Yet another turn in the Zimmerman/Martin Case!

Or full of FEAR that a pale faced, skin headed, gun toting person was chasing after him. Face it Zimmerman looks like a skinhead and Martin had every right to fear for his life and stand his ground.

Zimmerman looks like a skinhead! Pale!

Oh my my my.

Whose photo are you looking at?

It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting. Otherwise he wouldn't have attacked.
Zimmerman claimed Martin tried to take away his gun. How could Martin try to disarm Zimmerman if he didn't know he had a gun?????
His gun was at his waist and his jacket was wide opened as he chased Martin. It is much more highly likely that Zimmerman's gun was in plain sight.

Hmmm....I hadn't heard that. I have heard others claim that that was fabricated by the media. Do you have a link perhaps?
Every time CON$erviNutzis are confronted with the truth, they attack the "media." :cuckoo:

Here is Zimmerman's own brother admitting that Martin tried to "disarm" Zimmerman.

Robert Zimmerman Jr. says Trayvon Martin tried to take brother's gun | News - Home
Robert Zimmerman Jr., George Zimmerman's brother, says Trayvon Martin was shot while his brother tried to prevent the teen from grabbing his gun.

Every time edthesickdick is exposed as a flaming turd, he uses some childish new variant of his same old tired label for conservative.

He edthesickdick, based on your amazing grasp of the reporting, tell us (with citation and link) at what point Trayvon first became aware of the gun.
A claim was made that "It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting." I merely pointed out some facts that disputed that claim.

We know at some point Martin was aware of the gun and tried to disarm his assailant. It could have been as early as while Zimmerman was chasing Martin with his jacket unzipped and blowing back from his forward motion. It could have been later, but if Martin was never aware of Zimmerman's gun, then Zimmerman and his family are lying again.
* * * *
A claim was made that "It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting." I merely pointed out some facts that disputed that claim.

But evading the "when" component.

Ok. I happen to agree with you that there IS "some" evidence that Trayvon knew that Zimmerman had a gun.

NOW the question is, based on the reporting available, WHEN did he become of aware of it?

We know at some point Martin was aware of the gun and tried to disarm his assailant. It could have been as early as while Zimmerman was chasing Martin with his jacket unzipped and blowing back from his forward motion. It could have been later, but if Martin was never aware of Zimmerman's gun, then Zimmerman and his family are lying again.

Wrong. If he HAD BEEN unaware of it until during the "scuffle," then there is no evidence that Zimmerman or anybody in his family lied about anything.
edthesickdick conveniently ignores the question of "when." Assuming that Zimmerman did say that to the cops, that doesn't mean that Trayvon knew about the gun when he approached Zimmerman or even when he first started fighting with Zimmerman. He may have discovered it -- for example -- only during the scuffle and only THEN "reached to grab" it.

As for what Zimmerman DID say in the alleged written statement, I can only add this caveat: it is not wise to place too much stock in the reporting of news outlets like NBC or ABC. Put it this way, if you heard the 9-1-1 cll tape played by NBC would you have known that they had edited?

As for the alleged written statement, have YOU seen it?

I know I haven't.
Do you mean like FOX edited the Hoffa Jr tape, * * * ???????

No, shithead. I mean like NBC edited the Zimmerman 9-1-1 call tape.

Try not to deflect so hard when you realize you've been exposed as a pissant little fraud, m'kay?
So it's OK for FOX to chop the middle out of a quote by Hoffa, but no one else is Constitutionally allowed to do the same. Is that what CON$ mean by "Original Intent?"
Si is right too. Loading a fist with anything is bad news. It's why gangsters used to carry rolls of quarters back in the day. A can of something would be even worse.


[ame=]What A Maroon! - YouTube[/ame]
Be ignorant of fact all you want. Won't change it one whit.

[ame=]Simpsons - Sideshow bob steps on rakes - YouTube[/ame]
First the police video came out which appeared to show Zimmerman with no marks. I bought into it. Yet when the enhance the video using digital enhancements there is a MAJOR and very large mark on the back of his head. Those marks could only be made by a significant blow or blows!

Enhanced Video Of Zimmerman In Police Station Appears To Show Injuries | Fox News

Enhanced? Enhanced Photoshop?

no the Iranians and Palestinians have that market cornered, nice try though.
Do you mean like FOX edited the Hoffa Jr tape, * * * ???????

No, shithead. I mean like NBC edited the Zimmerman 9-1-1 call tape.

Try not to deflect so hard when you realize you've been exposed as a pissant little fraud, m'kay?
So it's OK for FOX to chop the middle out of a quote by Hoffa, but no one else is Constitutionally allowed to do the same. Is that what CON$ mean by "Original Intent?"

We aren't discussing FOX, you deflection artist.

We aren't discussing "Hoffa" whateverthefuck that reference might be to.

Your transparently urgent deflection efforts are noted, though.

You pussy.

By your deflection attempt it seems evident that you are perfectly ok with what NBC did. And you are equally ready to lap up what MIGHT be a lapse in ABC's journalistic credibility, too. Good to know, you useless clot.
* * * *
A claim was made that "It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting." I merely pointed out some facts that disputed that claim.

But evading the "when" component.

Ok. I happen to agree with you that there IS "some" evidence that Trayvon knew that Zimmerman had a gun.

NOW the question is, based on the reporting available, WHEN did he become of aware of it?

We know at some point Martin was aware of the gun and tried to disarm his assailant. It could have been as early as while Zimmerman was chasing Martin with his jacket unzipped and blowing back from his forward motion. It could have been later, but if Martin was never aware of Zimmerman's gun, then Zimmerman and his family are lying again.

Wrong. If he HAD BEEN unaware of it until during the "scuffle," then there is no evidence that Zimmerman or anybody in his family lied about anything.
As I had shown, in typical CON$erviNutzi dishonesty, you take two different posts where I merely point out that Martin was aware that Zimmerman had a gun, and then you pretend that I said exactly "when" Martin knew his attacker had a gun to deflect from you doubting that Zimmerman ever said that Martin tried to disarm Zimmerman.

Of course, while deflecting from your rant exposing your lack of knowledge, you accuse me of deflecting. Your MessiahRushie will be proud of you. See my sig.
Fuckin drama queen nitwits ..hit someone with a paper thin soda can and all you are going to do is get them wet

A soda can is made of Aluminum and weighs a little over 13ounces un opened A baseball weighs 5.1 ounces can someone be killed or hurt with a baseball?
No, shithead. I mean like NBC edited the Zimmerman 9-1-1 call tape.

Try not to deflect so hard when you realize you've been exposed as a pissant little fraud, m'kay?
So it's OK for FOX to chop the middle out of a quote by Hoffa, but no one else is Constitutionally allowed to do the same. Is that what CON$ mean by "Original Intent?"

We aren't discussing FOX, you deflection artist.

We aren't discussing "Hoffa" whateverthefuck that reference might be to.

Your transparently urgent deflection efforts are noted, though.

You pussy.

By your deflection attempt it seems evident that you are perfectly ok with what NBC did. And you are equally ready to lap up what MIGHT be a lapse in ABC's journalistic credibility, too. Good to know, you useless clot.
YOU brought up edited tapes, not me, to DEFLECT from the fact that YOU didn't know Zimmerman and his family stated that Martin tried to disarm Zimmerman when YOU went off on a rant because I posted the information.
You know. I wonder if there would be any such outcry if Treyvon Martin HAD murdered George Zimmerman? Or would we be not even hearing about how another black teen killed a member of the neighborhood watch because the news never went beyond local news section B coverage.

With Skittles against a 9mm? yes, we WOULD be hearing of it.........................
He was a big athletic football player who knocked the man down, broke his nose and was beating his head on the ground leaving him disoriented and screaming for help. If Martin had had the sense to, and grabbed Zimmerman's gun, it could have been used on him. It is not nearly out of the realm of possibility.

Si is right too. Loading a fist with anything is bad news. It's why gangsters used to carry rolls of quarters back in the day. A can of something would be even worse.

There are many ways this could have gone wrong. There are many places on the body that if you hit them you can kill very easily. I've studied enough martial arts to know that many of them can be hit by accident too.

On TOP of the killer's head, either on concrete or the ground, I guess the victim picked him up & turned him facing down huh? Yet the victim had his deadly Skittles, and super powered cell phone the entire time................the killer was in deadly fear, but got out of his vehicle to "check a road sign", IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD of which he was WATCH "COMMANDER". Yeah, this adds up. By the weigh, how much does a bullet weigh?
The thing that the lynch mob here cannot comprehend is that it matters little. Witnesses state that martin was on top of Zimmerman beating on him. Zimmerman says it, witnesses corroborate it, and there is nothing to disprove it. A grainy tape cannot prove or disprove anything.
Which begs the question, if Martin was on top beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk, meaning Zimmerman had to be flat on his back, when he shot Martin, how did Martin end up face down with his hands underneath his body, as the police found him???? Also if Zimmerman was under Martin when he shot him, why is there no blood on Martin's shirt??? Gravity would dictate that the blood would fall in a downward direction onto Zimmerman from the time the bullet entered Martin's body to the time Zimmerman freed himself from the dead body weight on top of him.
I find it interesting that none of the Zimmerman apologists have attempted to rationalize how Martin could be shot while pinning Zimmerman down to slam the back of his head into the pavement and both get no blood on Zimmerman's shirt and fall face down with his arms under his body!!!!!!!

I would think Martin would have to be standing clear of Zimmerman or on his knees screaming for help and begging for his life to end up in the position the police found him and with no blood on Zimmerman's shirt. He gets shot in the chest, grabs his chest and then falls forward on top of his arms, dead.

Does anyone have a better scenario???
You know. I wonder if there would be any such outcry if Treyvon Martin HAD murdered George Zimmerman? Or would we be not even hearing about how another black teen killed a member of the neighborhood watch because the news never went beyond local news section B coverage.

With Skittles against a 9mm? yes, we WOULD be hearing of it.........................
Ever hit someone with a full can in your fist?

Ever left the safety of a vehicle while in fear of your life to check a road sign, in the area in which YOU were the neighborhood watch? This is why the killer should have been given a BAC & drug test; standard in homicide cases, maybe he is afraid of needles too. He'd shoot any medical personnel that tried to take one.
With Skittles against a 9mm? yes, we WOULD be hearing of it.........................
Ever hit someone with a full can in your fist?

Ever left the safety of a vehicle while in fear of your life to check a road sign, in the area in which YOU were the neighborhood watch? This is why the killer should have been given a BAC & drug test; standard in homicide cases, maybe he is afraid of needles too. He'd shoot any medical personnel that tried to take one.

If trayvon was in fear for his life why didn't he continue running a little less than a 1000 feet and go to the place he was staying? Why did he hide and jump zimmerman?
Ever hit someone with a full can in your fist?

Ever left the safety of a vehicle while in fear of your life to check a road sign, in the area in which YOU were the neighborhood watch? This is why the killer should have been given a BAC & drug test; standard in homicide cases, maybe he is afraid of needles too. He'd shoot any medical personnel that tried to take one.

If trayvon was in fear for his life why didn't he continue running a little less than a 1000 feet and go to the place he was staying? Why did he hide and jump zimmerman?
We have another anonymous eye witness! :eusa_liar:
The thing that the lynch mob here cannot comprehend is that it matters little. Witnesses state that martin was on top of Zimmerman beating on him. Zimmerman says it, witnesses corroborate it, and there is nothing to disprove it. A grainy tape cannot prove or disprove anything.
Which begs the question, if Martin was on top beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk, meaning Zimmerman had to be flat on his back, when he shot Martin, how did Martin end up face down with his hands underneath his body, as the police found him???? Also if Zimmerman was under Martin when he shot him, why is there no blood on Martin's shirt??? Gravity would dictate that the blood would fall in a downward direction onto Zimmerman from the time the bullet entered Martin's body to the time Zimmerman freed himself from the dead body weight on top of him.
I find it interesting that none of the Zimmerman apologists have attempted to rationalize how Martin could be shot while pinning Zimmerman down to slam the back of his head into the pavement and both get no blood on Zimmerman's shirt and fall face down with his arms under his body!!!!!!!

I would think Martin would have to be standing clear of Zimmerman or on his knees screaming for help and begging for his life to end up in the position the police found him and with no blood on Zimmerman's shirt. He gets shot in the chest, grabs his chest and then falls forward on top of his arms, dead.

Does anyone have a better scenario???

Why Zimmerman left the safety of his vehicle to check a road sign in his neighborhood, as he was neighborhood watch, is another unanswered question. How the victim talked on his cellphone while attacking with the can of ice tea is also uncertain........though Martin is said to have followed the killer to the car the killer had been in, Martin's body was nowhere near there when found. I've seen no reports a broken or shattered can of tea was found of course, just ice tea & Skittles....................................................
With Skittles against a 9mm? yes, we WOULD be hearing of it.........................
Ever hit someone with a full can in your fist?

Ever left the safety of a vehicle while in fear of your life to check a road sign, in the area in which YOU were the neighborhood watch? This is why the killer should have been given a BAC & drug test; standard in homicide cases, maybe he is afraid of needles too. He'd shoot any medical personnel that tried to take one.
yeah we know. Martin could do no wrong in your eyes.
Which begs the question, if Martin was on top beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk, meaning Zimmerman had to be flat on his back, when he shot Martin, how did Martin end up face down with his hands underneath his body, as the police found him???? Also if Zimmerman was under Martin when he shot him, why is there no blood on Martin's shirt??? Gravity would dictate that the blood would fall in a downward direction onto Zimmerman from the time the bullet entered Martin's body to the time Zimmerman freed himself from the dead body weight on top of him.
I find it interesting that none of the Zimmerman apologists have attempted to rationalize how Martin could be shot while pinning Zimmerman down to slam the back of his head into the pavement and both get no blood on Zimmerman's shirt and fall face down with his arms under his body!!!!!!!

I would think Martin would have to be standing clear of Zimmerman or on his knees screaming for help and begging for his life to end up in the position the police found him and with no blood on Zimmerman's shirt. He gets shot in the chest, grabs his chest and then falls forward on top of his arms, dead.

Does anyone have a better scenario???

Why Zimmerman left the safety of his vehicle to check a road sign in his neighborhood, as he was neighborhood watch, is another unanswered question. How the victim talked on his cellphone while attacking with the can of ice tea is also uncertain........though Martin is said to have followed the killer to the car the killer had been in, Martin's body was nowhere near there when found. I've seen no reports a broken or shattered can of tea was found of course, just ice tea & Skittles....................................................
Exactly, Zimmerman's tale has more holes than Swiss cheese, which is why his lawyer hinted that Zimmerman might not testify at a Grand Jury hearing and give his side of the story.

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