Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

It's always been known that leftists are " hitleresque". They not only want, but they NEED, a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do for them.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

They know this and really are not ashamed of it, they just do what they always do, claim someone else did it and owes them buku bucks for it...see: slavery...government funded abortions to reduce minority populations...denigrating minorities who step out...confiscation of fire arms...and all of it has a price tag.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

Nope..not even close. But thank you for playing.

Cliff Notes: The great industrial powers of Germany supported Hitler. See Krupp, Bayer, et.--Hitler, a right-wing Fascist, believed in industry as being subordinate to the State's needs and will. He had no problem with money, making money or German companies making a profit. One man...ruling everything.

The NAZI Party threw the 'Socialist' word in there as a sop to the German worker--you would have to be knowledgeable of the time..and the political/cultural angst that was going on in Germany--in the 1930's--to understand the logic.

He was always the fiercest of enemies to Socialism...he saw it as the polar opposite of Fascism...and knew he had to destroy it. Socialism is about worker's rights--and it certainly that era. A prime tenet of Socialism is that the Worker's must seize the means of production. Hitler was not about to go for that!

This attempt at historical revisionism..has been making the rounds for while one..of any historical competence buys it.

It's just another piece of poop folks want to sling.
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The word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei "— English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Fascists are the thinking mans Right-Winger.

Not that what Nazis did was right...

When you're smart enough realize that Capitalists, and Jews sell out to Liberalism over, and over again, you support measures to combat it.

When you're dumb as a door nob, and think Liberalism is the problem, and Capitalists, and Jews are the solution, you are clearly not very bright.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

Wrong, Hitler was a Fascist fashioned after his hero Mussolini. Fascists hated Socialists with a passion. That was exactly what the Spanish Civil War was all about. And besides, Socialism isn't a class of Government, it's a class of economics. Turn off Beck. He's a misinformed idjit with a big mouth.
The word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei "— English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
In the interest of fairness he did explain that.

The myth that the Nazi's were not Socialists is thoroughly debunked in this article:

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

The Nazis' control of the means of production, and imposition of strict price and wage controls resulted in rampant inflation, rendered Germany's currency worthless. It wasn't until Ludwig Ehrard became chancellor of Germany post-WWI and deregulated Germany, removing price controls (without the Allies' approval and against the recommendations of his advisors), that Germany experienced the "economic miracle"

This is a short and informative video about Ehrard's policies and the German "economic miracle":

The myth that the Nazi's were not Socialists is thoroughly debunked in this article:

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

The Nazis' control of the means of production, and imposition of strict price and wage controls resulted in rampant inflation, rendered Germany's currency worthless. It wasn't until Ludwig Ehrard became chancellor of Germany post-WWI and deregulated Germany, removing price controls (without the Allies' approval and against the recommendations of his advisors), that Germany experienced the "economic miracle"
I don't disagree with you, I was just explaining that he believes the word/acronym "NAZI" was a misnomer intended to bring socialist workers on board, in that respect he may be right because that is what they are doing in America today, fascists selling themselves to the working masses as "friends of the oppressed", it is very seductive to them.
The word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei "— English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
In the interest of fairness he did explain that.

The myth that the Nazi's were not Socialists is thoroughly debunked in this article:

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

The Nazis' control of the means of production, and imposition of strict price and wage controls resulted in rampant inflation, rendered Germany's currency worthless. It wasn't until Ludwig Ehrard became chancellor of Germany post-WWI and deregulated Germany, removing price controls (without the Allies' approval and against the recommendations of his advisors), that Germany experienced the "economic miracle"

This is a short and informative video about Ehrard's policies and the German "economic miracle":

Where do i start...first off...the hyper-inflationary period in Germany in the 30's was, to some extent,, engineered..or at least the German Govt. money people...they were able to discharge their debts in worthless currency..if a loan was 30,000----and it got paid with what was really 300--well, you get the drift, I'm sure. Yeah, tough on the people..but Hitler wanted a hungry, angry people work best for that.

You need to take a look at pre-WWII Germany, under the NAZI"s...they made a lot of money for everyone..with the introduction of the new revalued currency bringing stability to the Country...Hitler was hailed as a miracle worker. With his early military successes and the full support of his people....Germany's economy was booming.

As for Erhard--a genius and the economic savior of West Germany.....but that was after the war....and completely different.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist | Glenn Beck | iHeartRadio

For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.

Nope..not even close. But thank you for playing.

Cliff Notes: The great industrial powers of Germany supported Hitler. See Krupp, Bayer, et.--Hitler, a right-wing Fascist, believed in industry as being subordinate to the State's needs and will. He had no problem with money, making money or German companies making a profit. One man...ruling everything.

The NAZI Party threw the 'Socialist' word in there as a sop to the German worker--you would have to be knowledgeable of the time..and the political/cultural angst that was going on in Germany--in the 1930's--to understand the logic.

He was always the fiercest of enemies to Socialism...he saw it as the polar opposite of Fascism...and knew he had to destroy it. Socialism is about worker's rights--and it certainly that era. A prime tenant of Socialism is that the Worker's must seize the means of production. Hitler was not about to go for that!

This attempt at historical revisionism..has been making the rounds for while one..of any historical competence buys it.

It's just another piece of poop folks want to sling.
The fact of the matter is that fascism and socialism are NOT mutually exclusive terms. Therefore, your logic fails when you argue that Hitler was not a socialist because he was a fascist.

Yet you socialists constantly spew that illogic every time you feebly attempt to throw Hitler under the bus.
The myth that the Nazi's were not Socialists is thoroughly debunked in this article:

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

The Nazis' control of the means of production, and imposition of strict price and wage controls resulted in rampant inflation, rendered Germany's currency worthless. It wasn't until Ludwig Ehrard became chancellor of Germany post-WWI and deregulated Germany, removing price controls (without the Allies' approval and against the recommendations of his advisors), that Germany experienced the "economic miracle"
I don't disagree with you, I was just explaining that he believes the word/acronym "NAZI" was a misnomer intended to bring socialist workers on board, in that respect he may be right because that is what they are doing in America today, fascists selling themselves to the working masses as "friends of the oppressed", it is very seductive to them.
Yup..just like that.

In the first 30 years of the 20th century..and war between the worker and owner was a very real thing. It was the conflict of the last century..many will tell you that it still goes on.

Europe had been paralyzed by anarchist bombing..assassinations and outright war. Much of this was funded directly from Moscow. The great German ports were shut down due to killed 100's breaking them.

For Hitler to win the people..he had to win the workers....A little known fact is that the NAZI party was originally the German Worker's Party. Hitler, and his circle co-opted the party..changed the name...and the rest is history.
So, Hitler, the Socialist, banned all labor unions as soon as he came to power.

Interesting AM radio spin, but total fail.

So, Hitler, the Socialist, banned all labor unions as soon as he came to power.

How many union led strikes were there in the USSR?
Hehehe,,,being as there were NO unions in the USSR..I guess we know the answer.

The number of union led strikes in Europe, on the other hand, was quite high. Unions were the means that Marxist Communism was spread, in those days.

No need for unions in USSR as they were post-revolutionary. True Unions were considered reactionary in the USSR. True worker's advocates were either shot or off to the gulag.

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