Yet another BLACK MAN murders cop. What an epidemic.

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?

Well, there was this dude - But it wasn't here and he only killed 77. :icon_rolleyes:
Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik changes his name to Fjotolf Hansen

This dude only made threats - Could be Danish .. definitely white. Lovely looking man I think you will agree.
Man arrested in Wareham for making threat to kill police officer


His surname is LePage apparently, that's now Danish?

I was being sarcastic ;-) I'm real sick of these racist posts by clowns who go looking for stories at places like Breitbart, Infowars, Stormfront etc looking for the latest black on white crime. They then Google the name to find the story on a presentable site, and post lots of huge jpegs if the black dude is sufficiently scary enough.
I am sick of racist sites that specifically mention the race of the perp when they are white and specifically refrain from mentioning the race of the perp when they are not white being called "presentable"

Or that George Zimmerman was a White racist. LOL
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope someone just like him takes one of yours out.
I have no family.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
That's a relief.

please don't breed.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope someone just like him takes one of yours out.
I have no family.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
That's a relief.

please don't breed.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Get some sympathy from me. My parents died when I was five. My only brother died fighting for the US and my grandfather was executed by castro.

While I sympathize with you, you can still take your patronizing white leftist guilt and shove all of it up yoooour ass.

You serve no good purpose to blacks. At all. They don't need to be constantly convinced they are victims and convinced they are NEVER "free at last."

Your patronization of blacks is exactly what they don't need and is the true racism. That, is the truth.
Last edited:
I hope someone just like him takes one of yours out.
I have no family.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
That's a relief.

please don't breed.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.
Forgetting to add the word "be" does not mean that I don't know how to speak English.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I hope someone just like him takes one of yours out.
I have no family.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Most reptiles don't.
I have no family.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
That's a relief.

please don't breed.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.
Forgetting to add the word "be" does not mean that I don't know how to speak English.
It means you don't know how to write, dipshit.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
That's a relief.

please don't breed.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.
Forgetting to add the word "be" does not mean that I don't know how to speak English.
It means you don't know how to write, dipshit.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Except the post you just responded to was even more complicated to type out correctly, and yet I typed it out perfectly.

Now go die.
Thankful that my family is dead.
Typical piece of shit conservative.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.
Forgetting to add the word "be" does not mean that I don't know how to speak English.
It means you don't know how to write, dipshit.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Except the post you just responded to was even more complicated to type out correctly, and yet I typed it out perfectly.

Now go die.
Typing a sentence correctly must be a major accomplishment for you.
Fuck off.
Then die.
You just made the list.
Bye fucker.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You're one evil degenerate.

Take your two thumbs and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
try to be original.

when you see the pits of hell, have the decency to not be surprised.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You're one evil degenerate.

Take your two thumbs and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
try to be original.

when you see the pits of hell, have the decency to not be surprised.
It would appear bring an asshole comes natural to you.
You just made the list.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites

Oh GAWD - Not this crap again. Learn something Trumpian White Nationalist
Don't like SPLC? Fine - Use the links to many studies within including straight up DOJ statistics.
And stop reading Jared Taylor crap in American Renaissance and his phony graphs eagerly retweeted by Donnie Dumpster. :rolleyes-41:

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

Additionally - Innocent blacks are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than whites:
Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

And if you are black, you're THREE times more likely to be killed by a cop:
Cops Are Nearly 3 Times More Likely to Kill Black Americans Than White Americans
They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations
who makes up the 53%???!!!!!!!
sure--they are innocent :rolleyes-41:
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites

Oh GAWD - Not this crap again. Learn something Trumpian White Nationalist
Don't like SPLC? Fine - Use the links to many studies within including straight up DOJ statistics.
And stop reading Jared Taylor crap in American Renaissance and his phony graphs eagerly retweeted by Donnie Dumpster. :rolleyes-41:

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

Additionally - Innocent blacks are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than whites:
Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

And if you are black, you're THREE times more likely to be killed by a cop:
Cops Are Nearly 3 Times More Likely to Kill Black Americans Than White Americans
cops will kill more blacks because the blacks are more violent/murder more/commit more crime per capita ---DUH
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites

Oh GAWD - Not this crap again. Learn something Trumpian White Nationalist
Don't like SPLC? Fine - Use the links to many studies within including straight up DOJ statistics.
And stop reading Jared Taylor crap in American Renaissance and his phony graphs eagerly retweeted by Donnie Dumpster. :rolleyes-41:

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

Additionally - Innocent blacks are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than whites:
Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

And if you are black, you're THREE times more likely to be killed by a cop:
Cops Are Nearly 3 Times More Likely to Kill Black Americans Than White Americans
They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations
who makes up the 53%???!!!!!!!
sure--they are innocent :rolleyes-41:

Which whites kill WHITES - Are they innocent as well DuMFuK?
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites

Oh GAWD - Not this crap again. Learn something Trumpian White Nationalist
Don't like SPLC? Fine - Use the links to many studies within including straight up DOJ statistics.
And stop reading Jared Taylor crap in American Renaissance and his phony graphs eagerly retweeted by Donnie Dumpster. :rolleyes-41:

White supremacists' favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

Additionally - Innocent blacks are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be wrongly convicted of murder than whites:
Study: black people are 7 times more likely than white people to be wrongly convicted of murder

And if you are black, you're THREE times more likely to be killed by a cop:
Cops Are Nearly 3 Times More Likely to Kill Black Americans Than White Americans
They constitute 47% of the 1,900 exonerations
who makes up the 53%???!!!!!!!
sure--they are innocent :rolleyes-41:

Which whites kill WHITES - Are they innocent as well DuMFuK?
blacks never do anything wrong, do they??
they are wrongly convicted.....???!!!!!!
MBrown didn't steal
ASterling was just singing songs by the store
EGarner was wrongly convicted THIRTY times!!!!!!!
Hopefully you will dead soon as well.

Hopefully you will learn English dipshit.
Go fuck yourself racist.
Forgetting to add the word "be" does not mean that I don't know how to speak English.
It means you don't know how to write, dipshit.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Except the post you just responded to was even more complicated to type out correctly, and yet I typed it out perfectly.

Now go die.
Typing a sentence correctly must be a major accomplishment for you.
Fuck off.
Then die.
You just made the list.
Bye fucker.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You are a tumor on society. I’m sure your little friends at the shoeshine stand think you are smart. However everyone else knows you to be an escaped retard.

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You're one evil degenerate.

Take your two thumbs and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
try to be original.

when you see the pits of hell, have the decency to not be surprised.
It would appear bring an asshole comes natural to you.
You just made the list.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Oh no, the list?

Wisner Desmaret, facing eight felonies for his involvement in the shooting of police Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, had a history of crime and mental health problems that show up in the records of at least three Florida counties.

A native of Haiti, Desmaret, 29, lived in Fort Myers at least from age 9, according to a 2008 News-Press profile. The article was written when Desmaret was 19. He had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility and was involved in the Police Athletic League Boxing Academy.

Two years after that article, Desmaret made his first appearance on the Lee County Sheriff's arrest website. He would appear there a dozen more times in addition to arrests in Glades, Orange and Sarasota counties.

Desmaret was arrested in Glades County on Dec. 4, 2008, and held for nearly two months before he was released to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement officials at the Krome facility in Broward County, according to Glades County records.


From boxer to alleged cop shooter, Wisner Desmaret's life marked by arrests, mental illness

What a lovely looking haitian. Can we stop accepting people from these shit holes? We certainly should be taking immigrants from countries like Norway, or Finland, or Sweden. Good decent countries like that. Not from these smelly shit holes.

Don't you all agree?

When was the last time you saw an Danish person go on a killing spree in this country? Has that ever happened?
There's one cop who won't be killing another black man.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You're one evil degenerate.

Take your two thumbs and shove them up your ass.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
try to be original.

when you see the pits of hell, have the decency to not be surprised.
It would appear bring an asshole comes natural to you.
You just made the list.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
you are happy a cop was murdered.

you have no room to judge others.

enjoy hell
It would appear that like many repeat offenders, he was well known to police, prosecutors, and judges (all government workers). Yet, he was allowed free access to society. Is this not negligence on the part of government workers?

Seems to me there should be consequences for the failure of government workers to protect society. It is their job after all. If there were harsh consequences for government worker's malpractice, something would be done to protect society...just may be.

On another note...many on the left demand more gun control and even the elimination of the 2A, yet government allows criminals to freely walk among us. Seems like something is amiss here.

Someone should have warned the FBI about it.


Now if you really want them to investigate, just tell them Putin was involved.

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