Yes Sir, I am praying for Hugo Chavez to Die!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Apparently he has named a successor because his cancer has come back and is worse than ever! Hopefully the cancer eats away at him slowly. This man has done more damage to the Latin American world in the new 21st century than any other Latin American leader! He guises his evilness in a faux desire to help the little guy; however, in a country as rich in oil as Venezuela, it should not be the one of the worst off in the entire western hemisphere. However, under Chavez corrupt leadership it has gone from bad to one of the worst.

We should all pray this guy is dies and is forgotten to the pages of history!

Notice taking the reigns of the worst leader in the Latin American world is pretty bad when you consider the competition: Evo Morales of Bolivia, Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, Portia Simpson-Miller Prime Minister of Jamaica, Raul Castro of Cuba and Daniel Ortega President of Nicaragua!!!
Ol' Hugo got one foot inna grave...
Who is Nicolas Maduro, possible successor to Hugo Chávez?
December 9, 2012 - With his health declining, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez has urged his supporters to vote for his vice president if he becomes too ill to remain in office.
President Hugo Chávez has named Vice President Nicolas Maduro as the heir of his self-styled socialist revolution should cancer force him out of office. He urged Venezuelans to vote for Maduro in the event of a snap election. Here are some facts about Maduro:

* A former bus driver and trade unionist with Caracas public transport, the mustachioed Maduro, 50, has been foreign minister since 2006 and also was named vice president in October.

* As foreign minister, he has been a faithful ambassador of Chávez's views, including often radical critiques of global affairs from a hard left-wing stance.

* Maduro has won plaudits from foreign diplomats for his affable, easygoing manner. "He's the smoothest and least prickly of all the top Chávistas to deal with," one European envoy said.

* Maduro has been increasingly close to Chávez since his first cancer diagnosis in mid-2011, often at his side in Havana and giving brief updates to Venezuelans, although without giving away too many details of his boss's condition.

* Maduro's trade union background appeals to Chávez's working-class supporters and he is highly respected among the president's inner circle. Past polls have shown that opposition leader Henrique Capriles would beat him in an election but analysts say that could change in a new electoral scenario given that Maduro would have Chávez's blessing.


See also:

Hugo Chavez's heir tears up over cancer battle
Dec 10,`12 -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's cancer relapse and his sudden announcement that he will undergo a fourth cancer-related surgery in Cuba have thrown the country's future into question, and his designated political heir has begun trying to fill the void.
Underlining the gravity of the situation, Vice President Nicolas Maduro broke into tears on Monday at a political rally hours after Chavez flew to Havana. "Chavez has a nation, he has all of us, and he'll have all of us forever in this battle," said Maduro, who wiped away tears while speaking to supporters. "Even beyond this life, we're going to be loyal to Hugo Chavez." Maduro called for the president's supporters to rally behind his candidates in upcoming gubernatorial elections on Sunday, and he also inaugurated a new cable car system in a poor neighborhood. Maduro, who spoke passionately and wore the red of Chavez's socialist movement, seems set to take on a larger role as the president's chosen successor.

Chavez said for the first time on Saturday that if he suffers complications, Maduro should take over for him and should be elected president to continue his socialist movement. Analysts say Maduro faces monumental challenges in trying to stand in for his mentor and hold together the president's diverse "Chavismo" movement, while also coping with economic problems that are weighing on the government. Maduro may inherit political power, "but he definitely can't inherit the charisma" of Chavez, said Luis Vicente Leon, a pollster who heads the Venezuelan firm Datanalisis. He said that during his nearly 14 years in office Chavez has been the glue that has held together groups from radical leftists to moderates, as well as military factions.

Leon said it's unclear if Maduro has what it takes to hold the movement together if Chavez dies. "Internal divisions could make the revolution unstable in the future," Leon said. Political analyst Vladimir Villegas, who has known Maduro since his adolescence, said the vice president's experience years ago as a public transit union leader will probably help him in the difficult task of mediating between different groups of Chavez allies. Maduro is considered to belong to a radical leftist wing of Chavez's movement that is closely aligned with Cuba's communist government. But Villegas said he thinks Maduro will know how to contain his radicalism for practical purposes. "The priority will be the preservation of political stability, for which it will be necessary to begin negotiating with internal groups and even with the opposition," said Villegas, who hosts a radio program. "This situation is going to force him to proceed with caution."

The problem is - who's gonna take over when he's gone?

He's hand-picked a bunch of people who believe the same as he does! So, he kick off - what will the difference be?

Without any support from the USA - anyone opposed to his policies doesn't have a chance. And we know where Barry Hussein stands on that!!! :mad:
Apparently he has named a successor because his cancer has come back and is worse than ever! Hopefully the cancer eats away at him slowly. This man has done more damage to the Latin American world in the new 21st century than any other Latin American leader! He guises his evilness in a faux desire to help the little guy; however, in a country as rich in oil as Venezuela, it should not be the one of the worst off in the entire western hemisphere. However, under Chavez corrupt leadership it has gone from bad to one of the worst.

We should all pray this guy is dies and is forgotten to the pages of history!

Notice taking the reigns of the worst leader in the Latin American world is pretty bad when you consider the competition: Evo Morales of Bolivia, Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, Portia Simpson-Miller Prime Minister of Jamaica, Raul Castro of Cuba and Daniel Ortega President of Nicaragua!!!

Total utter crap....

There have been a tonne of dictators in South America that were a lot worse. And he's not even a dictator in the truest sense.

Also, if the previous regimes - mainly run by the minority of Spanish-descendants backed by big business of the same ethnicity - were more magnanimous with the 99 percent who are dirt poor - gave then a decent living wage, health care benefits etc etc, then there wouldn't be a need for a Chavez.

Same thing happened in Cuba, Chile, Paraguay - name any South American country.

Chevez biggest blunder (but he had the right to do so) was to tell the US to go fuck itself...Red rag to a bull to the neocon whackjobs...
No need to pray for him to die. I pray he repents before then. Much better use of prayer. he will die when he dies.
[ame=]Hugo Chavez on terrorist Israel the USA - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Black gold backs Chavez vision vilified by West - YouTube[/ame]
Apparently he has named a successor because his cancer has come back and is worse than ever! Hopefully the cancer eats away at him slowly. This man has done more damage to the Latin American world in the new 21st century than any other Latin American leader! He guises his evilness in a faux desire to help the little guy; however, in a country as rich in oil as Venezuela, it should not be the one of the worst off in the entire western hemisphere. However, under Chavez corrupt leadership it has gone from bad to one of the worst.

We should all pray this guy is dies and is forgotten to the pages of history!

Notice taking the reigns of the worst leader in the Latin American world is pretty bad when you consider the competition: Evo Morales of Bolivia, Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, Portia Simpson-Miller Prime Minister of Jamaica, Raul Castro of Cuba and Daniel Ortega President of Nicaragua!!!

Mean spirited but I'm down.

It's been awhile Ghook but I see you're still keeping it real.
Yes Sir, I am praying for Hugo Chavez to Die!!!

Christ instructed His believers to follow "The Greatest Commandment" - love of God, followed by love of "neighbor."

Who is our "neighbor" - Christ addressed that question with "The Parable of the Good Samaritan." During that period, the Jews and the Samaritans despised each other which makes it all the more significant that a Samaitan would show compassion for his Jewish "neighbor," while fellow Jews passed by.

Everyone is our "neighbor" - not just those indivduals with whom we share the same nationality, beliefs, religion, etc. or reciprocate our "love."

"Yes Sir, I am praying for Hugo Chavez to Die!!!" is far more of a reflection on the mindset of the OP than anything that Hugo Chavez may have done to offend him/her.

End of Sermon!
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I'll be sure to drink a toast to his death and his good buddy Sean Penn to boot. Screw 'em both.
Apparently he has named a successor because his cancer has come back and is worse than ever! Hopefully the cancer eats away at him slowly. This man has done more damage to the Latin American world in the new 21st century than any other Latin American leader! He guises his evilness in a faux desire to help the little guy; however, in a country as rich in oil as Venezuela, it should not be the one of the worst off in the entire western hemisphere. However, under Chavez corrupt leadership it has gone from bad to one of the worst.

We should all pray this guy is dies and is forgotten to the pages of history!

Notice taking the reigns of the worst leader in the Latin American world is pretty bad when you consider the competition: Evo Morales of Bolivia, Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, Portia Simpson-Miller Prime Minister of Jamaica, Raul Castro of Cuba and Daniel Ortega President of Nicaragua!!!

Mean spirited but I'm down.

It's been awhile Ghook but I see you're still keeping it real.

Wouldn't it have been wrong to put a death wish on Stalin, Pol Pot, Little Kim, Castro or Mao? I don't care about the PCness, there are many dictators (and yes a guy that nationalizes the media, creates EXTREMELY strict voting laws that gives the incumbent an easy victory and he disqualifies dissenting candidates with actual chance of beating him MAKES HIM A DICTATOR) across the globe that world would be better off without. Chavez is one of them!!!

Good ridden to the scumbag!!!
Yes Sir, I am praying for Hugo Chavez to Die!!!

Christ instructed His believers to follow "The Greatest Commandment" - love of God, followed by love of "neighbor."

Who is our "neighbor" - Christ addressed that question with "The Parable of the Good Samaritan." During that period, the Jews and the Samaritans despised each other which makes it all the more significant that a Samaitan would show compassion for his Jewish "neighbor," while fellow Jews passed by.

Everyone is our "neighbor" - not just those indivduals with whom we share the same nationality, beliefs, religion, etc. or reciprocate our "love."

"Yes Sir, I am praying for Hugo Chavez to Die!!!" is far more of a reflection on the mindset of the OP than anything that Hugo Chavez may have done to offend him/her.

End of Sermon!

What is the leftist atheist or Islamic sermon on that! Evangelical Christians are the best, most charity and most willing to lend a hand to weak in the world, so take your BS and stick it up your ass!

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