Yes or No - Should Govt Be Able To Deny Gun Owners Right To Adopt?

When you take state money to manage kids, you have to follow their rules, but you took the dough you know.....just like your employer can severely limit your 2nd amendment rights...

Except you don't get state money when you adopt, that's what the thread is about. Reading is fundamental.
They have foster kid in their care...they are trying to adopt, and in the meantime, they are foster parents.....Am I going slow enough? They get money from the state as a foster parent..........get this guy some corks, why the brains is running out his ears...............
Do gay couples have a right to adopt children?

Is that a yes or a no?

It's a question. Answer it.

You didn't answer mine.

True, but your answer to my question will demonstrate what a colossal hypocrite you are.

You really are a sad little man.

Why is that, because I despise hypocrites and liars?
The case is about foster care. Foster care is essentially a contracted service for a fee. I'd speculate that firearm restrictions on someone contracting their services as foster parents would be at least more allowable than on a private family, including a family adopting a child.

See if any of you can figure out what I'm trying to say, lol.
You still haven't said whether you believe adoption is a right or not.
This isn't a simple 'yes' or 'no' question. While there is a Constitutional right to own firearms, there is no Constitutional right to adopt children. As long as mere possession of firearms isn't a disqualifier, state authorities do have the obligation to make sure the children they place aren't put into a dangerous situation. Therefore, questions about how weapons are stored and used seem prudent and appropriate.

Only when they put the same requirement on every parent in the State. Otherwise they are violating the 14th amendment equal protection.

Oh my, a RW'er who finally understands marriage equality as well as the obligation of bakeries to make cakes for gay couples.

You're assuming facts not in evidence. BTW the commerce clause doesn't override the 1st amendment.

Religion cannot be used to deprive others of protected rights. Case after case has proven that.

Yeah, that's what the corrupt courts keep saying, doesn't make them right. There's a reason freedom to exercise ones religion was in the 1st Amendment. BTW you have no constitutional right to force me to associate with you.

You can't let every individual make up his own set of laws contrary to the law of the land just by claiming it's his religion. If that were the case then Sharia Law would have constitutional protection were a local government to choose to impose it.
No, hell no!

There are a lot of reasons why people should not be abel to adopt children, but owning a gun is not one of them
No, hell no! There are a lot of reasons why people should not be allowed to adopt children, but owning a gun is not one of them.

In most cases, in order to legally possess a weapon one must have passed a background check which makes them a better risk than someone who had not passed such a test. Of course I could be wrong. I was wrong once back in the 1970s. That's when I thought I was wrong when I wasn't.
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

Well no one has the 'right to adopt'.
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

And 'denying the right to adopt' comes down to the foster parents being required to follow certain gun safety rules

or complete a form called the Foster Family Firearms Arrangement. That document requires a list of all guns and ammunition in the home and locations where they are stored. Would-be foster parents also must certify the guns have trigger locks and are stored unloaded, separate from ammunition and in locked containers accessible only with a key kept off the premises or on the owner’s person.

I understand the concern about the safety of the adoptive children- certainly there are enough gun accidents and gun suicides of teens to make it reasonable- BUT- does the state also have rules regarding for example- the safe keeping of potentially dangerous medication?
When you take state money to manage kids, you have to follow their rules, but you took the dough you know.....just like your employer can severely limit your 2nd amendment rights...

Except you don't get state money when you adopt, that's what the thread is about. Reading is fundamental.
They have foster kid in their care...they are trying to adopt, and in the meantime, they are foster parents.....Am I going slow enough? They get money from the state as a foster parent..........get this guy some corks, why the brains is running out his ears...............

If I read the link right this issue didn't come up until they tried to adopt.
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

Explain how they are "surrendering" their 2nd Amendment Rights?
According the the article:

Prospective Illinois foster parents must either certify that there are no firearms in their home or complete a form called the Foster Family Firearms Arrangement. That document requires a list of all guns and ammunition in the home and locations where they are stored. Would-be foster parents also must certify the guns have trigger locks and are stored unloaded, separate from ammunition and in locked containers accessible only with a key kept off the premises or on the owner’s person.

This is what the gun rights / gun safety argument always comes down to… filling out a form.
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

Is adoption a right?

Adoption is, but healthcare and college are not.
Only when they put the same requirement on every parent in the State. Otherwise they are violating the 14th amendment equal protection.

Oh my, a RW'er who finally understands marriage equality as well as the obligation of bakeries to make cakes for gay couples.

You're assuming facts not in evidence. BTW the commerce clause doesn't override the 1st amendment.

Religion cannot be used to deprive others of protected rights. Case after case has proven that.

Yeah, that's what the corrupt courts keep saying, doesn't make them right. There's a reason freedom to exercise ones religion was in the 1st Amendment. BTW you have no constitutional right to force me to associate with you.

You can't let every individual make up his own set of laws contrary to the law of the land just by claiming it's his religion. If that were the case then Sharia Law would have constitutional protection were a local government to choose to impose it.

I'm sorry you're too ignorant to recognize the difference between an individual exercising their religious conscience and a government imposition of religious law. Why do you regressive default to the absurd when you start losing an argument?
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

Explain how they are "surrendering" their 2nd Amendment Rights?

You have a right to defend yourself and your family with a firearm, how do you do that with the restrictions placed on these families? Do you think the bad guys are going to wait while you unlock you gun and go to a separate place and unlock your ammo? You regressives really are stupid.
Let's see if we can keep the responses 'short and sweet'......


Illinois gun restrictions unfairly target foster parents, lawsuit claims | Fox News

"Kenneth and Colleen Shults want to permanently welcome a foster child into their Fairmount, Ill., family, but claim in a federal suit filed this week they are being forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to do it."


I am not even saying the law suit is right, that owning a gun is THE reason they are being 'denied'. Just interested in the question / idea... Yes of no?

Well no one has the 'right to adopt'.
That includes homosexuals.

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