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Yes, Virginia, abortion IS risky.

The important thing here is to get rid of that pesky kid...damage to kid and mom be damned:

"Compared with vaginal deliveries, cesarean deliveries have twice the risk of complications and deaths of both infants and mothers when the fetus is in the normal, head-down position, according to findings from a study conducted in Latin America. "

Women in the cesarean group had twice the risk of hysterectomy, blood transfusion, admission to intensive care, prolonged hospital stay and death, compared with those delivering vaginally. They were also five times more likely to require postnatal antibiotic treatment.
C-section raises risk to mother and infant | Reuters
last time i checked...having babies is risky.....people still die having babies...seem this reproduction thing is a total risky business....

abortion is big business.....most are chemical now.....400 bucks for two pills

Nice theory.

No way to prove it, since the industry refuses to release numbers. We just have to "trust" them.
Because that's so much less risky to the mother than delivery.

it solves your problem doesn't it....about dismemberment? It solves the problem of having something inside you that you want out. It solves the problem of it being a life and giving it birth to have a life of its own.
More and more researchers are looking into what now seems a substantial link between induced abortions and later premature births. Being born prematurely is no small thing in a person's life. Premature infants, even those born a mere few weeks early, bear a startling increase in a set of disabilities known by the acronym MACE. This cluster of disorders includes mental retardation, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy.

Very preterm newborns (under 32 weeks' gestation) have 55 times the Cerebral Palsy risk as do full-term (at least 37 weeks) babies. Reproductive system infections in the mother have a known high risk for causing preterm births. Reproductive system infections are the most common complication of induced abortion, whether in the first trimester or later in the pregnancy.

Imagine a young woman walking unsuspectingly into an abortion "clinic," and soothingly reassured that though she has chosen to "terminate" her first pregnancy, she ought have no fears whatsoever about future fertility or the well-being of future siblings of the little one she is about to have killed. This is precisely what happens. Right here. Right now.


"And if you ask me, it couldn't happen to a more deserving lot of guileful scoundrels. Abortion is good women's healthcare? Oh, please."

Archived-Articles: The Coverup of Abortion's Real Risks


Reality is something that liberals don't like.

I have known more than a few women that have had multiple abortions. One finally had a baby because she was told that this was her last chance.

Ask yourself this question. Why is it that so many doctors who perform abortions ALSO have significant interests in fertility clinics to treat women that are infertile because of abortions?

about the part in bold. no. you don't. rightwingnut loons love making up anecdotal trash.

why don't rightwingnuts think constitutional rights and personal liberty matter when they're telling women what to do with their bodies?

Bullshit. Fully half of the women I know have had multiple abortions.

As in more than one.
The only thing I'm telling women not to do with their bodies is to use it to kill their babies.
A Guttmacher Institute survey of abortion providers estimated that early medical abortions accounted for 17% of all nonhospital abortions and slightly over one-quarter of abortions before 9 weeks gestation in the United States in 2008;[7][21] medical abortions accounted for 32% of first trimester abortions at Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States in 2008.[22]

Medical abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
about the part in bold. no. you don't. rightwingnut loons love making up anecdotal trash.

why don't rightwingnuts think constitutional rights and personal liberty matter when they're telling women what to do with their bodies?

Why don't liberals think human rights apply to unborn children?

Why do you think SCOTUS in 1973 were liberal females...? :cuckoo:

Who voted for and against the Roe v. Wade decision:

The majority: Harry Blackmun, William J. Brennan, Chief Justice Warren Burger, William O. Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, Lewis Powell and Potter Stewart. The dissent: William Rehnquist and Byron White. The majority opinion was written by Harry Blackmun. Concurring opinions were written by Potter Stewart, Warren Burger, and William O. Douglas. Dissenting opinions were written by William Rehnquist and Byron White.

Roe v. Wade - Overview

Roe v. Wade is the historic Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States. The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without legal restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy.

Date of the Roe v. Wade decision

January 22, 1973.

Effect of the Roe v. Wade decision:

All state laws limiting women's access to abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy were invalidated by Roe v. Wade. State laws limiting such access during the second trimester were upheld only when the restrictions were for the purpose of protecting the health of the pregnant woman. Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States, which was not legal at all in many states and was limited by law in others.

Basis of the Roe v. Wade decision:

The lower court's decision in this case was that the Ninth Amendment, a part of the Bill of Rights, in stating that "the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people," protected a person's right to privacy. The Supreme Court chose to base its decision on the Fourteenth Amendment. Roe v. Wade was decided primarily on the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. A criminal statute that did not take into account the state of pregnancy or other interests than the life of the mother was deemed a violation of Due Process.
The only thing I'm telling women not to do with their bodies is to use it to kill their babies.

and i am sure there are many women who will tell you thank your for your opinion, but they are of a different mind set, thank you very much.
A Guttmacher Institute survey of abortion providers estimated that early medical abortions accounted for 17% of all nonhospital abortions and slightly over one-quarter of abortions before 9 weeks gestation in the United States in 2008;[7][21] medical abortions accounted for 32% of first trimester abortions at Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States in 2008.[22]

Medical abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yeah, go to the actual guttmacher site and read all the disclaimers that state that they don't have real numbers.
so you want to know the exact numbers....sorry ....medical records are personal and private...no one has to reveal any of these figures to anyone else....patient privacy and all
So instead of making up numbers, why don't we just go with "we don't know" instead of pretending the numbers have any meaning?

I know why. Because some of us want to promote abortion.
Actually, the research DOES support it.

And your link doesn't disprove it, nitwit.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Cancer Society both disagree.
Perhaps you should read it again...

In February 2003, the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) held a workshop of more than 100 of the world’s leading experts who study pregnancy and breast cancer risk. The experts reviewed human and animal studies that looked at the link between pregnancy and breast cancer risk, including studies of induced and spontaneous abortions. Some of their findings were:

Breast cancer risk is increased for a short time after a full-term pregnancy (that is, a pregnancy that results in the birth of a living child).
Induced abortion is not linked to an increase in breast cancer risk.
Spontaneous abortion is not linked to an increase in breast cancer risk.

The level of scientific evidence for these findings was considered to be “well established” (the highest level).

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee on Gynecologic Practice also reviewed the available evidence in 2003 and again in 2009. ACOG published its most recent findings in June 2009. At that time, the Committee said, “Early studies of the relationship between prior induced abortion and breast cancer risk were methodologically flawed. More rigorous recent studies demonstrate no causal relationship between induced abortion and a subsequent increase in breast cancer risk.”

Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?

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