Yes, Republicans really did re-elect Mark Sanford!!! Forfeits all "values"

It's south carolina. They could run a eugenic supporting Koran burning inbred moron with a civil war beard and win.

Unfortunately they may try this in other states too.

Seriously, and you would contrast that with what. Democrat values? Stop being stupid, take at least a day off.

I wasn't comparing the to Democratic values. I was calling them out on their hypocrisy. Meathead, how appropriate!!! :lol:

Actually, you couldn't compare values, mythical beliefs, maybe. Sounds more like whining than calling anyone out. We get it though, Republicans can't do anything right, Democrats can't do anything wrong. Spin, spin, spin. :cuckoo:

What a bunch of bullshit. Showing how screwed the GOP is is not dependent on defending the DNC. The DNC does wrong, but the GOP of today is in a class of it's very own when it comes to being screwed up:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:
The fact that the left is whining about someone NOT adhering to traditional family values is a chuckle at the very least, a side-splitting episode of "World's Dumbest..." at the most. Perhaps you would do well to remember that the right is probably relying on their Christian values to guide them. I realize how foreign these values might be to some of you, but let's review shall we?

Mark Sanford did what he did. There's no denying that what-so-ever. What he did was morally reprehensible and disgusting and as a man, a father and a former husband (my wife passed away), I can tell you that I have nothing but disgust for his actions. You see it takes a real man to stay faithful to your values and your family. What Mark Sanford did was as low-life as it gets.

But Mark Sanford did what Anthony Weiner did. He went before the people of South Carolina, like Weiner did before the people of New York and they asked for forgiveness for their short-comings. I do NOT like Weiner. I don't like him one bit because of his politics. BUT, if he has asked for forgiveness then who am I to deny that to another man for moral short comings? If they broke the law as well, then there are three entities to make it right with since they were public figures. The citizens they serve, the state and God. Since they didn't break the law, then they only have God and the citizens to ask forgiveness from. If I was a citizen of New York I would have to forgive Mr. Weiner as well. Why? Because if I have a moral short coming at some time (we all do) and was in a public office, then I would hope I could be forgiven as well. It's really not that hard.

But of course this is all foreign to the left. You hate Sanford because he's a Republican. You don't care one whit about what he did. You don't judge Democrats the same because, well they hold the same beliefs and since the left holds "traditional family values" in contempt then they do not apply them to members of the left. Only republicans, or conservatives...

You're so predictable...
The party of family values? The same people who supported Larry Craig, Rush Limbaugh, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich... How long can I go on?
Come on, Criminal Records and Scandals appear to be a part of Congress
In the 235 years of the United States of America, there have been 115 members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives involved in reported scandals. There were only four (4) in the first 100 years. There were 28 in the second 100 years. There have been 83 in the last 35 years. That's 72% in the last 35 years! And most of the corruption is never discovered or reported.

115 U.S. Congress Members involved in Scandals and Corruption

Every member of Congress ignored the rampant corruption in the federal judiciary and refused to sign a contract pledging honesty and support of our fundamental rights. (2011)
I can hear the Republican leadership sigh: At least it wasn't a dude.
The party of family values? The same people who supported Larry Craig, Rush Limbaugh, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich... How long can I go on?

should we make a list of all the dogs you Democrats support? oh but that's ok I guess they don't talk about Family Values so it doesn't matter..
you all STILL defend Billy boy Clinton for being a adulterer and him using a 20 something girl for blow jobs
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!

The Dems re-elect the big ZERO and now have Hillary in line as the followup act, and you are harping about Mark Sanford? LMAO!!! The hypocracy from the left never ends!
Well Hell.

I seem to remember the folks in DC re-electing M Barry. Say didn't spend time in jail??

and charlie rangle. remember how they defended anthony weiner, and bill clinton? and john edwards?

What about Charlie Rangel?

He's a bonafide American Hero. He makes John Wayne look like a pussy.

he's an idiot guilty of violating what he is the chairman of. now that takes stupidity
"Yes, Republicans really did re-elect Mark Sanford!!! Forfeits all "values"

Partisan hyperbole and pure nonsense.
The party of family values? The same people who supported Larry Craig, Rush Limbaugh, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich... How long can I go on?

should we make a list of all the dogs you Democrats support? oh but that's ok I guess they don't talk about Family Values so it doesn't matter..
you all STILL defend Billy boy Clinton for being a adulterer and him using a 20 something girl for blow jobs

She was an adult. And Monica even said she instigated it. So she really used him. Come on, wouldn't you have given Bush a turn if you had the opportunity?

Sanford is the perfect Republican.

He got caught lying, cheating, stealing, breaking into his ex-wife's home AND he preaches "family values" - he's frikken perfect.

Hell, if only they could clone him .......................................
Sanford is the perfect Republican.

He got caught lying, cheating, stealing, breaking into his ex-wife's home AND he preaches "family values" - he's frikken perfect.

Hell, if only they could clone him .......................................

So what about all the Dems and indi's that voted for him??
Only proves the Dem's don't have the corner on stupidity and lying. Another way of looking at it, possibly the better of the two worst candidates.
Only proves the Dem's don't have the corner on stupidity and lying. Another way of looking at it, possibly the better of the two worst candidates.

yeah, they could of picked the one who had a affair or the woman who is a jail bird with a record..

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