Yes, Non-Citizens are Voting and the Left Wants it This Way


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
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Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers voters.......
This is an endemic, systemic, epidemic. It's every-fucking-where. :slap:
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers voters.......
This is an endemic, systemic, epidemic. It's every-fucking-where. :slap:
And it has been dominated by grey haired widows at the registration sign in table...when you vote..I wonder what they did to strong arm their whey into that power position?
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
I live by the NW corner....Mizzouri is very demanding to make you prove citizenship every time you get a drivers license,even for renewal.. if not a citizen you better have you papers in line....and if you not be a citizen you no get to vote...If they are voting it would be possible with a fake ID...
I've never seen no blacks or Hispanic voting...It all been a blur of snow for the last 14 years..
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
I live by the NW corner....Mizzouri is very demanding to make you prove citizenship every time you get a drivers license,even for renewal.. if not a citizen you better have you papers in line....
I lived in Salem and did auctions in the southern half. A REAL different world down there. Anything south of Shannon county is WAY backward.
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
I live by the NW corner....Mizzouri is very demanding to make you prove citizenship every time you get a drivers license,even for renewal.. if not a citizen you better have you papers in line....
I lived in Salem and did auctions in the southern half. A REAL different world down there. Anything south of Shannon county is WAY backward.
Mass or Oregone....
Whooa there nelly....
"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
I live by the NW corner....Mizzouri is very demanding to make you prove citizenship every time you get a drivers license,even for renewal.. if not a citizen you better have you papers in line....
I lived in Salem and did auctions in the southern half. A REAL different world down there. Anything south of Shannon county is WAY backward.
Mass or Oregone....
I was looking at Josephine county Oregon for my next place. The ENTIRE county went broke about two years ago. Home prices are in the toilet.
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.
Well yeah. That's their preferred way of cheating. The Republicans have gerrymandering and hiring hackers for the voting machines. It's only natural that the Democrats' methods would be people-focused. ;)
This is just another black garbage propaganda to tarnish democrat. The link provided could be a republican that trying to sabotage just about anything against democrat.
I don't believe any of this garbage because you have to provide ID.
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.

OK. Since you think there are so many drivers licenses and such issued to or stolen by illegals, they are no longer valid for voter ID, What exactly do you propose?[/QUOTE]
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.

The courts have already upheld these scams as legal so there is nothing the states can do about it. However, there is nothing wrong with periodically clearing the voter roles completely. I'm talking a complete wipe which will force people to re register every few years. This should remove any dead citizens and false citizens from the roles. It should also make the people who are perpetrating this scam work harder every election.
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.

The courts have already upheld these scams as legal so there is nothing the states can do about it. However, there is nothing wrong with periodically clearing the voter roles completely. I'm talking a complete wipe which will force people to re register every few years. This should remove any dead citizens and false citizens from the roles. It should also make the people who are perpetrating this scam work harder every election.

I agree with that, but states have been fought when they have tried anything. I think the entire country should wipe out all registrations currently on the rolls. Then we should prove citizenship when we register. Libs would hate that and we'd get the usual excuses. Minorities are too stupid to have any kind of documentation, blah blah.
Whooa there nelly....
It is the local community that registers be registered you must provide certain ID or documentation. At least in Mizzouri..You have to prove citizenship...
You go down to the 'boot heel" in Misery or the Tyson plants and check those areas out.
I live by the NW corner....Mizzouri is very demanding to make you prove citizenship every time you get a drivers license,even for renewal.. if not a citizen you better have you papers in line....
I lived in Salem and did auctions in the southern half. A REAL different world down there. Anything south of Shannon county is WAY backward.
Mass or Oregone....
I was looking at Josephine county Oregon for my next place. The ENTIRE county went broke about two years ago. Home prices are in the toilet.
That's the time to buy....
It is impossible for states to determine how many illegal voters are casting ballots each election because government agencies fight them when they try to update voter rolls to ensure that only citizens receive a ballot. Of course, Dems won't stop it because they believe it benefits them. All states want to do is keep voter rolls current and they want to check registered voters with a list of illegal aliens to ensure they are removed. Just why would Dems have a problem with that? They'd rather roll their eyes every time someone expresses concern over illegal aliens heading to the polls. They claim just because millions are registered to vote doesn't mean they actually vote. They say this knowing full damn well that there is currently no way for states to verify the identity of voters and they want to keep it that way. Liberals claim that our voting system is free from corruption despite the fact that voters can't be verified as citizens. States give licenses to illegals and many have stolen or fake IDs. Many were able to vote using those IDs, by their own admission. Only a small percent were turned away. Whether it's a state-issued ID or fake one, it doesn't matter. They are non-citizens and they have no business voting in any of our elections. And the left goes out of their way to prevent states from catching illegal voters. Libs, stop the bullshit that illegals don't vote. Too many of them do and it is enough to affect the outcome of elections.

The only cheaters who get caught are legal citizens who are stupid enough to vote twice. That is a tiny percent and doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to the real cheaters.

"Noncitizens are registering to vote and at best, it seems the federal government’s officials don’t care about this illegal activity.

At worst, it raises questions about whether some in Washington support illegal voting, so long as it supports their political agenda.

The exact number of noncitizens who are voting in our elections is difficult to quantify because of the bureaucratic quagmire perpetuated by federal agencies against the (very few) states that have the resolve to attempt to verify citizenship.

Federal agencies responsible for immigration and naturalization routinely fight efforts to compare voter rolls with lists of known noncitizens."

How many illegals vote? A study that didn't distinguish between illegal aliens and aliens who are here legally shows that it's about 6.4%. Just with the illegal alien population, which is at least 11 million, would mean 700,000 votes. If you are including all non-citizens, that number goes much higher.

The courts have already upheld these scams as legal so there is nothing the states can do about it. However, there is nothing wrong with periodically clearing the voter roles completely. I'm talking a complete wipe which will force people to re register every few years. This should remove any dead citizens and false citizens from the roles. It should also make the people who are perpetrating this scam work harder every election.

I agree with that, but states have been fought when they have tried anything. I think the entire country should wipe out all registrations currently on the rolls. Then we should prove citizenship when we register. Libs would hate that and we'd get the usual excuses. Minorities are too stupid to have any kind of documentation, blah blah.
You think that a total purge will do something that is not already in place? You are welcome to run for office and change it..
Do you have a SWAG number how many driver license stolen? Illegals that stole any kind of ID are used for criminal activities. Last thing they want to do is register to vote. High numbers of legal hispanic people don't care to vote let alone illegals.
Just an example: I'm an illegal, I will register to vote with my fake ID so I can get more benefits from democrat. Or I will register with my fake ID so I exposed myself and get caught. Very high number of illegals are stupid and uneducated. Do you think they even understand where and how to vote?
Does this make sense?
This is just another black garbage propaganda to tarnish democrat. The link provided could be a republican that trying to sabotage just about anything against democrat.
I don't believe any of this garbage because you have to provide ID.

And we hear from the ESL wing of the party, good job.
This is just another black garbage propaganda to tarnish democrat. The link provided could be a republican that trying to sabotage just about anything against democrat.
I don't believe any of this garbage because you have to provide ID.

And we hear from the ESL wing of the party, good job.
You should be used to it now, my kids wanted to learn Spanich(I have an accent) on the Rosetta stone PC version and that way he knows what they are saying about him at school..

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