CDZ Yes...samantha bee needs to be fired, and any other left winger who does this....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Is this what conservatives want? No. Is this the new world created by left wingers? Yes. If Roseanne, a green party member who supported Trump has to lose her show, then the new rules say samantha bee and the other left wingers who have called Republicans all sorts of disgusting names have to go too......

No, Samantha Bee Does Not Get to Apologize and Keep Her Show

Kurt Schlichter famously penned an essay a while back called "Liberals are Shocked to Find We're Starting to Hate Them Right Back," where he described with perfect clarity the state of American politics. He decried the coming gutter battles while admitting we have no other choice but to get into them and roll around with the Left.

This isn’t a good thing. This is nothing to be proud of. We should not be happy that our society is heading toward the lowest common denominator, which itself is in freefall. But the alternative is worse. Should we allow ourselves to continue to be figuratively and literally beaten up while smiling at our own purity, secure in the knowledge that even though our dignity and freedom are stripped from us, we have not fought back? Not happening. Letting these bastards play by their own rules, and thereby crush us, seems a pretty high price to pay just to gain the approval of the smug and sanctimonious David Frums and John Kasichs of the world.

Roseanne isn't even a conservative! She's been a vocal Democrat or Green Party supporter her whole life, which probably explains why she felt free to tell jokes! Democrats and Green Partiers are usually not targeted for "hate speech" or "racism." Her only crime in their eyes was to support Trump in the last election and refuse to apologize for it. If she were "with Her" she could say any damned racist thing she wanted and they would give her awards and invite her to roast Trump at the White House Correspondents' Dinner!

Well, we expect to get into the gutter with these people and fight back now. It's time to give as good as we get. If they take one of ours, we take one of theirs until they are so tired and beaten down from this stupid game that they cry uncle. Only then will it be time to go back to allowing people to enjoy humor again so we can quit getting fake-offended at everything. As Ace of Spades noted:

We cannot have Two Americas where one America is speech-patrolled and scalp-hunted and lives in constant fear, and the other can do or say whatever they like and only suffer the consequence of having their arms weighed down by too many industry awards.

I really wouldn't have cared about Samantha Bee's stupidity if Roseanne's apology had meant something. But it didn't. So Bee doesn't get to apologize and keep her show either. That's not how these #NewRules work. The social justice warriors have set a precedent that if you offend them you deserve to lose your job, be bankrupted, thrown on the street, defamed and reviled forever. They've managed to get corporations to go along with this asinine theory of theirs.
Well the far left does not care about fairness..

They only care about such things when someone not part of their religion does it.

If it is all to be fair then yes Sam B should be fired.
Samantha Bee leveled a nasty insult at a political figure, but it wasn't racist. Roseanne's was.
It is certainly your right to ask for such a thing.

I admire your fortitude reading through all that verbiage to find out wtf he IS asking for. :dunno:

For me it's a tl;dr.

-- "any other 'left winger' who does" --- what? We'll never know.
I bet if some comedienne called obummer’s Daughter a c**t there would be outrage from the left demanding a resignation. Period.
Not if Obama's daughter was 36 years old and a member of Senior Staff.

I mean, it was a nasty thing to say, and as Bodecea said up above, you're certainly free to write TBS and demand that she be fired, but don't fool yourself into thinking they're the same thing.
I bet if some comedienne called obummer’s Daughter a c**t there would be outrage from the left demanding a resignation. Period.

You can bet on a speculation about an imaginary event all you like. There's no way you'll ever get paid off.
I bet if some comedienne called obummer’s Daughter a c**t there would be outrage from the left demanding a resignation. Period.

You can bet on a speculation about an imaginary event all you like. There's no way you'll ever get paid off.
Now, you know it’s the truth don’t ewe?

Eye no know such thing. Because it's a hypothet I call.

Be sides witch, eye don't bee leave in blank kit generalization.
I bet if some comedienne called obummer’s Daughter a c**t there would be outrage from the left demanding a resignation. Period.

You can bet on a speculation about an imaginary event all you like. There's no way you'll ever get paid off.
Now, you know it’s the truth don’t ewe?

Eye no know such thing. Because it's a hypothet I call.

Be sides witch, eye don't bee leave in blank kit generalization.
Ewe dew two.
I bet if some comedienne called obummer’s Daughter a c**t there would be outrage from the left demanding a resignation. Period.

You can bet on a speculation about an imaginary event all you like. There's no way you'll ever get paid off.
Now, you know it’s the truth don’t ewe?

Eye no know such thing. Because it's a hypothet I call.

Be sides witch, eye don't bee leave in blank kit generalization.
Ewe dew two.

Eye certain lea dew knot. Fined any where ire rote wan, aver.
Samantha Bee leveled a nasty insult at a political figure, but it wasn't racist. Roseanne's was.

It was still in bad taste; just as racism is at it's core.

She should be dismissed with prejudice, her show should never see the light of day again, and she should be blackballed from television.
People make mistakes--God knows I have.


People pay for them--God knows I have.
According to Kathy Griffin, Bee is the victim. She has been harassed, you see, and forced to apologize when she should be supported for her talent.


I say let the market decide. Oh yeah. That's what happened to Griffin, isn't it? Surely, that makes her a victim too.
Is this what conservatives want? No. Is this the new world created by left wingers? Yes. If Roseanne, a green party member who supported Trump has to lose her show, then the new rules say samantha bee and the other left wingers who have called Republicans all sorts of disgusting names have to go too......

Um. No.

Rosanne got fired because she made racist comments when she worked for a family friendly network. And because that network considered nearly 30 years of erratic behavior and realized that it wasn't going to get any better.

Samantha Bee used a bad word describing the hypocrisy of a member of the Trump Crime Family. The real offense here is the Trump Crime Family has kidnapped and lost 1500 kids.

Kurt Schlichter famously penned an essay a while back called "Liberals are Shocked to Find We're Starting to Hate Them Right Back," where he described with perfect clarity the state of American politics. He decried the coming gutter battles while admitting we have no other choice but to get into them and roll around with the Left.

Someone should tell Kurt Shitler that we know that hate is all your side has.

We've understood this for some time. Hate the darkies, hate the uppity feminists, hate the gays, hate the new Star Wars movie for a gay character who wasn't actually in the movie.
Then there's some people who write ugly things on their blogs. They don't have to apologize. They can say they've been hacked. If that story doesn't sell, they say they've EVOLVED.

Then there's some people who write ugly things on their blogs. They don't have to apologize. They can say they've been hacked. If that story doesn't sell, they say they've EVOLVED.

The whole country evolved on that issue. We went from George W. Stupid riding a wave of homophobia back into the White House in 2004 to having gay marriage for the whole country in 2014. That is quite an evolution.
Then there's some people who write ugly things on their blogs. They don't have to apologize. They can say they've been hacked. If that story doesn't sell, they say they've EVOLVED.

The whole country evolved on that issue. We went from George W. Stupid riding a wave of homophobia back into the White House in 2004 to having gay marriage for the whole country in 2014. That is quite an evolution.
Alas, the glory of gay marriage did not cause a sweeping tolerance in the hearts of leftists. :rolleyes-41:

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