Yes, trump knew the wikileaks dump was coming...he will be proven a liar...

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...

waiting at starbucks? Arent you offended by the cups?

What Trump has done is already impeachable by reasonable standard.
It wasn’t just trump’s comment, it was also the connections between his associates and Russians.

Your deflection aside, no email from Hillary’s server is known to have been hacked.

Just because the FBI found no evidence of it being hacked doesn't mean that it wasn't.

:rolleyes: Just because FBI found no evidence of Santa Claus being real doesn't mean he isn't.

You can't just make up whatever you want, there has to be evidence supporting positive claims like those of "Clinton emails were hacked!".

It's pretty obvious that they were. Whomever did, sure make a clusterfuck out of her campaign, eh?

I'd gladly shake their hand and thank them for that. :biggrin:
Great, show your evidence her servers were hacked.......

Sure. But first show me your evidence that your personal computer isn't being hacked right now.
I have anti-virus software. It reports no intrusions. I ran a virus scan -- it found no viruses.

Now you prove it's wrong and that my computer is actually being hacked.....
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?
Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi Pushed Seth Rich Lie After Privately Admitting Hackers Stole DNC Emails.

In an email to Trump confidante Roger Stone in 2016, Corsi acknowledged that hackers were behind the email theft, according to newly released messages.

Despite that admission, both Corsi and Stone played key roles promoting the conspiracy theory about Rich. Stone became one of the first major figures in Trump’s orbit to suggest Rich was murdered over the emails, tweeting on August 10, 2016 that Rich had “ties to DNC heist.”

In 2017, after Rich’s parents begged right-wing media personalities to stop pushing conspiracy theories about their son, Corsi put the blame for the email theft on Rich in a three-part InfoWars series.

Birds Fly
Fish Swim
Trumpettes Lie
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?

Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….

The entire Mueller investigation is a Potemkin-Kabuki Theater operation to conceal the fact that the real collusions was performed by the Obabbble Admin, the hilIARy Campaign and the DNC.
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.

Dude, you're really coming apart at the seams. Was Hillary losing really all that bad?
Considering you assholes can't do a damn thing, not really. It's a great opportunity for the country to figure out how full of s*** the GOP is though. Too bad the brainwash is so strong. On the other hand where do you think the GOP corrupt bubble is blowing up as we speak?

People like you will never learn... Pure idiocy and conspiracy theories... There will be no big change until there is a democratic Landslide so we can reform this mess of the last 35 years and regain leadership in progress again, so when it looked like no Landslide I didn't care much anymore. Watching Trump is very entertaining and could very well prepare a landslide in 2020.

Why are we the only country in the modern world without Healthcare daycare living wage paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure, cheap training and education, and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Duh, the corrupt GOP and silly dupes like you.

The GOP will keep the US in the 19th Century as long as they can. Their regressive views on the status of society will die when the old guard of the GOP dies.

Turtle man and his kind cannot live forever....
Yes it is a gigantic conspiracy of straight arrow Republican law enforcement, total idiot.

You do know that all that would not fit on a bumper sticker, right?
Sorry to go past your limit of intelligence, shit head dupe.

Dude, you're really coming apart at the seams. Was Hillary losing really all that bad?
Considering you assholes can't do a damn thing, not really. It's a great opportunity for the country to figure out how full of s*** the GOP is though. Too bad the brainwash is so strong. On the other hand where do you think the GOP corrupt bubble is blowing up as we speak?

People like you will never learn... Pure idiocy and conspiracy theories... There will be no big change until there is a democratic Landslide so we can reform this mess of the last 35 years and regain leadership in progress again, so when it looked like no Landslide I didn't care much anymore. Watching Trump is very entertaining and could very well prepare a landslide in 2020.

Why are we the only country in the modern world without Healthcare daycare living wage paid parental leave good vacations and infrastructure, cheap training and education, and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Duh, the corrupt GOP and silly dupes like you.

The GOP will keep the US in the 19th Century as long as they can. Their regressive views on the status of society will die when the old guard of the GOP dies.

Turtle man and his kind cannot live forever....
The Democrats are right and we will get there, just a question of time as always. Luckily this is getting ridiculous and soon Democrats will get the landslide they need to bring us into the future and catch up with the rest of the modern world.
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?

Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


If Mueller get a lenient sentence from the Military tribunal, he'll be out of Leavenworth in 20 years
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?

Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


but Mueller doesn't leak

2 years later, shredded attorney client privilege and Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller is dicking around with a writer
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?

Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


but Mueller doesn't leak

2 years later, shredded attorney client privilege and Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller is dicking around with a writer

2 years later, you're still wrong about everything and a loser.

By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging," Corsi wrote, according to the draft document. "Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. That appears to be the game hackers are now about. Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke -- neither he nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for Foundation debacle."

Mueller has the proof that trump is not only a liar, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a Boy Scout...
There is no need to prove Trump to be a liar.

He is already widely known as a pathological liar who can neither control nor help himself.

There is no surprise in the idea that Trump almost certainly lied about this, as well.

As with a great many other Robber Barons and amateur politicians, it is easy to tell when he is lying.

His mouth is moving.
CNN is fake news. And the only crime Wikileaks committed is show the world how deep the corruption, satanism, and rape/pedophilia really goes in the Democrat Party.
CNN is fake news. And the only crime Wikileaks committed is show the world how deep the corruption, satanism, and rape/pedophilia really goes in the Democrat Party.

You Trumpettes desperately stick to trump lies. Now you are defending a foreign adversary who handed off stolen emails to a sleezebucket like Wikileaks.

DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME? Has you lust for trump turned you into a group of drooling, mindless shells? It is hard to believe that you cannot see that trump has pulled the greatest shell game on this country since its inception.
CNN is fake news. And the only crime Wikileaks committed is show the world how deep the corruption, satanism, and rape/pedophilia really goes in the Democrat Party.
”CNN is fake news.”


Man, oh man, trump has his hand so far up your ass, he’s tugging on your uvula.
By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

trump was told then that the dump was coming. He probably knew earlier after manafort met with Assange. He, his regime, and his crime family arranged the dump.

What was the information that was dumped, please elaborate.

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Trump also claimed he knew nothing of the Trump Tower meetings with the Russians

Have to see what Mueller has on it
The emails that Seth Rich gave to Wikileaks?

Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


but Mueller doesn't leak

2 years later, shredded attorney client privilege and Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller is dicking around with a writer

2 years later, you're still wrong about everything and a loser.

Why the fuck is Mueller going after Stone and Corsi? Trying to jam them up on perjury traps?

Because Mueller's Got NOTHING!!
Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


but Mueller doesn't leak

2 years later, shredded attorney client privilege and Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller is dicking around with a writer

2 years later, you're still wrong about everything and a loser.

Why the fuck is Mueller going after Stone and Corsi? Trying to jam them up on perjury traps?

Because Mueller's Got NOTHING!!

Keep telling yourself that, snowflake. Shh Bby. Is Ok... :itsok:
By August 2, 2016, Corsi was emailing Stone to predict that WikiLeaks had more document dumps in the works. Stone has said he spoke with Trump the following day, August 3.

trump was told then that the dump was coming. He probably knew earlier after manafort met with Assange. He, his regime, and his crime family arranged the dump.

What was the information that was dumped, please elaborate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The contents of Podesta’s emails that were hacked by Russians. Now we see that Stone and Corsi were involved.
Sure, dope. That fits perfectly.

That explains how Corsi and Stone Knew about them before anyone else. :cuckoo:

Lol. Keep telling yourself that

Corsi knew ….. Corsi lied about Seth Rich …. Corsi's fucked (and not in a good way) ….


but Mueller doesn't leak

2 years later, shredded attorney client privilege and Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller is dicking around with a writer

2 years later, you're still wrong about everything and a loser.

Why the fuck is Mueller going after Stone and Corsi? Trying to jam them up on perjury traps?

Because Mueller's Got NOTHING!!

Because they're the one's who managed the relase of emails through WL, fool.

You wanted " collusion". It's right in front of you.

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