Yes terrible people

She came her as a teenager ,and has surpassed the bitter white christians who were born here

I'm a Muslim and an astronaut.

Anousheh Ansari isn't into labels. After all, how does a woman whose resume reads astronaut, engineer and entrepreneur define herself?

"First of all, I'm a human being. Secondly, I look at myself as a problem solver," said Ansari, who didn't speak any English when she moved to the U.S. from Iran at age 16.

Fast forward 30 years. Ansari, an electrical engineer, was the first Muslim woman to travel to space as a "tourist." Now, she heads up Prodea, a tech company she cofounded in 2006. Prodea is a software platform that focuses on home connectivity, known as the "Internet of things." Its technology is also being used in India to help bring remote villages online for the first time.

"I have all the things that could give me a disadvantage on an application," said Ansari, who is now based in Texas. "It's not just being a woman but also being born in Iran. ... 'Yes, I'm a Muslim.' Next thing is you hear is a long pause. I have to go through the additional process of educating people."

Ansari is passionate about making the business world more accepting to women.

"It will make a difference in how our world looks in the future if more women are involved," she said.

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I'm Muslim and I work in tech

How wrong you are. She's the type of person Republicans love. You know, hard working, no excuses and a contributor to society. She's like the anti-Liberal.

Is that why the GOOPers are showing their love in this thread?

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