Yes, You're A Communist

Nothing communists in America and Britoin I know. And Swedes and FInn are vice versa Danish and Norweigan in Nordic not cool for every how trust in Nationalism or nationalsocialism.
Crusade was important for old England before 1700's when they been Great Britain. Last Robin Hood movie king Richard died in France last castle an Loxely + Robin Hood come to London and give die king throne to younger king. Movie no 4 last 1-2 year for me.

1 hour of 3 hour movie with Robin Hood.
America is nothing communism and so it is when Eastern world are manny communists even in Democration there manny communists in Eastern and South Europe and Asia.
So let me guess this straight, your argument is that the citizens living under capitalism enjoying a wide distribution of wealth, prosperity, upward mobility, living standards and individual liberty are the slaves; while the citizens of the Soviet Union weren't ?
BTW; Apparently the television signals from Earth have been horribly distorted on their journey to your planet, don't worry
we'll send a probe loaded with MPEG's so you can see what life was really like in the good ole Soviet Union.

Do you really think you got all this things because of "awesome capitalism" or "kindness richmen"???

You got ALL of it, because USSR HAD it! Because capitalism needed to defend its existanse. Because without of all this things you would be the first, who want to change capitalism to socialism.

USSR was fallen.. Do you really live better, since 80th? How about statistic?

BTW. I was born at Soviet Union. I LIVED there, instead of you ;)

{Pssst! The communists gave up to capitalism early on......look up the Stakhanovite Revolution....)

Stakhanovite Revolution? What's this?

That's called PC's penchant for namedropping. Where she comes from, that's how they define artificial intelligence.

So you don't know anything about it either.


He's gotta check with Jon Stewart, he'll brb

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