Yes, trump knew the wikileaks dump was coming...he will be proven a liar...

Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.
Actually none of them prove a God damn thing LOL Tama super dupe. If what you say is true, I don't blame them, the amount of spin lying and brainwashing about them is ridiculous. Have you ever heard of political issues that actually Bear on people? The GOP has been screwing the hell out of the middle class and the working class for 35 years now and you have no clue about that, but you know every detail of imaginary phony scandals and character assassination against Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI other many other Democrats...
Ever noticed that Hillary is never been found criminally anyting. You idiot brainwashed dupes start with her being a criminal LOL. Listen jackass she was the Secretary of State and that is not a crime.

Have patience. She will be found guilty. The wheels of justice grind exceedingly fine.
absolutely none of your phony scandals over the last 25 years have gone anywhere in the real world super duper. How dumb can you be? And no it is not a conspiracy conspiracy Nut Job.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.
Actually none of them prove a God damn thing LOL Tama super dupe. If what you say is true, I don't blame them, the amount of spin lying and brainwashing about them is ridiculous. Have you ever heard of political issues that actually Bear on people? The GOP has been screwing the hell out of the middle class and the working class for 35 years now and you have no clue about that, but you know every detail of imaginary phony scandals and character assassination against Hillary and Obama and holder and Lerner and the FBI other many other Democrats...

What the hell is a "Tama super dupe"?

Learn to write in English, instead the gibberish from your own country.
My smartphone or anyone's smartphone is the answer to the what happens there. Tama is,-stupid damn phone and stupid dinosaur right wing idiots...and you are a super dupe, everything you know is garbage propaganda change the channel read a nnewspaperwatch the BBC please you are a disgrace.

Speak English please.

"My smartphone or anyone's smartphone is the answer to the what happens there. Tama is,-stupid damn phone and stupid dinosaur right wing idiots...and you are a super dupe, everything you know is garbage propaganda change the channel read a nnewspaperwatch the BBC please you are a disgrace."
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.
And not just your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits making up stuff again, stupid.
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.
And not just your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits making up stuff again, stupid.

English please?
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.

Dude, you're really coming apart at the seams. Was Hillary losing really all that bad?
Yes the Russians keep the emails a secret because they love me Hillary...
You said Clinton's server was never hacked? There were multiple hacks of that server by several foreign and hostile elements.
So now all of a sudden THE RUSSIANS are colluding with Wikileaks?


You must be Donna Brazille.
Or every Republican on the intelligence committees,. Change the channel and get some real news for crying out loud.
You could even read a newspaper someday...
I read around 5 Newspapers a day.
Hilarious -what the Washington Times published by the moon family, Washington Examiner Published by the Adelson family, and a couple of garbage newspapers published by Rupert Murdoch? You have no idea how full of s*** you are...
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.
And not just your bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits making up stuff again, stupid.

English please?

You're such an optimist.
The world is freaking upside down when a special council is investigating the conduct of a campaign by a civilian at the time when the government was using the FBI to conduct an illegal surveillance and the FBI was manufacturing evidence while the secretary of state was destroying classified documents. I guess the collusion allegations are no longer an issue.
Where is the freaking crime? Hillary's misuse and destruction of classified e mails is a crime.

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.

Dude, you're really coming apart at the seams. Was Hillary losing really all that bad?
Considering you assholes can't do a damn thing, not really. It's a great opportunity for the country to figure out how full of s*** the GOP is though. Too bad the brainwash is so strong. On the other hand where do you think the GOP corrupt bubble is blowing up as we speak?

People like you will never learn... Pure idiocy and conspiracy theories... There will be no big change until there is a democratic Landslide so we can reform this mess of the last 35 years and regain leadership in progress again, so when it looked like no Landslide I didn't care much anymore. Watching Trump is very entertaining and could very well prepare a landslide in 2020.

Why are we the only country in the modern world without Healthcare daycare living wage paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure, cheap training and education, and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Duh, the corrupt GOP and silly dupes like you.
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Manafort was under FBI surveillance during the times he supposedly meet with Assange, so how did they miss this?

Because he never met with Assange? Mueller just filed court documents about Manafort "not cooperating with the plea deal".. This is all related. Manafort PROMISED good dirt and made up a bunch of stuff to waste Mueller's time and Mueller got pissed.. That's my guess.

You can't just waltz into that embassy to meet with Assange without TOTAL records of that happening. Doesn't require spying at all.. Never happened. Just as Manafort is telling you...
It’s being reported that Manafort met with Assange in March, 2016. Podesta’s email account was hacked in March, 2016. Those same emails were dumped on the Internet just hours after trump’s Access Hollywood video surfaced. On top of which, Roger Stone was tweeting with Guccifer 2.0 about Podesta’s time in a barrel was nearing. Trump’s people were in deep with the hacking.

It's being reported, but no one is investigating. The fucking nutz lunatic press could CALL the embassy for conformation. I'm positive they don't want to..

More likely explanation, is the the GUARDIAN who published this shit, got it from an "allowed" leak by Mueller's team to get press coverage and feed the base. And its one of those Manafort LIES that are stated in the papers filed this week citing that Manafort lied his ass off during interrogation connected to his special plea..

And Like I said -- Mueller is pissed enough to be evil about leaking some of those lies..

Call the FUCKING EMBASSY -- ask them for the Assange guest list. It's open information..
Manafort was under FBI surveillance during the times he supposedly meet with Assange, so how did they miss this?

Because he never met with Assange? Mueller just filed court documents about Manafort "not cooperating with the plea deal".. This is all related. Manafort PROMISED good dirt and made up a bunch of stuff to waste Mueller's time and Mueller got pissed.. That's my guess.

You can't just waltz into that embassy to meet with Assange without TOTAL records of that happening. Doesn't require spying at all.. Never happened. Just as Manafort is telling you...

My sources tell me that Mueller sent some bogus information to Manafort, knowing he was communicating with trump. So...trump...the liar....based his answers to Mueller's questions on the misinformation that Manafort carried.

BAM! This will be the basis of trump's demise. He lied just like Clinton lied about a BJ.

That's kinda silly. Because then Mueller shouldn't be running any kind of investigation should he? Time to "punk" the witnesses ends when the investigating begins.

BTW -- that's entrapment. And collusion to interfere with an opposition political campaign. Already a bus load of folks who did that in the FBI waiting on indictments and hopefully jail time..

Good fiction tho. For the resistance crowd.
The world is freaking upside down when a special council is investigating the conduct of a campaign by a civilian at the time when the government was using the FBI to conduct an illegal surveillance and the FBI was manufacturing evidence while the secretary of state was destroying classified documents. I guess the collusion allegations are no longer an issue.
After a million investigations, Hillary was found to have done nothing criminal or close to it. But on Fox and Rush etc etc she is a criminal. What garbage. The 33,000 emails were personal emails and she is allowed to delete them period a group of lawyers decided they were personal. You seem to think that Hillary is a computer expert, I'm sure she never thought about it, she had a security group to do that kind of thing. She was busy, dingbats LOL

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.
The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.

Dude, you're really coming apart at the seams. Was Hillary losing really all that bad?
Considering you assholes can't do a damn thing, not really. It's a great opportunity for the country to figure out how full of s*** the GOP is though. Too bad the brainwash is so strong. On the other hand where do you think the GOP corrupt bubble is blowing up as we speak?

People like you will never learn... Pure idiocy and conspiracy theories... There will be no big change until there is a democratic Landslide so we can reform this mess of the last 35 years and regain leadership in progress again, so when it looked like no Landslide I didn't care much anymore. Watching Trump is very entertaining and could very well prepare a landslide in 2020.

Why are we the only country in the modern world without Healthcare daycare living wage paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure, cheap training and education, and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Duh, the corrupt GOP and silly dupes like you.

What are the odds of Trump nominating a third Supreme Court Justice? Or a fourth?

Imagine how unhinged you're going to be when that happens. :laughing0301:
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Republicans tend not to put unsecured servers in some bathroom somewhere, and let anyone with an IP address hack into them and steal their data. Nor do they click on suspicious links in emails, as Podesta did.

But regardless of who hacked the Dem's shit servers or why they did it, I'd like to shake their hand for showing the world just what kind of disgusting pieces of human excrement those Democrats really are and what kind of scam they were running.
There is no evidence the Clinton server was ever hacked, super duper. The only people who ever go to jail are Republicans d u h. And no it is not a conspiracy.

Of course there was no evidence, dupe. The server was never turned over to the FBI. Nobody knows what happened to it.

What few Republicans that have been indicted by Mueller, had absolutely nothing to do with "Russia", "collusion", or "obstruction."
If Hillary had been investigated the way Mueller is running his "investigation", Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and Obama would all be occupying a cell in some prison right now.
well if the Clinton server was hacked, the Russians and wikileaks are doing a fantastic job of keeping all of those emails secret, super duper. Try not being ridiculous.

You must live under a rock or something. Over 150,000 of Hillary's and the DNC's emails were released, with an unknown number that were never seen. Those emails were what caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be removed as head of the DNC. They also showed how the Clinton campaign colluded with the DNC to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign, how they criticized Obama for his lack of support, and how incompetent Hillary's performance was as Secretary of State.
Stop rigging elections dumb ass.
Stop parroting lies, dumbass dupe.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.

Definitely Comey. He exonerated Hillary before the "investigation" even started. There was a reason Bill met lynch in that plane on the tarmac, and it wasn't to exchange niceties.

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