Yet another child "accidentally" shot herself to death

Sorry but you're wrong as usual.

Suicide is not a crime

Tell me are you as worried about suicides by overdose, or jumping, hanging, wrist slitting as you are about those committed with guns?

I think not because none of those support your control freak agenda

drugs are regulated, and we restrict access to high places people can jump from...

Mostly because they don't have a lobby that makes more money by people abusing their products. No company wants to own the "suicide building". No company wants to be known as the Sucide Drug Maker.

Funny drugs are regulated

If drugs are sooo well regulated then tell me why is prescription drug addiction a bigger problem than heroin addiction

And people still jump don't they?

There is nothing you can do to stop a person who wants to kill himself and telling people they can't own guns because someone might kill themself with one is no different than telling someone they cant own razor blades because someone might decide to slit her wrists
There is nothing you can do to stop a person who wants to kill himself and telling people they can't own guns because someone might kill themself with one is no different than telling someone they cant own razor blades because someone might decide to slit her wrists

We would have a hard time getting buy as a society without razor blades.

On the other hand, we can get rid of the guns and WE'D ALL BE BETTER OFF.

I mean, guys like you would have to find other ways to compensate for your tiny dicks, but that's your problem.
Dad is arrested and charged after his six-year-old daughter tragically shoots and kills herself with a loaded handgun that she found in a sofa in his apartment
  • Demargo Smith, the child's father, has been charged in the incident with reckless conduct. He was taken to the Fulton County Jail
  • His daughter, six-year-old Ja'Mecca Smith reportedly found the loaded handgun between sofa cushions in his apartment and fired it at herself
  • There were four other children inside the Atlanta apartment at the time of the shooting, according to police
  • Ja'Mecca's mother was not at home at the time of the shooting, but a family friend said that 'she's heartbroken'

Read more: Dad charged after his daughter, six, found a gun and killed herself
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Being black, her father was charged in her death. If she had been white, the father would be free. Bet on it.

Three children shot to death every single week and STILL the nutters are against any kind of safeguards and support every criminal, illegal, terrorist and sicko having easy access to any fucking gun they want.

yes...there are over 320 million guns in private hands.....

Number of accidental gun deaths of children in 2013.....69, In a country of over 320 million people.....

if you have a gun and a car in your home. The car is far more likely to kill your child...

and does the father own the gun legally?

Is he a criminal?

answering those questions would really define the situation more accurately...
There is nothing you can do to stop a person who wants to kill himself and telling people they can't own guns because someone might kill themself with one is no different than telling someone they cant own razor blades because someone might decide to slit her wrists

We would have a hard time getting buy as a society without razor blades.

On the other hand, we can get rid of the guns and WE'D ALL BE BETTER OFF.

I mean, guys like you would have to find other ways to compensate for your tiny dicks, but that's your problem.

except for Europe........where disarmed people were murdered by their governments because they were unarmed...12 million people murdered by their governments...

every mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing happened to people who were disarmed by their governments....people who believed if they just gave up their guns, their governments would always protect them and keep them safe...

12 million people murdered in modern western countries...with modern universities, modern science and the rule of law........
NRA gun nutters are evil.
I've got a grand in my pocket that I'd wager that Demargo Smith is not an NRA member

But he is/was subject to the laws of the land.

NRA actively fights to give terrorists, illegals, criminals and crazies the very same rights I enjoy to own any gun they want and have money to buy.

The NRA is culpable for and so are those who send their dues to them.

Dammit, why can't the nutters see beyond their own craziness?

that is a lie.....the NRA does not support allowing any convicted criminal the ability to own or carry a gun.....

that you want to put innocent people on terrorist lists without actually having them be terrorists, just so you can grab their guns is typical fascist enemies list with unknown bureaucrats putting political enemies on that list with no way to appeal it....typical left wing crap...
NRA gun nutters are evil.

That is exactly the word.

NRA continues to fight against any legislation to keep guns away from terrorists and the RWNJs support that.

Then, in other threads, they LIE that they're against ISIL.


I used to be an avid NRA member and supporter because it was a good outfit - until 1977 when it was hijacked by radicals and turned into the evil shit we see today.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

Allow me to correct that....

Hoe the NRA saved gun rights and protected freedom from left wing fascists.....

There, fixed it....
The gun industry doesn't stamp warnings on their products because they expect even an idiot like you will know that guns are dangerous in the hands of idiots like you.

33,000 Gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year... someone is not getting the message.


8,124 gun murders, the majority by violent criminals murdering other criminals....

505 accidental gun deaths in 2013 in a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense...

Over 19,000 suicides in the United States that were committed without guns....

Americans use guns to stop violent crime 1.5 million times,a year, according to Bill Clinton and a gun self defense study he funded and conducted through his Department of Justice.....and his wasn't the only study to put the number that high....
There is nothing you can do to stop a person who wants to kill himself and telling people they can't own guns because someone might kill themself with one is no different than telling someone they cant own razor blades because someone might decide to slit her wrists

We would have a hard time getting buy as a society without razor blades.

On the other hand, we can get rid of the guns and WE'D ALL BE BETTER OFF.

I mean, guys like you would have to find other ways to compensate for your tiny dicks, but that's your problem.
You mean you would be better off because you're scared of guns

I've been around guns all my life and no one I know has ever been shot accidentally or otherwise

And why are you so interested in other mens' penises

MAybe you should be on a different web site if that's your thing

Not that there's anything wrong with that
that is a lie.....the NRA does not support allowing any convicted criminal the ability to own or carry a gun.....

that you want to put innocent people on terrorist lists without actually having them be terrorists, just so you can grab their guns is typical fascist enemies list with unknown bureaucrats putting political enemies on that list with no way to appeal it....typical left wing crap...

Of course the NRA wants crooks to have guns. It's why the background checks are so laughable. It's how a guy like Robert Dear, with an extensive criminal record of terrorizing his female companions and neighbors, can still get an AK to shoot up an abortion clinic.

If they don't think they belong on the Watch LIst, then they have the ability to appeal. No one seems to.


Talking points, talking points, talking points....
You mean you would be better off because you're scared of guns

I've been around guns all my life and no one I know has ever been shot accidentally or otherwise

I've probably handled more guns than you have. Guns you can't legally ever own.

And some kinds of guns- ones that are designed to be on a battlefield, have no business being owned by a crazed loner in a shack who shoots up an abortion clinic.

Or a guy who thinks he's a killer clown from a comic book.

But every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that 1) Everyone who new these guys knew they were crazy and 2) They had absolutely no difficulty getting a gun.
You mean you would be better off because you're scared of guns

I've been around guns all my life and no one I know has ever been shot accidentally or otherwise

I've probably handled more guns than you have. Guns you can't legally ever own.

And some kinds of guns- ones that are designed to be on a battlefield, have no business being owned by a crazed loner in a shack who shoots up an abortion clinic.

Or a guy who thinks he's a killer clown from a comic book.

But every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that 1) Everyone who new these guys knew they were crazy and 2) They had absolutely no difficulty getting a gun.

And no semi auto is designed to be used on a battle field any more

If you know as much about guns as you say you would know that any so called assault rifle sold in this country is nothing but a semi auto with some doodads on it

My mini 14 is no different in caliber, magazine capacity, rate of fire or accuracy than an AR15

But idiots like you are only afraid of Ar15s

And no semi auto is designed to be used on a battle field any more

If you know as much about guns as you say you would know that any so called assault rifle sold in this country is nothing but a semi auto with some doodads on it

My mini 14 is no different in caliber, magazine capacity, rate of fire or accuracy than an AR15

But idiots like you are only afraid of Ar15s

No, I'm afraid of AR15's (a weapon designed to be used in the battlefields of Vietnam) in the hands of people like Adam Lanza and James Holmes, people who have no business having these kinds of weapons.

And no semi auto is designed to be used on a battle field any more

If you know as much about guns as you say you would know that any so called assault rifle sold in this country is nothing but a semi auto with some doodads on it

My mini 14 is no different in caliber, magazine capacity, rate of fire or accuracy than an AR15

But idiots like you are only afraid of Ar15s

No, I'm afraid of AR15's (a weapon designed to be used in the battlefields of Vietnam) in the hands of people like Adam Lanza and James Holmes, people who have no business having these kinds of weapons.

So you really don't know shit about guns

The rifles used in Nam were capable of full auto

no rifle sold in the US today is
So you really don't know shit about guns

The rifles used in Nam were capable of full auto

no rifle sold in the US today is

Completely irrelevant to the point I was making... But that's okay, I know that you pine for being able to fire a full auto.
So you really don't know shit about guns

The rifles used in Nam were capable of full auto

no rifle sold in the US today is

Completely irrelevant to the point I was making... But that's okay, I know that you pine for being able to fire a full auto.
No I don't actually

And FYI I don't have that many guns

A couple hand guns, a mini 14, mini 30 and a couple different gauge shotguns for skeet mostly

But unlike you I realize that the vast majority of gun owners are just plain old people and will never point a weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill anyone

you can't seem to understand that
No I don't actually

And FYI I don't have that many guns

A couple hand guns, a mini 14, mini 30 and a couple different gauge shotguns for skeet mostly

That's an awful lot of "compensating" going on there.

But unlike you I realize that the vast majority of gun owners are just plain old people and will never point a weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill anyone

you can't seem to understand that

More along the lines of, I j ust don't care. Only 11 or so Pintos blew up, but they still recalled them all.

Only a few dozen baby cribs had babies fall out of them, but we still recalled all the side-loading baby cribs.

There's simply no good reason for an average citizen to own a gun. Every other democracy has figured this out, but in the Good Old USA, we are selling weapons to THESE guys.

No I don't actually

And FYI I don't have that many guns

A couple hand guns, a mini 14, mini 30 and a couple different gauge shotguns for skeet mostly

That's an awful lot of "compensating" going on there.

But unlike you I realize that the vast majority of gun owners are just plain old people and will never point a weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill anyone

you can't seem to understand that

More along the lines of, I j ust don't care. Only 11 or so Pintos blew up, but they still recalled them all.

Only a few dozen baby cribs had babies fall out of them, but we still recalled all the side-loading baby cribs.

There's simply no good reason for an average citizen to own a gun. Every other democracy has figured this out, but in the Good Old USA, we are selling weapons to THESE guys.


You're not very good at analogies

It's not the guns that caused the problem like it was the pinto

It's the people who pulled the trigger

If you want to make illegal any product that .00001% of the population will use in a harmful way go ahead and try

And face it you don't really give a shit about any of those people who died you're just pushing your agenda
that is a lie.....the NRA does not support allowing any convicted criminal the ability to own or carry a gun.....

that you want to put innocent people on terrorist lists without actually having them be terrorists, just so you can grab their guns is typical fascist enemies list with unknown bureaucrats putting political enemies on that list with no way to appeal it....typical left wing crap...

Of course the NRA wants crooks to have guns. It's why the background checks are so laughable. It's how a guy like Robert Dear, with an extensive criminal record of terrorizing his female companions and neighbors, can still get an AK to shoot up an abortion clinic.

If they don't think they belong on the Watch LIst, then they have the ability to appeal. No one seems to.


Talking points, talking points, talking points....

Nope…….the NRA supported the current background check system….no background check system will stop even one criminal who wants a gun from getting it…you guys keep repeating that mantra…"universal background checks….universal background checks….." as if they actually do something to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns…

Background checks are ignored by actual criminals because they steal their guns, or get someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them…so even if you make "universal background checks," they are already failures because criminals will steal their guns or get someone with a clean record to by the gun under "universal background checks."

And we still don't know what gun he used…….

He did not have an extensive criminal record that reached the level of getting barred from ownership……..

And there is no serious appeals process when you are on the terrorist watch list…if you are a normal person, who gets on that list….you are stuck…..and that is just what you guys want…gun banning by any means necessary….
You mean you would be better off because you're scared of guns

I've been around guns all my life and no one I know has ever been shot accidentally or otherwise

I've probably handled more guns than you have. Guns you can't legally ever own.

And some kinds of guns- ones that are designed to be on a battlefield, have no business being owned by a crazed loner in a shack who shoots up an abortion clinic.

Or a guy who thinks he's a killer clown from a comic book.

But every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that 1) Everyone who new these guys knew they were crazy and 2) They had absolutely no difficulty getting a gun.

If the police and military have them…then the people who are the bosses get to have them…the police and military work for us…we don't bend our knee to them…

Mass murder, genocide, and ethnic cleansing all happen because people gave up their guns so that only the police and military would have them….ask those people how that worked out…..ask the Mexicans murdered by the cartels and their Mexican government allies how only allowing police and military to have guns have worked out for them…..
No I don't actually

And FYI I don't have that many guns

A couple hand guns, a mini 14, mini 30 and a couple different gauge shotguns for skeet mostly

That's an awful lot of "compensating" going on there.

But unlike you I realize that the vast majority of gun owners are just plain old people and will never point a weapon at another person never mind shoot or kill anyone

you can't seem to understand that

More along the lines of, I j ust don't care. Only 11 or so Pintos blew up, but they still recalled them all.

Only a few dozen baby cribs had babies fall out of them, but we still recalled all the side-loading baby cribs.

There's simply no good reason for an average citizen to own a gun. Every other democracy has figured this out, but in the Good Old USA, we are selling weapons to THESE guys.


More along the lines of, I j ust don't care. Only 11 or so Pintos blew up, but they still recalled them all.

Wrong again….Springfield arms had a report that one gun fired around when the slide was released…and they didn't even know if that was the actual problem……Springfield recalled all of the guns and repaired the possible..possible problem…all of them…so you are wrong, again…one gun, not 11….and they recalled all of them……

And those 3 guys…will be able to pass universal background checks as well…..and the underage mass shooters…will steal their guns or get them illegally….

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