Yes, Republicans really did re-elect Mark Sanford!!! Forfeits all "values"

Bucs you're a moron. I didnt forfeit shit. I don't even live there. You forfeit when you ditched the cause and started whining all the time. POS fraud
Values? They haven't had values since Eisenhower.

lol. Now Boehner (R) has this guy to deal with on his side of the aisle TOO?!!! :lol:

You are going to LOL about a simple case of infidelity when a democrat congressional delegation marched to the Capital building in support of a sleaze bag president who looked America in the eye and said "I never had sex with that woman"? Barney Frank's boyfriend running a male prostitution ring from the congressman's apartment? Garry Studds gets a standing "O" from democrats after he raped a male congressional page? The "values" card is just a sour grapes ploy to cover for the realization that Hussein was on the ballot and he lost big time.
It's the democrats worst nightmare. The obama regime is so bad and so destructive that republicans will set aside ideals of perfection just to dump the lot of them.

Yup, this country is going to hell before our eyes.. its preschool time now.. Democrats wanted it. well you got it.
Values? They haven't had values since Eisenhower.

lol. Now Boehner (R) has this guy to deal with on his side of the aisle TOO?!!! :lol:

You are going to LOL about a simple case of infidelity when a democrat congressional delegation marched to the Capital building in support of a sleaze bag president who looked America in the eye and said "I never had sex with that woman"? Barney Frank's boyfriend running a male prostitution ring from the congressman's apartment? Garry Studds gets a standing "O" from democrats after he raped a male congressional page? The "values" card is just a sour grapes ploy to cover for the realization that Hussein was on the ballot and he lost big time.

Sorry. Your Republican buds in SC just took the moral high ground away from you. :lol:
know those people who think the War of Southern Rebellion never ended? I've met a few. Having a proud African American President pisses them off to no end!!! :lol: South Carolina is the epicenter of that movement. :tinfoil:
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!

This the face of the democratic party....


Here are a few other who have made honest mistakes:

William Jefferson
Rod Blagojevich
James Traficant
Ted Kennedy/Chappaquiddick
Patrick Kennedy (like father like son)
Charles Keating S&L
John Edwards
Elliot Spitzer (You can find him on MSNBC)

As you can see the republican have not cornered the market of sleeze.
So, what you guys are saying is that both parties picked the worst fucking people they could find, just to see if idiotic american voters would still come out and vote for them. Guess they were right.

Americans will vote for any ass-hat that the two parties can drag out of the gutter. And we wonder why this country is so fucked up. You guys would rather kill the country voting for one of the major parties instead of (GASP!) voting third party.

Both republicans and democrats can shut the fuck up and reap what they've sown.
So, what you guys are saying is that both parties picked the worst fucking people they could find, just to see if idiotic american voters would still come out and vote for them. Guess they were right.

Americans will vote for any ass-hat that the two parties can drag out of the gutter. And we wonder why this country is so fucked up. You guys would rather kill the country voting for one of the major parties instead of (GASP!) voting third party.

Both republicans and democrats can shut the fuck up and reap what they've sown.

While I do agree with you, this was not the case for this election. I voted, and on the ballot was Sanford (R), Busch (D), and Platt (Green). Those were our choices. There was not an Independent party member running, and Eugene Platt is a freakin moron. What is despicable is the fact that those 3 were the best the political system had to's quite shameful..
Sour grapes much?

I guess you all are beginning to dust off your excuses to use when you don't win the House back.

Do not think that Sanford winning points to Republicans doing well in 2014. I'm pretty certain Republicans will lose more seats in the House in 2014 but will hold their majority.
They won't lose that until 2016 when Hillary wins easily and everything goes Dem.
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!

The people he lied to reelected him, despite the fact that I pointed out why he shouldn't even be running. Now you can pretend to be morally superior by pretending that Republicans, who gave him no support at all, are to blame for this, even though you ignore the fact that Democrats supported a guy that was actually under investigation, and plead guilty, to an actual crime.
It's the democrats worst nightmare. The obama regime is so bad and so destructive that republicans will set aside ideals of perfection just to dump the lot of them.

Yup, this country is going to hell before our eyes.. its preschool time now.. Democrats wanted it. well you got it.

last generation failed raising this generation. They taught this generation to be a selfish, stupid, short sighted little brat.

Now they want big government and can't keep their cocks in their pants.
ok, here's the deal. you are given a choice between a disgraced politician and a democrat. of course you are going to go with the lesser of two evils and elect the disgraced politician. at least your rights won't be in jeopardy. at least you won't be taxed to death. liberals need to face up to the fact that their crusade on the 2nd amendment is going to kill them
ok, here's the deal. you are given a choice between a disgraced politician and a democrat. of course you are going to go with the lesser of two evils and elect the disgraced politician. at least your rights won't be in jeopardy. at least you won't be taxed to death. liberals need to face up to the fact that their crusade on the 2nd amendment is going to kill them

You say that as is republicans care about your rights.

If the choice is between a lesser of two evils I simply won't vote. My vote is sacred and will not just be given to whoever is less of a retard. A politician has to earn my vote, they don't get it by default of having an R or a D next to their name.
ok, here's the deal. you are given a choice between a disgraced politician and a democrat. of course you are going to go with the lesser of two evils and elect the disgraced politician. at least your rights won't be in jeopardy. at least you won't be taxed to death. liberals need to face up to the fact that their crusade on the 2nd amendment is going to kill them

You say that as is republicans care about your rights.

If the choice is between a lesser of two evils I simply won't vote. My vote is sacred and will not just be given to whoever is less of a retard. A politician has to earn my vote, they don't get it by default of having an R or a D next to their name.

I guess you wont vote much
When it comes to the Republicans, principles and values are just something to beat the other guy with, don't try and make them stick to them.
Seriously, and you would contrast that with what. Democrat values? Stop being stupid, take at least a day off.

I wasn't comparing the to Democratic values. I was calling them out on their hypocrisy. Meathead, how appropriate!!! :lol:
ok, here's the deal. you are given a choice between a disgraced politician and a democrat. of course you are going to go with the lesser of two evils and elect the disgraced politician. at least your rights won't be in jeopardy. at least you won't be taxed to death. liberals need to face up to the fact that their crusade on the 2nd amendment is going to kill them

You say that as is republicans care about your rights.

If the choice is between a lesser of two evils I simply won't vote. My vote is sacred and will not just be given to whoever is less of a retard. A politician has to earn my vote, they don't get it by default of having an R or a D next to their name.

Have you ever considered voting Independent?
Well Hell.

I seem to remember the folks in DC re-electing M Barry. Say didn't spend time in jail??
When it comes to the Republicans, principles and values are just something to beat the other guy with, don't try and make them stick to them.
Seriously, and you would contrast that with what. Democrat values? Stop being stupid, take at least a day off.

I wasn't comparing the to Democratic values. I was calling them out on their hypocrisy. Meathead, how appropriate!!! :lol:

Actually, you couldn't compare values, mythical beliefs, maybe. Sounds more like whining than calling anyone out. We get it though, Republicans can't do anything right, Democrats can't do anything wrong. Spin, spin, spin. :cuckoo:
It's south carolina. They could run a eugenic supporting Koran burning inbred moron with a civil war beard and win.

Unfortunately they may try this in other states too.

hopefully they do. It is about time they came out from behind their new clean sheets

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