Yes, trump knew the wikileaks dump was coming...he will be proven a liar...

Read The State Dept. IG Report On H. Clinton's E-Mail Server

Starting on page 26, the report details how using private email servers and accounts opened cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Clinton was warned about the risks of using a private email account multiple times and even had a paper copy in her files of the department’s policies on how to keep emails secure. Yet she ignored all of these instructions and persisted to using an unsecured server that was hacked multiple times.

On page 40, the report includes an excerpt of an e-mail exchange between Jonathan Cooper, a former advisor to Bill Clinton who registered Hillary Clinton’s e-mail domain, and a State Department aide. In the exchange, Cooper tells the aide that he had to shut down the server because “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in i didnt [sic] want to let them have the chance to.”

On another occasion, State Department employees emailed warning one another not to send “anything sensitive” to Clinton.

As The Federalist reported, the Clintons are allegedly paying for Cooper’s legal bills out of their own pockets.
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump acknowledged Tuesday that his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump did use private email during the start of the administration, but declined to acknowledge any hypocrisy over his criticism during the 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton's similar practice.

"Just so you understand, early and for a little period of time, Ivanka did some emails," Trump told reporters on the South Lawn.

Ivanka Trump last year used a personal email account to discuss or relay official White House business, according to emails released by a nonpartisan watchdog group.

Ivanka Trump used personal account for emails about government business

The Washington Post reported Monday the White House conducted an investigation into Ivanka Trump's email usage and that she used her personal email address for much of 2017.

According to emails released by the watchdog group, American Oversight, the President's daughter used her personal account to email Cabinet officials, White House aides and assistants. The Presidential Records Act requires all official White House communications and records be preserved. Her legal team has said she "almost always" used her personal email to work out scheduling issues related to her family.

The 33,000 emails Clinton deleted were personal in nature.

Ivanka Trump: Donald Trump defends his daughter amid email scrutiny - CNNPolitics
Seth Rich says hi... from the grave.

The man who leaked the DNC emails was Seth Rich

Seth Rich's family says STFU please and leave their dead son out of your half baked conspiracy bullshit.

Why would you be so concerned about Seth Rich and his family? He was close to spilling his guts and implicating Hillary in some pretty deep shit.

You should be happy that he was murdered.

No, was a "botched robbery".

That's what we're expected to believe. But yet, the left firmly believes that Hillary's loss was due to the Russians, instead of merely being a "botched run for presidency."

She really screwed the pooch. :laughing0301:
She lost by 80000 votes in four states that swung the election. There were five or six things they could cause that much. Mainly fake news from the GOP and stupid email bulshit from the Russians and our ridiculous gabfest media...
You realize she only won 15% of the counties in The US, correct? That means 85% OF US counties voted for Donald Trump. Hillary only won some huge Sanctuary Cities and surrounding shit holes, like Shit Cago, San Fran Shitsco, New York Shitty etc. etc.

"The Associated Press finds that Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump."
World, Breaking & Local News Stories | Columbus, OH

This represents 85% of US Landmass or to be accurate Donald Trump won 84.35% of US Counties in the 2016 Election. Clinton only won a narrow demographic, winning only 15.65% of US Counties-Districts.

There are 3,113 Counties in the US.
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Everyone with a functioning brain could predict that emails were out there somewhere implicating DNC and HRC corruption. It was only a matter of time, and we were right!

Where are the RNC private emails?

Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
^^^ Fake News Alert!!! ^^^

FBI: No evidence Clinton server hacked despite Trump tweet
Yes the Russians keep the emails a secret because they love me Hillary...
You said Clinton's server was never hacked? There were multiple hacks of that server by several foreign and hostile elements.
So now all of a sudden THE RUSSIANS are colluding with Wikileaks?


You must be Donna Brazille.
Or every Republican on the intelligence committees,. Change the channel and get some real news for crying out loud.
Yes the Russians keep the emails a secret because they love me Hillary...
You said Clinton's server was never hacked? There were multiple hacks of that server by several foreign and hostile elements.
So now all of a sudden THE RUSSIANS are colluding with Wikileaks?


You must be Donna Brazille.
Or every Republican on the intelligence committees,. Change the channel and get some real news for crying out loud.
You could even read a newspaper someday...

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
Really? Well then that’s gotta be It, right? The BIG IT you clowns have been circle jerking over for a 2+ years now.
Yes the Russians keep the emails a secret because they love me Hillary...
You said Clinton's server was never hacked? There were multiple hacks of that server by several foreign and hostile elements.
So now all of a sudden THE RUSSIANS are colluding with Wikileaks?


You must be Donna Brazille.
Or every Republican on the intelligence committees,. Change the channel and get some real news for crying out loud.
You could even read a newspaper someday...
I read around 5 Newspapers a day.
Could we please wait until all the facts come out before jumping to any conclusion in either direction.

This is not jumping to anything. This is a FACT. The timeline lays out with little doubt that trump knew and was involved with the dump of stolen emails. The man is a habitual lair...he cannot maintain a conversation without telling a lie.
Manafort was under FBI surveillance during the times he supposedly meet with Assange, so how did they miss this?

Because he never met with Assange? Mueller just filed court documents about Manafort "not cooperating with the plea deal".. This is all related. Manafort PROMISED good dirt and made up a bunch of stuff to waste Mueller's time and Mueller got pissed.. That's my guess.

You can't just waltz into that embassy to meet with Assange without TOTAL records of that happening. Doesn't require spying at all.. Never happened. Just as Manafort is telling you...

My sources tell me that Mueller sent some bogus information to Manafort, knowing he was communicating with trump. So...trump...the liar....based his answers to Mueller's questions on the misinformation that Manafort carried.

BAM! This will be the basis of trump's demise. He lied just like Clinton lied about a BJ.
Everyone with a functioning brain could predict that emails were out there somewhere implicating DNC and HRC corruption. It was only a matter of time, and we were right!

Where are the RNC private emails?

Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
^^^ Fake News Alert!!! ^^^

FBI: No evidence Clinton server hacked despite Trump tweet

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.
My sources tell me by January 31, 2019

Lakhota's sources...View attachment 231228


So how long have you and this lady been together?
Everyone with a functioning brain could predict that emails were out there somewhere implicating DNC and HRC corruption. It was only a matter of time, and we were right!

Where are the RNC private emails?

Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time

Hey dupe do you READ your own links?

The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,” an FBI official told Fox News and referred to the Justice Department's Inspector General report in June. That report detailed how the FBI conducted intrusion analyses into the server to look for evidence the accounts on the server had been accessed.
We KNOW that the Russian GRU (Russian military intel) was Guccifer 2.0 and that Guccifer 2.0 gave the stolen e-mails to Assange.

We now know that Stone and Corsi had contact regarding those e-mails with Assange

We know that Manafort MET with Assange at least three times

We also know that Stone was in constant contact with trump, the Liar in Chief....BAZINGA!

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