Yet another turn in the Zimmerman/Martin Case!

exactly.....dead kid, gun used to kill him, dude who admits to doing it in self defense...time for a courtroom.

That's not the process. The process says investigate, gather evidence - IF the evidence warrants a GJ... convene one... then we talk about trials. That is our process. Flawed though it is sometimes, it is what it is. What we don't do.... we don't try people in the media.... we don't rely on the media to present the 'facts'... and it appears that is a wise thing given the lies spread by NBC to create a 'race' issue... and the use of old images to make Martin look like some little boy and Zimmerman like a convicted criminal.... we don't do an American Idol vote for guilt or innocence.

They have the following

1) Dead Body
2) weapon used to kill dead body
3) Person who used weapon on record saying it was done so in self defense

That isn't enough evidence to have a court decide if it was self defense or not? What else is needed?

And I'm not sure why you are throwing all that into your response to me, it doesn't really fit into what I am calling for or saying, my position is very simple and has been laid out over and over.


that is not evidense of murder. It is only evidence that someone died. The state MUST have evidence that the claim of self-defense is false or there's no trial. You cannot put a person on trial without evidence of a crime.
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:lol: The same people saying this doesn't mean shit are the same people that were up in arms when the first tape didn't show any injuries.:clap2:
They have the following

1) Dead Body
2) weapon used to kill dead body
3) Person who used weapon on record saying it was done so in self defense

That isn't enough evidence to have a court decide if it was self defense or not? What else is needed?

And I'm not sure why you are throwing all that into your response to me, it doesn't really fit into what I am calling for or saying, my position is very simple and has been laid out over and over.

And the person who used the weapon saying it was self defense. What if that's all there is? What if it really was self defense? People are on record on this forum as saying they want him in prison... some say he should get the DP.... and we haven't even bothered to find him guilty. We have the NBPs issuing a reward for his capture 'dead or alive'... and there isn't even an arrest warrant out on the man. We have the media providing dishonest edited versions of 911 tapes.... what kind of fucking country is this? Is it one of laws or one of trial by media?

Yes I said that

If that is all there is then Zimmeman would be found innocent under the evidence they have. That is fine with me as long as it is the court and not you, me, the police, the media, or Al Sharpton making that call.

I never said I thought he should go to prison, i came out against the "murder for hire" move by the black panthers, and I haven't taken any media accounts as complete fact....this is why I'm saying we need a trial in the court and not the media.

I'm not sure why you seem to disagree with that assesment still. Help me out.

Amazing that you think a person could be dragged into court to defend against a non-crime.
Yes, we do.

This is an honest question, since you said yes what more evidence is needed to move forward in addition to a dead body, the weapon that was used to end the life, and the admission by the person who ended the life that they did so (in self defense according to them).

What is needed is evidence that it wasn't self-defense as Zimmerman claims. There is absolutely zero evidence that has come out that disputes Zimmerman's story of the events. There are witnesses and evidence that supports his story. The body, the gun, and Zimmerman's admission that he shot him ONLY prove that Martin was shot. Nothing more. It is not evidence of a crime.

I read one witness, named as opposed to anyomous, said she saw Zimmerman straddling the victim?
There are two women who said they saw him straddling the victim after the victim was shot.
This is an honest question, since you said yes what more evidence is needed to move forward in addition to a dead body, the weapon that was used to end the life, and the admission by the person who ended the life that they did so (in self defense according to them).

What is needed is evidence that it wasn't self-defense as Zimmerman claims. There is absolutely zero evidence that has come out that disputes Zimmerman's story of the events. There are witnesses and evidence that supports his story. The body, the gun, and Zimmerman's admission that he shot him ONLY prove that Martin was shot. Nothing more. It is not evidence of a crime.

I read one witness, named as opposed to anyomous, said she saw Zimmerman straddling the victim?

After he was shot, yes. there are two of those witnesses.
Zimmerman looks like a skinhead! Pale!

Oh my my my.

Whose photo are you looking at?

It is highly likely that Martin had no idea Zimmerman was gun toting. Otherwise he wouldn't have attacked.
Zimmerman claimed Martin tried to take away his gun. How could Martin try to disarm Zimmerman if he didn't know he had a gun?????
His gun was at his waist and his jacket was wide opened as he chased Martin. It is much more highly likely that Zimmerman's gun was in plain sight.

That is hearsay. Zimmerman has never claimed that that I've heard. Link?
It was a Zimmerman who said that.

Just not George.

It was his father who said that.
How I wish the other side could tell what happened.

Unfortunately Zimmerman made that entirely impossible.

Killing the boy shut him up forever


That is the situation in every homicide case where there is a one on one confrontation resulting in one death.

Killing the lad did cause him to lose the ability to "speak." But maybe it prevented him from killing Zimmerman.

Not that such a consideration would be of any interest to a partisan hack like you.

how do you prove Trayvon tried to kill anyone?

Your stupidity and ignorance come in layers.

Do you know what "maybe" means you fucking idiot?

Does someone who is having the shit kicked out of him necessarily know, at that moment, that his assailant is not trying to kill him?

Is there not some evidence that poor innocent Trayvon was possibly not so innocent and that he was indeed on top of Zimmerman pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground?

Who the fuck said anything about proving that Trayvon WAS trying to kill anybody anyway, you sub-cretinous blob of stupid?
Zimmerman claimed Martin tried to take away his gun. How could Martin try to disarm Zimmerman if he didn't know he had a gun?????
His gun was at his waist and his jacket was wide opened as he chased Martin. It is much more highly likely that Zimmerman's gun was in plain sight.

That is hearsay. Zimmerman has never claimed that that I've heard. Link?
It was a Zimmerman who said that.

Just not George.

It was his father who said that.

Hmmm....I hadn't heard that. I have heard others claim that that was fabricated by the media. Do you have a link perhaps?
Below is a snippet from a report by Reuters News, filed a couple of hours ago. It's Trayvon's father telling what he was told by the police. Is he telling the truth? Dunno, but if this is true then IMHO Zimmerman did instigate the shooting when he followed Trayvon after being told not to.
The night his son was killed, Martin, 45, was out to dinner with his fiancée, Brandy Green. Martin, who was divorced from Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, in 1999, is a truck driver from Miami who has a long-distance relationship with Green, a resident of the Retreat at Twin Lakes subdivision in Sanford where Zimmerman also lived.

Martin would visit Green on weekends, making the four-hour drive to the Orlando suburb of Sanford. In late February he was able to bring his son because Trayvon, a junior, was serving a 10-day suspension from Miami's Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School. He'd been caught with a plastic baggie that contained traces of marijuana.

On Wednesday, the day after receiving the news, Martin went to the Sanford Police Department looking for answers - and his son's body. Police took him to a room and played some of the 911 recordings of neighbors who called to report a disturbance followed by a gunshot.

They did not play an earlier call to a police non-emergency line, during which Zimmerman reported a "suspicious guy" and ignored the operator's suggestion to quit following him. Investigator Chris Serino then took Martin to another room and told him Zimmerman's version of events.

Sanford police have stopped talking to reporters about the case, and Serino has never spoken publicly about his role in it, but here is how Martin recalls what Serino said: "He told me Zimmerman's story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?' Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I'm not following you.' He rolls his car windows up.

"Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What's your problem, homes?' Zimmerman says ‘I don't have a problem.'

"Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman's mouth and tells him to shut the F up and continues to pound on him.

"At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, 'You got me.'" The Martin family has been telling their story as part of a campaign to have Zimmerman arrested. He himself has kept quiet.

Trayvon Martin: Before the world heard the cries | Reuters
Below is a snippet from a report by Reuters News, filed a couple of hours ago. It's Trayvon's father telling what he was told by the police. Is he telling the truth? Dunno, but if this is true then IMHO Zimmerman did instigate the shooting when he followed Trayvon after being told not to.
The night his son was killed, Martin, 45, was out to dinner with his fiancée, Brandy Green. Martin, who was divorced from Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, in 1999, is a truck driver from Miami who has a long-distance relationship with Green, a resident of the Retreat at Twin Lakes subdivision in Sanford where Zimmerman also lived.

Martin would visit Green on weekends, making the four-hour drive to the Orlando suburb of Sanford. In late February he was able to bring his son because Trayvon, a junior, was serving a 10-day suspension from Miami's Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School. He'd been caught with a plastic baggie that contained traces of marijuana.

On Wednesday, the day after receiving the news, Martin went to the Sanford Police Department looking for answers - and his son's body. Police took him to a room and played some of the 911 recordings of neighbors who called to report a disturbance followed by a gunshot.

They did not play an earlier call to a police non-emergency line, during which Zimmerman reported a "suspicious guy" and ignored the operator's suggestion to quit following him. Investigator Chris Serino then took Martin to another room and told him Zimmerman's version of events.

Sanford police have stopped talking to reporters about the case, and Serino has never spoken publicly about his role in it, but here is how Martin recalls what Serino said: "He told me Zimmerman's story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?' Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I'm not following you.' He rolls his car windows up.

"Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What's your problem, homes?' Zimmerman says ‘I don't have a problem.'

"Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman's mouth and tells him to shut the F up and continues to pound on him.

"At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, 'You got me.'" The Martin family has been telling their story as part of a campaign to have Zimmerman arrested. He himself has kept quiet.

Trayvon Martin: Before the world heard the cries | Reuters

"you got me"?


"you shot me"?
Below is a snippet from a report by Reuters News, filed a couple of hours ago. It's Trayvon's father telling what he was told by the police. Is he telling the truth? Dunno, but if this is true then IMHO Zimmerman did instigate the shooting when he followed Trayvon after being told not to.
The night his son was killed, Martin, 45, was out to dinner with his fiancée, Brandy Green. Martin, who was divorced from Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, in 1999, is a truck driver from Miami who has a long-distance relationship with Green, a resident of the Retreat at Twin Lakes subdivision in Sanford where Zimmerman also lived.

Martin would visit Green on weekends, making the four-hour drive to the Orlando suburb of Sanford. In late February he was able to bring his son because Trayvon, a junior, was serving a 10-day suspension from Miami's Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School. He'd been caught with a plastic baggie that contained traces of marijuana.

On Wednesday, the day after receiving the news, Martin went to the Sanford Police Department looking for answers - and his son's body. Police took him to a room and played some of the 911 recordings of neighbors who called to report a disturbance followed by a gunshot.

They did not play an earlier call to a police non-emergency line, during which Zimmerman reported a "suspicious guy" and ignored the operator's suggestion to quit following him. Investigator Chris Serino then took Martin to another room and told him Zimmerman's version of events.

Sanford police have stopped talking to reporters about the case, and Serino has never spoken publicly about his role in it, but here is how Martin recalls what Serino said: "He told me Zimmerman's story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?' Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I'm not following you.' He rolls his car windows up.

"Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What's your problem, homes?' Zimmerman says ‘I don't have a problem.'

"Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman's mouth and tells him to shut the F up and continues to pound on him.

"At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, 'You got me.'" The Martin family has been telling their story as part of a campaign to have Zimmerman arrested. He himself has kept quiet.

Trayvon Martin: Before the world heard the cries | Reuters

Says the victim's father, as HE recalls learning of his son's death............................
Sorry the truth bothers you so much. Thus my suggestion that you GROW UP.

Sorry Si..if you want to be all grown up and live in a world where people can shoot one another over nothing. Fine.

I think that should be a crime.

"Child" that I am.

I quite like the idea of being able to defend oneself... with lethal force, if necessary. But I am a grown up who prefers fact to fiction, likes the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing and considers all the evidence, not just the stuff that supports my preconceived ideas.

And that's fine.

Force should be applied proportional to force. But there should be no "get out of jail" free card when someone winds up dead...and it shouldn't be police calling those shots.
Below is a snippet from a report by Reuters News, filed a couple of hours ago. It's Trayvon's father telling what he was told by the police. Is he telling the truth? Dunno, but if this is true then IMHO Zimmerman did instigate the shooting when he followed Trayvon after being told not to.
The night his son was killed, Martin, 45, was out to dinner with his fiancée, Brandy Green. Martin, who was divorced from Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, in 1999, is a truck driver from Miami who has a long-distance relationship with Green, a resident of the Retreat at Twin Lakes subdivision in Sanford where Zimmerman also lived.

Martin would visit Green on weekends, making the four-hour drive to the Orlando suburb of Sanford. In late February he was able to bring his son because Trayvon, a junior, was serving a 10-day suspension from Miami's Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School. He'd been caught with a plastic baggie that contained traces of marijuana.

On Wednesday, the day after receiving the news, Martin went to the Sanford Police Department looking for answers - and his son's body. Police took him to a room and played some of the 911 recordings of neighbors who called to report a disturbance followed by a gunshot.

They did not play an earlier call to a police non-emergency line, during which Zimmerman reported a "suspicious guy" and ignored the operator's suggestion to quit following him. Investigator Chris Serino then took Martin to another room and told him Zimmerman's version of events.

Sanford police have stopped talking to reporters about the case, and Serino has never spoken publicly about his role in it, but here is how Martin recalls what Serino said: "He told me Zimmerman's story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?' Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I'm not following you.' He rolls his car windows up.

"Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What's your problem, homes?' Zimmerman says ‘I don't have a problem.'

"Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman's mouth and tells him to shut the F up and continues to pound on him.

"At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, 'You got me.'" The Martin family has been telling their story as part of a campaign to have Zimmerman arrested. He himself has kept quiet.

Trayvon Martin: Before the world heard the cries | Reuters

"you got me"?


"you shot me"?

He was thinking "The Kinks" song..
Sorry Si..if you want to be all grown up and live in a world where people can shoot one another over nothing. Fine.

I think that should be a crime.

"Child" that I am.

I quite like the idea of being able to defend oneself... with lethal force, if necessary. But I am a grown up who prefers fact to fiction, likes the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing and considers all the evidence, not just the stuff that supports my preconceived ideas.

And that's fine.

Force should be applied proportional to force. But there should be no "get out of jail" free card when someone winds up dead...and it shouldn't be police calling those shots.

That is the priciple, but the Sanford police saw no case, obviously.
Sorry Si..if you want to be all grown up and live in a world where people can shoot one another over nothing. Fine.

I think that should be a crime.

"Child" that I am.

I quite like the idea of being able to defend oneself... with lethal force, if necessary. But I am a grown up who prefers fact to fiction, likes the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing and considers all the evidence, not just the stuff that supports my preconceived ideas.

And that's fine.

Force should be applied proportional to force. But there should be no "get out of jail" free card when someone winds up dead...and it shouldn't be police calling those shots.
You may want that to be the case, but Florida gets to decide that for themselves. And, their law says no such thing.

As I said, that's the law. Your lack of ability to accept it is immature.
First the police video came out which appeared to show Zimmerman with no marks. I bought into it. Yet when the enhance the video using digital enhancements there is a MAJOR and very large mark on the back of his head. Those marks could only be made by a significant blow or blows!

Enhanced Video Of Zimmerman In Police Station Appears To Show Injuries | Fox News

You racist!!!

How dare you post up factual information that backs up Zimmermans claim.

Shoulda used CNN, then you'd be a seeker of truth.

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