Yes, trump knew the wikileaks dump was coming...he will be proven a liar...

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.
yea just like...

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.
yea just like...

Ivanka never had anyone murdered.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.

Definitely Comey. He exonerated Hillary before the "investigation" even started.

It's worse than that. But you are correct. Comey, Strok et al shielded Lynch at the DOJ. She was never mentioned in the decision.

But the details are -- Comey was asked in Congress "if those crimes are never prosecuted" -- how are they handled. And he replied with the answer that I told folks all along.

Because having a PUBLIC trial about thousands of classified documents is a nightmare -- the STANDARD procedure is for the Agency in which those crimes were committed does it's own investigation and punishment. And the person is FIRED, DEMOTED, TRANSFERRED. Their CLEARANCES YANKED, and they can annul their pensions and dock their pay retro-actively if found culpable. They would NEVER AGAIN hold clearances of any kind.

Problem was -- she was the HEAD of that agency. And the crowned contender for President. And no such proceedings were EVER contemplated or convened.

SHE was the ultimate "security officer" for the Dept of State. The precedent never occurred before. And NOW -- we have a permanent snafu with regards to holding heads of major fed govt agencies accountable.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.
yea just like...

Satire has to have a grounding in reality. Ivanka didn't DEMAND her aides rip the secure comm equipment OUT of her office and insist on putting all her work product on a PRIVATE server. Ivanka never had her handlers PRINT OUT classified docs and send them to her on her Blackberry. And Ivanka only used the private email until she was given the approved secure comm links and devices that she was expected to use.

So -- that cartoon fails to be funny at all.
This is why that Hillary quote will remain in my sigline UNTIL she gets dinged for the humongous breach of National security that SHE DESIGNED for her benefit and convenience. And to hide the pay for play games that were going on with the Clinton Foundation and access to her work product at the end of her term at State.

It may be there forever I suppose. But I got the room for it. It's just ONE of many Hillary fatal hypocritical selfish moves.
An exact copy of the server’s hard drive was made and sent off to the FBI for analysis. There was no evidence of any such hacking.

No emails were known to be hacked from her server.

If so, why did one joke Trump made about Russians "returning" Hillary's missing emails spawn a two-year investigation that has turned up nothing?
It wasn’t just trump’s comment, it was also the connections between his associates and Russians.

Your deflection aside, no email from Hillary’s server is known to have been hacked.

Just because the FBI found no evidence of it being hacked doesn't mean that it wasn't.

:rolleyes: Just because FBI found no evidence of Santa Claus being real doesn't mean he isn't.

You can't just make up whatever you want, there has to be evidence supporting positive claims like those of "Clinton emails were hacked!".

It's pretty obvious that they were. Whomever did, sure make a clusterfuck out of her campaign, eh?

I'd gladly shake their hand and thank them for that. :biggrin:
Great, show your evidence her servers were hacked.......
Manafort was under FBI surveillance during the times he supposedly meet with Assange, so how did they miss this?

Because he never met with Assange? Mueller just filed court documents about Manafort "not cooperating with the plea deal".. This is all related. Manafort PROMISED good dirt and made up a bunch of stuff to waste Mueller's time and Mueller got pissed.. That's my guess.

You can't just waltz into that embassy to meet with Assange without TOTAL records of that happening. Doesn't require spying at all.. Never happened. Just as Manafort is telling you...

My sources tell me that Mueller sent some bogus information to Manafort, knowing he was communicating with trump. So...trump...the liar....based his answers to Mueller's questions on the misinformation that Manafort carried.

BAM! This will be the basis of trump's demise. He lied just like Clinton lied about a BJ.

That's kinda silly. Because then Mueller shouldn't be running any kind of investigation should he? Time to "punk" the witnesses ends when the investigating begins.

BTW -- that's entrapment. And collusion to interfere with an opposition political campaign. Already a bus load of folks who did that in the FBI waiting on indictments and hopefully jail time..

Good fiction tho. For the resistance crowd.

...and the point that Trump is not telling the truth but is instead tailoring his answers to what Manafort leaks to him? Nope, doesn't bother you one bit.
So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.
yea just like...

Satire has to have a grounding in reality. Ivanka didn't DEMAND her aides rip the secure comm equipment OUT of her office and insist on putting all her work product on a PRIVATE server. Ivanka never had her handlers PRINT OUT classified docs and send them to her on her Blackberry. And Ivanka only used the private email until she was given the approved secure comm links and devices that she was expected to use.

So -- that cartoon fails to be funny at all.
That printout claim is unproven, try again.

So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.

Definitely Comey. He exonerated Hillary before the "investigation" even started. There was a reason Bill met lynch in that plane on the tarmac, and it wasn't to exchange niceties.
IT IS A CONSPIRACY!!! Actually, everyone in the real world knew it was a garbage propaganda only scandal, like all the others, super dupe.
If so, why did one joke Trump made about Russians "returning" Hillary's missing emails spawn a two-year investigation that has turned up nothing?
It wasn’t just trump’s comment, it was also the connections between his associates and Russians.

Your deflection aside, no email from Hillary’s server is known to have been hacked.

Just because the FBI found no evidence of it being hacked doesn't mean that it wasn't.

:rolleyes: Just because FBI found no evidence of Santa Claus being real doesn't mean he isn't.

You can't just make up whatever you want, there has to be evidence supporting positive claims like those of "Clinton emails were hacked!".

It's pretty obvious that they were. Whomever did, sure make a clusterfuck out of her campaign, eh?

I'd gladly shake their hand and thank them for that. :biggrin:
Great, show your evidence her servers were hacked.......

Sure. But first show me your evidence that your personal computer isn't being hacked right now.
So where's the server and why wasn't it handed over to the FBI in the first place? That's the equivalent of saying "Sorry, no murder was committed here, since we can't find a body..."

Many emails incriminating to Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat Party were already pulled off the server by hackers. Once Hillary became aware of that, she had the server destroyed in order to cover up the remaining emails.

And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.

Definitely Comey. He exonerated Hillary before the "investigation" even started. There was a reason Bill met lynch in that plane on the tarmac, and it wasn't to exchange niceties.
IT IS A CONSPIRACY!!! Actually, everyone in the real world knew it was a garbage propaganda only scandal, like all the others, super dupe.

You don't live in the "real world". Trust me on this.

Anyone who believes a 2-year long running conspiracy theory about Russians helping Trump to win his election in 2016, is obviously not playing with a full deck of cards.
And they still found government documents she lied about having. They also found out the she deleted thousands of emails she said were "personal" and they were classified and copies were on Weiner's laptop. She was caught committing multiple felonies and was engaged in a pay to play scheme and insider trading, but Obama stepped in and because many of these emails that she tried to delete had classified information in them, he declared Executive Privilege and declared that situation as being in The Interest of National Security. And this is why Clinton is not in jail and why she was exonerated and given immunity even before she was interviewed.

Idiot, if she was caught breaking the law she would be charged with a crime. DUH.

Of course out here in the REAL FUCKING WORLD, FBI found that no charges are apropriate. This decision was reviewed by Trump's DOJ Inspector General in 2018 and he found that the descision was correct.

You ever wonder how all this shit you peddle never can match any actual outcomes?

Who made the recommendation to IGNORE all the crimes that she DID commit? Who in DOJ made that call?

Comey CLEARLY laid out multiple crimes for 40 minutes and then said "nobody would prosecute them". Crimes WERE committed. The problem is --- SHE was the FUCKING HEAD of the agency that NORMALLY would have handled these crimes INTERNALLY.

That's how most security crimes get prosecuted. But if you're the BOSS --- and a demented evil annointed queen -- you obviously skate on ANY sanctions, penalties or demotions, firings.

Definitely Comey. He exonerated Hillary before the "investigation" even started. There was a reason Bill met lynch in that plane on the tarmac, and it wasn't to exchange niceties.
IT IS A CONSPIRACY!!! Actually, everyone in the real world knew it was a garbage propaganda only scandal, like all the others, super dupe.

You don't live in the "real world". Trust me on this.

Anyone who believes a 2-year long running conspiracy theory about Russians helping Trump to win his election in 2016, is obviously not playing with a full deck of cards.
that would include every Democrat and Republican on both the Senate and House intelligence committees, idiot.

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
So Trump has officially responded......I know nothing

Time for Mueller to present some evidence
Everyone with a functioning brain could predict that emails were out there somewhere implicating DNC and HRC corruption. It was only a matter of time, and we were right!

Except no one did but Trump folks, dope.
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