ALSO meddles in foreign elections.....BUT....

Russia saw a weak president and a Secy/State who had an e-mail server that a high school kid could hack so "meddling" was easy during the Obama administration. You almost gotta laugh that the American left is still falling for propaganda generated by Russia which is designed to weaken the current administration.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

No it also benefits the rich in the U.S. because like in Russia they are then able to act above the law.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

Your conclusion does not follow from your incomplete argument.

We have meddled to keep people out of office that would create issues for their country (which would force us to step in) or that might international in nature.

Meddling = Influencing.

Nothing wrong with that.

The swift boaters "meddled" just like we all do anytime we do something to influence an election.
So tell me, Nat...when Barack Obama meddled in Israel's elections...was that to stop the spread of communism? was an attempt to stop further apartheid and mass displacement (and killings) of Palestinians.

Find a grown up to explain it to you further.

It was an attempt to force our values on another country.

Pure and simple.

Nothing altruistic about it.
So tell me, Nat...when Barack Obama meddled in Israel's elections...was that to stop the spread of communism? was an attempt to stop further apartheid and mass displacement (and killings) of Palestinians.

Find a grown up to explain it to you further.
How about when Obama destabilized Egypt, Libya and Syria?

Just what I was thinking.

And look what it brought us.

And the left was happy to say "so sue us".

But when it comes home....well...welll....we can't have that !!!!
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.
There is nothing illegal about meddling or "collusion" at or above a specific level of activities.

Otherwise, every campaign strategy meeting is collusion.
There is nothing illegal about meddling or "collusion" at or above a specific level of activities.

Otherwise, every campaign strategy meeting is collusion.

What? It is illegal to get help from a foreign government in the Presidential election.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.
There is nothing illegal about meddling or "collusion" at or above a specific level of activities.

Otherwise, every campaign strategy meeting is collusion.

What? It is illegal to get help from a foreign government in the Presidential election.

Even politifact says "it might be".. It has never been established.

Go ahead and have at it. If anything ever goes to trial, you'll lost it big time.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

You forgot to include O meddling in israel elections. Who knew that israel was a bastion of communism.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.

Sorry, you are just fishing.

But you keep wasting your time.

Nobody needed to be psychic to know what polls were saying.

The fact is that is that Hillary lost in big election that should have been easy slam dunk.

However, even I could tell she was not going where she needed to go....given her negatives.

Russia gets the blame for you morons fucking up an easy election.....and costing yourselves for several cycles to come.
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. has meddled in foreign elections, mostly to stifle the spread of communism (e.g. Italy, Spain, Chile, etc.,) and to also benefit western economic interests (e.g. Iran.)

But, what does that really tell us?

Simple answer is that we meddled NOT to ultimately and altruistically "benefit" the foreign country's interests, but to benefit OUR interests (and that of our allies.)

So, when reviewing Putin and Russia's meddling in our past (and probably, future) elections, what makes ANYONE think that such meddling does anything BUT benefit Russia???

.....and if one reaches the same conclusion, should we wonder how helping to elect Trump is tantamount as helping Russia???

So much for MAGA hats.....

It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.

Sorry, you are just fishing.

But you keep wasting your time.

Nobody needed to be psychic to know what polls were saying.

The fact is that is that Hillary lost in big election that should have been easy slam dunk.

However, even I could tell she was not going where she needed to go....given her negatives.

Russia gets the blame for you morons fucking up an easy election.....and costing yourselves for several cycles to come.

I'm not fishing. I watch news and pay attention which most Trump supporters don't. I watched an interview with one of Trump's top campaign aids and him admit exactly what I just said.
It's been concluded that Russia's meddling was a failure and had no effect on the outcome. Trump was ultimately successful because of the campaign Hillary ran and most likely a lot of people just didn't want to see a second Clinton. Russia has meddled in our elections every going back many years, so what makes this time so special? The Obama administration new about their hacking and meddling well before, but it was going to just be a no issue because they knew Hillary would win. If you remember, everyone was sure it would be Hillary, right up until the moment she lost...... even though they already knew Russians were interfering in our election.

Difference here is the moment she lost everyone in New York, Hollywood and the DNC decided they had to do whatever they could to get Trump out of office, they were all so sure the American people made a mistake.

Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.

Sorry, you are just fishing.

But you keep wasting your time.

Nobody needed to be psychic to know what polls were saying.

The fact is that is that Hillary lost in big election that should have been easy slam dunk.

However, even I could tell she was not going where she needed to go....given her negatives.

Russia gets the blame for you morons fucking up an easy election.....and costing yourselves for several cycles to come.

I'm not fishing. I watch news and pay attention which most Trump supporters don't. I watched an interview with one of Trump's top campaign aids and him admit exactly what I just said.

Then take him to court.

You thought Citizens United killed elections.......just wait.
Concluded by whom?

There is no way to know if any votes were affected or not, and how many it could have been. The troll farm and release of the hacked emails could have made some Bernie Sanders supporters that would have voted for Clinton, to either not vote, vote for Jill Stein, or vote for Trump out of revenge for what Clinton and the DNC did to Sanders.

The Russians also hacked and got the information of millions of voters in different states. We have no idea of knowing if they changed any of that information to the point that when someone went to vote their information didn't match up and it basically caused voter suppression because those people couldn't vote. There are all kinds of scenarios that could have changed who could vote, who they voted for, or if the voted at all, that didn't actually involve hacking in and changing the final vote totals.


If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.

Sorry, you are just fishing.

But you keep wasting your time.

Nobody needed to be psychic to know what polls were saying.

The fact is that is that Hillary lost in big election that should have been easy slam dunk.

However, even I could tell she was not going where she needed to go....given her negatives.

Russia gets the blame for you morons fucking up an easy election.....and costing yourselves for several cycles to come.

I'm not fishing. I watch news and pay attention which most Trump supporters don't. I watched an interview with one of Trump's top campaign aids and him admit exactly what I just said.

Then take him to court.

You thought Citizens United killed elections.......just wait.

I won't have to. There are plenty of governors or state AGs that will do it.

If you are going to hack and election, you don't let the outcome depend on 70,000 voters in one state. Pure and simple.

Letting Bernie voters know what Clinton did is not Russia's problem. It was Clinton's. They knew what they did.

They should be grateful Bernie's people didn't hang Debbie Wazzerbutt Smutz.

There is one specific thing to show how wrong you are. Trump's campaign team pulled ad money from some of what is normally "battleground" states, and instead put that money into states that Republicans usually have nothing to worry about. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they are psychic.

I didn't like what the DNC and Clinton did to Bernie one bit, but working with a foreign government, and an enemy of the state in Asange in order to get help to win the election is worse than what the DNC and Clinton did, and it is illegal.

If you have 2,000 pot plants in your house, and a cop doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search it, and they walk in and find it, guess what? You were wrong and breaking the law, but that evidence can't be used, and without it they won't have a case. Same thing applies with the emails. It doesn't matter if they were wrong, they were obtained illegally, and Trump and his campaign worked with Russia and Asange to use them to their benefit.

Sorry, you are just fishing.

But you keep wasting your time.

Nobody needed to be psychic to know what polls were saying.

The fact is that is that Hillary lost in big election that should have been easy slam dunk.

However, even I could tell she was not going where she needed to go....given her negatives.

Russia gets the blame for you morons fucking up an easy election.....and costing yourselves for several cycles to come.

I'm not fishing. I watch news and pay attention which most Trump supporters don't. I watched an interview with one of Trump's top campaign aids and him admit exactly what I just said.

Then take him to court.

You thought Citizens United killed elections.......just wait.

I won't have to. There are plenty of governors or state AGs that will do it.

That's even better....for corporations and foriegn countries.

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