Yes, Schumer Threatened SCOTUS Justices

Schumer is part of today’s assassination attempt on Kavanaugh.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said to a chorus of cheers. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

In a better day Schumer would be arrested and locked away.

Trump is under investigation for inciting the J6 protestors by telling them to go down there and peacefully let them know... and Schumer incites to murder and he walks?
I don't threaten. I use verbiage to lay down the boundaries, and make them public and visible. I'm not one who draws a lot of red lines in the sand if I warn you about something and you do it anyway, you're taking your life into your own hands.


Children are not bicycles. Bicycles are replaceable.

Who said anything about children. Did Schumer threatened Kavanaugh's children?

My job is to protect my family, and I will do so by any and all means available. That INCLUDES killing people who want to harm my children.

Are you aware of the topic of this thread? It has nothing to do with children...

Dude - I'm saying this openly in public, right? I'm taking a risk by doing so.

Wow, "dude", you're so... brave...

Reality is, we're going to need to get out of our comfort zones to address this issue.

I'm pretty much convinced you don't even know what "this issue" is.

If the neighbor's kid says to your kid "I'll kill you if you squirt me with that watergun", do you morph into tough-guy mode immediately and give the neighbor's kid a smack down to keep him from killing your kid?
Schumer is part of today’s assassination attempt on Kavanaugh.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said to a chorus of cheers. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

In a better day Schumer would be arrested and locked away.

No, I do not agree that Schumer had a hand in today's attempt.

Yes, I believe Schumer's remarks were irresponsible, and that he should be censured by the Senate for his un-American, vile misconduct in making such statements.

I wonder if he can be Expelled from the Senate?
No, I do not agree that Schumer had a hand in today's attempt.

Yes, I believe Schumer's remarks were irresponsible, and that he should be censured by the Senate for his un-American, vile misconduct in making such statements.

I wonder if he can be Expelled from the Senate?
He should be censored and lose his position.
You are the terrorists who were chanting to hang Mike Pernce.
the true terrorists are the radical leftist that killed looted and burned entire city blocks ! true terrorists are the radical leftists that firebombed a pro life center ! a true terrorist is the leftist who wanted to assassinate a siting Supreme Court Justice !
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Who said anything about children. Did Schumer threatened Kavanaugh's children?

Are you aware of the topic of this thread? It has nothing to do with children...

Wow, "dude", you're so... brave...

I'm pretty much convinced you don't even know what "this issue" is.

If the neighbor's kid says to your kid "I'll kill you if you squirt me with that watergun", do you morph into tough-guy mode immediately and give the neighbor's kid a smack down to keep him from killing your kid?
Hey - DUMBASS FUCKTARD - violence for political purposes is TERRORISM. Do you understand that?

I don't talk to terrorists, I SHOOT THEM. Dead. Right between the eyes.

On the other hand, violence in protection of one's own children is self defense. Do you understand THAT?

I will protect my family and property by any and all means available. I don't care if you mock it. Mock away. Just don't presume to test it.
As big a scumbag as I think he is, I don't believe that Schumer was calling for physical violence against anyone...
anyone with a brain should recognize what Schumer said was a veiled threat ... what do you think he meant when he said you will pay the price ? since SCJs hold lifelong positions what price could they possibly pay ?
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Hey - DUMBASS FUCKTARD - violence for political purposes is TERRORISM. Do you understand that?

I don't talk to terrorists, I SHOOT THEM. Dead. Right between the eyes.

On the other hand, violence in protection of one's own children is self defense. Do you understand THAT?

I will protect my family and property by any and all means available. I don't care if you mock it. Mock away. Just don't presume to test it.

You don't do shit. You're a cowardly little bitch.

This conversation is about what Chuck Schumer said about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. It has nothing to do with your children, you stupid fuck.

Now, fuck off...
anyone with a brain should recognize what Schumer said was a veiled threat ... what do you think he meant when he said you will pay the price ? since SCJs hold lifelong positions what price could they possibly pay ?

Well, Supreme Court Justices are subject to impeachment. I think it's far more likely that Schumer was referring to that than to physical violence...
is that why the left just blocked security for SCJs ? no ! the lefts wants threats of violence against justices to coerce them to rule for their side !
More to the point, the left (Schumer) would like to see a JOTSC assassinated so that the vegetable could name a justice.
is that why the left just blocked security for SCJs ? no ! the lefts wants threats of violence against justices to coerce them to rule for their side !

I'm sure that's a right-wing extremist talking point. The left, however, is also smart enough to know that the Justices won't fold...

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