Yes or No: Is a "deal" with Iran worth the paper it is written on?

Yes or No

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No, but watch. The liberal hacks on this forum will defend Iran, no matter what, because Obama defends them, no matter what. They are willing to put the world at risk to support the POS in the W.H.

Um, the majority of Jews are liberals.
This might be a new low.
And goes to show that Obamabots will say anything to defend him, no matter how mind blowingly dumb that might be.
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?
Based on what? Their support for terrorist organizations? Their constant denial that they are developing nuclear weapons? Their open desire to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth? Their lack of remorse for the hostages they took back in the 70's?
What have they done recently that gives you reason to consider them trustworthy?
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?
Based on what? Their support for terrorist organizations? Their constant denial that they are developing nuclear weapons? Their open desire to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth? Their lack of remorse for the hostages they took back in the 70's?
What have they done recently that gives you reason to consider them trustworthy?

They have never started a war or did a coup in another country. The US should be ashamed of itself for what they did in Iran along with the Brits.
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?
Based on what? Their support for terrorist organizations? Their constant denial that they are developing nuclear weapons? Their open desire to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth? Their lack of remorse for the hostages they took back in the 70's?
What have they done recently that gives you reason to consider them trustworthy?

They have never started a war or did a coup in another country. The US should be ashamed of itself for what they did in Iran along with the Brits.
So that makes them trustworthy? So if a man robs a house, you can trust him to watch your child because...well...he has never been involved in child abuse?
"Is a "deal" with Iran worth the paper it is written on?"

Not according to the Republicans.

Used to be, the word of the US was sacred. The Republicans have changed that.

IOW, you're sad that the Republicans are warning the Holocaust-denying, terrorist-backing Iranian mullahs that they will try to nullify any dangerous, idiotic, naive deal that Obama makes with them?

I say, Thank God someone in our government is willing to stand up and speak the truth about the folly, stupidity, and danger of the nuke deal that Obama has outlined.

Seriously, I get the feeling that some/most of the liberals on this board would abandon their belief in a round Earth if Obama announced that the Earth were flat. I've rarely seen such blind, unthinking allegiance.
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?
Based on what? Their support for terrorist organizations? Their constant denial that they are developing nuclear weapons? Their open desire to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth? Their lack of remorse for the hostages they took back in the 70's?
What have they done recently that gives you reason to consider them trustworthy?

They have never started a war or did a coup in another country. The US should be ashamed of itself for what they did in Iran along with the Brits.
by the way...a country taking over another country is not "doing a coup" as you so eloquently referred to it as.
Its considered occupation and seizure of land.
Has Iran ever broken a treaty they've signed?

What Obama is negotiating is not a treaty. A treaty requires approval of the Senate, and he has already said the Congress does not matter to him as long as he has a pen and a phone.
Congress made themselves not matter. Fuck 'em.

According to you, but in the real world a treaty would have to be ratified by the Congress.
If it's a treaty, but it doesn't have to be now does it?
Democrats have absolute trust in the Iranian mullahs.

Democrats don't believe Iran when the people chant death to America. The mullahs aren't believed when the say the islamic flag will fly over the white house. That they don't believe.
Has Iran ever broken a treaty they've signed?

What Obama is negotiating is not a treaty. A treaty requires approval of the Senate, and he has already said the Congress does not matter to him as long as he has a pen and a phone.
Congress made themselves not matter. Fuck 'em.

"not matter" because they don't agree with who you agree it
Not matter because they can't do shit, and stand for even less.
They know that the whole world is watching, especially Israel.

The whole world watches them consistently lie and support terrorism too.
So, in your opinion, by voting yes, you believe Iran shows trustworthiness?
Based on what? Their support for terrorist organizations? Their constant denial that they are developing nuclear weapons? Their open desire to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth? Their lack of remorse for the hostages they took back in the 70's?
What have they done recently that gives you reason to consider them trustworthy?

They have never started a war or did a coup in another country. The US should be ashamed of itself for what they did in Iran along with the Brits.

mm mmm - and Iran has a long, illustrious human rights record...they are a shining beacon to peace lovers everywhere. Women especially.
Has Iran ever broken a treaty they've signed?

What Obama is negotiating is not a treaty. A treaty requires approval of the Senate, and he has already said the Congress does not matter to him as long as he has a pen and a phone.
Congress made themselves not matter. Fuck 'em.

"not matter" because they don't agree with who you agree it
Not matter because they can't do shit, and stand for even less.

So you support America returning to monarchical rule. Unless you disagree with the ruler, of course. Got that too.
Has Iran ever broken a treaty they've signed?

What Obama is negotiating is not a treaty. A treaty requires approval of the Senate, and he has already said the Congress does not matter to him as long as he has a pen and a phone.
Congress made themselves not matter. Fuck 'em.

"not matter" because they don't agree with who you agree it
Not matter because they can't do shit, and stand for even less.

So you support America returning to monarchical rule. Unless you disagree with the ruler, of course. Got that too.
I support it being run as it was founded, by the elites not the rabble.

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