Yes. The democrats are the fascists. Democrats sent fingerprints of teachers to FBI if they refused the Chinese flu shot....

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Democrats sent fingerprints of teachers to FBI if they refused the Chinese flu shot​

Wow, Wow, Wow, WOW!

Unbelievable! There has to be a BIG penalty for this! These individuals need not only sued for every penny they got but have THEIR fingerprints sent and a criminal record made of THEM. Then fired from ever working in education again.
The democrat party is the party of fascism......that they pretend they are not is simply silly...

The testimony of the former FBI whistleblower was very compelling and echoes exactly what we already know. The FBI leadership is totally corrupted by the Democratic Party and their operatives. Leftist Trump haters believed every word of Schiff's anonymous whistleblower but now mock a former FBI agent whistleblower.
Allegations are that the DOJ is targeting Catholics and IRS is targeting waiters and waitresses. Welcome to Biden's Banana Republic.
The democrat party is the party of fascism......that they pretend they are not is simply silly...

Yet the fact that they control the bulk of mainstream media and seem to be able to turn it against anyone who opposes them, with wild twists and spins is NOT silly or funny. It's scary. They make scapegoats out.of anyone who doesn't seig heil their ideas. Always trying to point out who the "fascists" are throughout the world to steer eyes away from them.
The democrat party is the party of fascism......that they pretend they are not is simply silly...

An opinion piece article from a biased wing nut magaturd site, linked to another biased wing nut magaturd site, this time written by a biased wing nut magaturd, based on an biased wing nut magaturd attorney saying things in court. And yet another biased wingnut magaturd wrote an affidavit.

That's confirmation bias. Conjecture. Nowhere near fact.

Yep. Cult fucks are the tyoe of scumbags who would have turned in their neighbors for hiding bread during the red famine.
Must be a red state thing to take a teacher’s fingerprints and keep them on file.

Some “freedom” you guys have.

They do that to run background checks to keep perverts and criminals from getting jobs in the school....they don't want criminals taking the jobs from democrat party groomers.
Must be a red state thing to take a teacher’s fingerprints and keep them on file.

Some “freedom” you guys have.

New York requires it. Try again.

Well looky there, California also requires it. Do you ever do your research before looking daft?

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