Yes. The democrats are the fascists. Democrats sent fingerprints of teachers to FBI if they refused the Chinese flu shot....

New York requires it. Try again.

Well looky there, California also requires it. Do you ever do your research before looking daft?

Gee, my employer required it too Columbo. What wasn’t required is that someone’s ink finger prints sit in the principal’s office on the off chance that someone may request them so they can be sent at a moment’s notice.

What I did--if memory serves--is when I took my piss test, they scanned my fingerprints to tie the results to my biometrics.

The allegation that the schools have folks’ fingerprints on hand is just made up out of the ether. You guys should stop lying. Nobody believes you because of shit like this story here.
Gee, my employer required it too Columbo. What wasn’t required is that someone’s ink finger prints sit in the principal’s office on the off chance that someone may request them so they can be sent at a moment’s notice.

What I did--if memory serves--is when I took my piss test, they scanned my fingerprints to tie the results to my biometrics.

The allegation that the schools have folks’ fingerprints on hand is just made up out of the ether. You guys should stop lying. Nobody believes you because of shit like this story here.

You got smoked. Sit down and shut up
If it had actually happened...possibly. The OP is among those who know it didn’t.

So the attorney didn't know what he was talking about? Quote from the link in the OP:

"On February 8, 2023, while arguing on behalf of fired NYC workers who declined covid vaccination, attorney John Bursch stated in open court that unvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred “their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.”

You can listen to Bursch make this statement at the 5:30 mark of the audio recording of the court proceeding."

Hell you can even listen to him making the statement. So tell me again how it didn't happen.

Allegations are that the DOJ is targeting Catholics and IRS is targeting waiters and waitresses. Welcome to Biden's Banana Republic.
Waiters and waitresses are millionaires and billionaires??? The Democrats reach new levels of A-hole weekly goddamn.
Allegations are that the DOJ is targeting Catholics and IRS is targeting waiters and waitresses. Welcome to Biden's Banana Republic.

Allegations are made up by right wingers on a daily basis. Where is the evidence ever found?

The evidence is that the IRS is going after millionaires and billionaires, and it’s been highly profitable, which is, of course, why the Republicans are trying to put an end to it. That’s their BASE that’s getting caught cheating on their taxes. Plus their leader.

Of course the Republicans don’t want they’re millionaires and billionaires to have to pay their fair share. That’s why they’re trying to get rid of the additional IRS stuff and they’re telling you this bullshit that they’re going after Catholics and waitresses.
Teachers are required to submit fingerprint cards as part of their application process in public school districts.

When they do so, school districts in red and blue states, send them to the FBI fingerprint database.

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