Yet ANOTHER humiliating example for liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When Lynsi O’Dell’s husband suffered a debilitating brain hemorrhage in 2007, the responsibility of providing for their family fell on her shoulders.

She had to leave her job running a day care to look after her husband and immediately set about looking for ways to ease the strain on the family’s finances.

How One Entrepreneur Launched A Successful Business by Accident |

A liberal experiences misfortune such as this and immediately declares - "the world owes me". They throw themselves a giant pitty-party, cry about how unfair it is, and then demand that society not only pay for their living needs, but also pay for the healthcare costs of the brain hemorrhage. That's how losers like JoeB., g5000, and Saigon react.

But Lynsi O’Dell reacted like an American - and today she's a successful entreprenuer. See the difference? See how people like JoeB. have zero excuse for their "woe-is-me" pitiful self-pitty? Real Americans get up and get after it every day and they ultimately triumph. They make great things happen rather than feeling sorry for themselves and demanding some wealthy stranger hand everything to them.
How old are you, Rotty? Twelve? Thirteen? Can't be much more than that.
This story just keeps getting better...

My name is Lynsi O’Dell and I was stereotyped to fail.

In 1997 my husband and I became teenage parents. Based on statistics, our marriage would end in divorce and I would end up depending on the “System” to survive. This is not an op-ed to confirm our failure, but one to confirm our success, built on true American values; hard work, dedication and resilience.

In 2007, my husband suffered a brain hemorrhage at the age of 29 that kept him from working to provide an income for our family (as a Journeyman Electrician) for months. I operated a state-licensed daycare, but after he became dependent on my care, I could not continue. I found a job working as a server in a Bistro to make ends meet. I was five months pregnant with our fifth child.

I started making my own laundry soap to save money. I enjoyed it and the sense of accomplishment it brought. Our family suffers from eczema and other skin sensitivities so I began a quest to alter this recipe to become natural. For nearly a year I tweaked the recipe, tested it and began again until I found the perfect ratio of natural ingredients that not only cleaned exceptionally well, but were also cost-effective and safe for the environment. A friend that I worked with asked to purchase the finished product. Our business was born!

Marketplace Op-Ed Series: I Chose to Rely on Myself, Not Become a Statistic |
How old are you, Rotty? Twelve? Thirteen? Can't be much more than that.

In all of your time here, you've never added anything of value to a thread (but when has a liberal ever added value?).

I flood this board with facts backed up with links. All you ever do is throw opinion built on severe mental health issues.

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