Yes, trump knew the wikileaks dump was coming...he will be proven a liar...

Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

Of course there was no evidence, dupe. The server was never turned over to the FBI. Nobody knows what happened to it.

What few Republicans that have been indicted by Mueller, had absolutely nothing to do with "Russia", "collusion", or "obstruction."
If Hillary had been investigated the way Mueller is running his "investigation", Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and Obama would all be occupying a cell in some prison right now.
well if the Clinton server was hacked, the Russians and wikileaks are doing a fantastic job of keeping all of those emails secret, super duper. Try not being ridiculous.

You must live under a rock or something. Over 150,000 of Hillary's and the DNC's emails were released, with an unknown number that were never seen. Those emails were what caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be removed as head of the DNC. They also showed how the Clinton campaign colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign, how they criticized Obama for his lack of support, and how incompetent Hillary's performance was as Secretary of State.
And that is a total load of crap GOP propaganda, dumbass dupe. Hillary emails we have seen she released. Then there were the private ones that she deleted as she is allowed to as Secretary of State. People still had to vote for either Hillary or Bernie you know, and I have seen absolutely nothing that says they rigged anything. staffers without power at the time ridiculous DNC had no power to do anything they were just bullshiting... Of course they were for Hillary, just politics as usual. What a bunch of crap.

You'll think it's a "bunch of crap" once she gets dragged before the Senate and squeezed into pilling her guts.

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.
We KNOW that the Russian GRU (Russian military intel) was Guccifer 2.0 and that Guccifer 2.0 gave the stolen e-mails to Assange.

We now know that Stone and Corsi had contact regarding those e-mails with Assange

We know that Manafort MET with Assange at least three times

And? So where's the "crime" Manafort committed? Accepting stolen property? I don't think emails could be considered "stolen property." Besides, I thought you lefties consider "whistle-blowers" like Assange to be "freedom fighters" or something. You people sure loved him when he blew the cover off of GW's bombing poor innocent civilians, why the 180 all of a sudden?

Oh, that's right: Whistle-blowers are only cool when they benefit your cause, right? And screw everyone else, amirite?

Manafort was railroaded, pure and simple. He committed no crime, except for the ones Mueller made up and entrapped him into. The entire purpose of shaking down Manafort and the others, was nothing more than to intimidate Trump. Mueller & Co. knows that they have nothing on Trump, except for the possibility of deceitfully coaxing him to lying to the FBI, which is the only thing Mueller has accomplished so far.

Other than that, you got nothing. Nada. Zilch. You win nothing!

Last edited:

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

That's what we're expected to believe. But yet, the left firmly believes that Hillary's loss was due to the Russians, instead of merely being a "botched run for presidency."

She really screwed the pooch. :laughing0301:

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...

So you think the Ecuadorian Intelligence Agency has been sitting on this information for over 2 years?
I am not certain it even was them, it is what I heard on the news coming from the journalists that were doing the investigative reporting and NOT from the Special Counsel/Mueller's team. Mueller's team, does not leak.

If the reporting on this is accurate, then NO.... I do not believe the Ecuadorian Intelligence Agency sat on this information for 2 years... I believe Mueller's team would have already had this information, and simply not shown their hand to Manafort, Trump, or us.

Manafort probably told Mueller true information, but that information lead Mueller in the wrong direction towards crimes leading to Clinton and the Obama administration.
Manafort is an unsavory man Kitty.... a crook... and a liar.... and deals with the Russian mob in all kinds of shady business.... (the president should not trust him)

Why try to deflect from what he really is, on to Obama or Clinton, when there is absolutely no there, there?

Are you actually trying to defend Manafort?

Funny how liberals are open to chasing anonymous sources in one direction but will ignore or deny verifiable sources in the other. Papadopolous has verifiable sources showing he was set up by the FBI/Mueller.

Mueller was not hired until May of 2017, why blame him for Papadopolous? Papadopolous (and his wife in various interviews) has changed his story more times than can be counted, and swore under oath before a judge, that he did what was claimed and was guilty and was also sorry for his "sins", then he and she changed his story.... who knows why people lie....? It is usually to benefit themselves.... perhaps he now thinks that President Trump will pardon him?
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

Of course there was no evidence, dupe. The server was never turned over to the FBI. Nobody knows what happened to it.

What few Republicans that have been indicted by Mueller, had absolutely nothing to do with "Russia", "collusion", or "obstruction."
If Hillary had been investigated the way Mueller is running his "investigation", Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and Obama would all be occupying a cell in some prison right now.
well if the Clinton server was hacked, the Russians and wikileaks are doing a fantastic job of keeping all of those emails secret, super duper. Try not being ridiculous.

You must live under a rock or something. Over 150,000 of Hillary's and the DNC's emails were released, with an unknown number that were never seen. Those emails were what caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be removed as head of the DNC. They also showed how the Clinton campaign colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign, how they criticized Obama for his lack of support, and how incompetent Hillary's performance was as Secretary of State.
And that is a total load of crap GOP propaganda, dumbass dupe. Hillary emails we have seen she released. Then there were the private ones that she deleted as she is allowed to as Secretary of State. People still had to vote for either Hillary or Bernie you know, and I have seen absolutely nothing that says they rigged anything. staffers without power at the time ridiculous DNC had no power to do anything they were just bullshiting... Of course they were for Hillary, just politics as usual. What a bunch of crap.

You'll think it's a "bunch of crap" once she gets dragged before the Senate and squeezed into pilling her guts.
How many thousands of times have you people said that... So another GOP fake news investigation... When do you realize you're a joke?
We already knew you are a liar. Seth Rich said he knew it was coming too, because he gave the dump to Assange via I think it's The Dimwit party that will be proven they are racist, traitorous, seditious liars.
Manafort was under FBI surveillance during the times he supposedly meet with Assange, so how did they miss this?
Not to mention the Ecuador Embassy is the most surveilled Embassy in the world with 24-7 cameras on it. How about Henrich Mueller produce some evidence? How about even a Photoshopped image of Manafort there. I'd love to see that.

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

That's what we're expected to believe. But yet, the left firmly believes that Hillary's loss was due to the Russians, instead of merely being a "botched run for presidency."

She really screwed the pooch. :laughing0301:
She lost by 80000 votes in four states that swung the election. There were five or six things they could cause that much. Mainly fake news from the GOP and stupid email bulshit from the Russians and our ridiculous gabfest media...
Everyone with a functioning brain could predict that emails were out there somewhere implicating DNC and HRC corruption. It was only a matter of time, and we were right!

Where are the RNC private emails?

Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

That's what we're expected to believe. But yet, the left firmly believes that Hillary's loss was due to the Russians, instead of merely being a "botched run for presidency."

She really screwed the pooch. :laughing0301:
She lost by 80000 votes in four states that swung the election. There were five or six things they could cause that much. Mainly fake news from the GOP and stupid email bulshit from the Russians and our ridiculous gabfest media...

Lol...blah blah blah about nothing. Russia Russia Russia.
Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

That's what we're expected to believe. But yet, the left firmly believes that Hillary's loss was due to the Russians, instead of merely being a "botched run for presidency."

She really screwed the pooch. :laughing0301:
She lost by 80000 votes in four states that swung the election. There were five or six things they could cause that much. Mainly fake news from the GOP and stupid email bulshit from the Russians and our ridiculous gabfest media...

Lol...blah blah blah about nothing. Russia Russia Russia.
You're right, those hacked by Russians DNC emails were a joke. So why did Fox and Rush go on about them for a year saying they proved Hillary was anti Mexican and everyone else, and rigged the election...

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