Yi Wan Ka & Madame Chiang


Sep 23, 2010
Ivanka reminds me of Madame Chiang Kai-shek. I do not mean politics. The Madame was a pure political animal who relished in global trench warfare, while Ivanka balances business and politics with the emphasis on business. It is their fame as ambitious, beautiful woman that fascinates me. Each one was embraced by a culture much different than their own. I have no catchall answer as to why Ivanka has become famous in China. I have some thoughts on why The Madame became famous in this country.



Madame Chiang’s fame in this country had a lot to do with her being a hardcore anti-Communist. Had she achieved her political goal:

"I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world."​

there would be no Communist China, Communist North Korea, and Communist Vietnam today. Unfortunately, The Madame was bucking the beginning of the United Nations and the New World Order. Today, Americans live in a world created by American traitors. I like The Madame’s world better:

Today the woman Ernest Hemingway once called "the Empress of China" will be celebrated in a memorial service at St Bartholomew's Church in Manhattan which her family hopes will be attended by 1,000 people. Sixty years ago, in the same city, she dreamed of ruling the world in association with one of America's most prominent politicians.

Meiling Soong, aka Madame Chiang Kai-shek, once famous round the world as the beautiful and extremely powerful Dragon Lady wife of China's autocratic ruler, lived the last years of her life in seclusion in a large apartment overlooking Gracie Park on the Upper East Side before dying on October 23 at the age of 106. The seclusion was not simply a matter of age and health. The Kuomintang Nationalist party, which had ruled the island of Taiwan after she and her husband fled there from mainland China in 1949, is trying to reinvent itself as a modern democratic party, and had no wish for this figure from its authoritarian past to emerge from the shadows.​


"If Wendell could be elected, then he and I would rule the world," she went on. "I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world." Though Cowles considered the proposal crazy, he was "so mesmerised by clearly one of the most formidable women of the time that this evening I would not have dismissed anything she said."

Returning to China, Meiling led a palace coup to block her equally ambitious eldest brother, and talked of becoming China's war minister. Then, 60 years ago this month, she flew with her husband to meet Churchill and Roosevelt at a war summit in Cairo.

Instead of visiting the pyramids, as Churchill wanted her to do, she walked into the conference chamber, wearing a black satin dress with a yellow chrysanthemum pattern, the skirt slit up the side. Since the Generalissimo spoke no English, she took over on the Chinese side, constantly correcting the interpreters and setting policy as she chain-smoked British cigarettes. At one point, according to the British chief of staff, she aroused a "rustle" and a "neighing" from men in the room when she shifted position and showed "one of the most shapely of legs" through the slit in her skirt.

But her plans to co-rule the world fell apart when Willkie failed to get the Republican nomination, and then died of a heart attack. Nor were matters smooth at home. The Generalissimo was congenitally suspicious of anybody around him who amassed power, including his wife. He was said to be having an affair with his nurse, and Meiling was reported to have thrown a vase at him, causing such injuries that he could not go out in public for several days.​

The sorceress
Jonathan Fenby
Tuesday 4 November 2003 22.00 EST

The extraordinary secret of Madame Chiang Kai-shek


Ivanka’s fame in China is made of the stuff that will defeat Communism without firing a shot:

. . . in China, Ms. Trump is widely adored. Her lavish lifestyle and business acumen resonate with many young professionals who are hungry for fame and fortune in a society that often equates material wealth with success.


“She’s pretty, she has her own career, she’s hardworking and she has a beautiful family,” said Ms. Wang, 26, a student at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. “She inspires me.”​


She is called a “goddess” on social media. A video of her daughter singing in Chinese went viral, attracting tens of millions of viewers. Working mothers have latched onto Ms. Trump’s brand of have-it-all feminism, even if most lack her financial resources, and entrepreneurs have studied her speeches for clues on making successful pitches.

Xinhua, the official news agency, weighed in last week, describing Ms. Trump as having an “elegant and poised style.”


Chinese companies have also tried to profit from Ms. Trump’s popularity, filing hundreds of trademark applications using her name — Yi Wan Ka in Chinese — on products and services such as shoes, spa treatments, plastic surgery and pottery.​

The ‘Goddess’ Yi Wan Ka: Ivanka Trump Is a Hit in China
APRIL 5, 2017


Finally, I once compared Hillary Clinton to another Chinese woman:

I often accused Hillary Clinton of learning the road to political power from Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Saul Alinsky and others of their persuasion. I was mistaken. Hillary is a carbon copy of Jiang Qing:​

July 8, 2016
Jiang Qing: Wife of Mao Zedong, Cruel Manipulator, Feminist
By Jason Morgan

Articles: Jiang Qing: Wife of Mao Zedong, Cruel Manipulator, Feminist

Hillary: The Original
Last edited:
Ivanka reminds me of Madame Chiang Kai-shek. I do not mean politics. The Madame was a pure political animal who relished in global trench warfare, while Ivanka balances business and politics with the emphasis on business. It is their fame as ambitious, beautiful woman that fascinates me. Each one was embraced by a culture much different than their own. I have no catchall answer as to why Ivanka has become famous in China. I have some thoughts on why The Madame became famous in this country.



Madame Chiang’s fame in this country had a lot to do with her being a hardcore anti-Communist. Had she achieved her political goal:

"I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world."​

there would be no Communist China, Communist North Korea, and Communist Vietnam today. Unfortunately, the Madame was bucking the beginning of the United Nations and the New World Order. Today, Americans live in a world created by American traitors. I like the Madame’s world better:

Today the woman Ernest Hemingway once called "the Empress of China" will be celebrated in a memorial service at St Bartholomew's Church in Manhattan which her family hopes will be attended by 1,000 people. Sixty years ago, in the same city, she dreamed of ruling the world in association with one of America's most prominent politicians.

Meiling Soong, aka Madame Chiang Kai-shek, once famous round the world as the beautiful and extremely powerful Dragon Lady wife of China's autocratic ruler, lived the last years of her life in seclusion in a large apartment overlooking Gracie Park on the Upper East Side before dying on October 23 at the age of 106. The seclusion was not simply a matter of age and health. The Kuomintang Nationalist party, which had ruled the island of Taiwan after she and her husband fled there from mainland China in 1949, is trying to reinvent itself as a modern democratic party, and had no wish for this figure from its authoritarian past to emerge from the shadows.​


"If Wendell could be elected, then he and I would rule the world," she went on. "I would rule the Orient and Wendell would rule the western world." Though Cowles considered the proposal crazy, he was "so mesmerised by clearly one of the most formidable women of the time that this evening I would not have dismissed anything she said."

Returning to China, Meiling led a palace coup to block her equally ambitious eldest brother, and talked of becoming China's war minister. Then, 60 years ago this month, she flew with her husband to meet Churchill and Roosevelt at a war summit in Cairo.

Instead of visiting the pyramids, as Churchill wanted her to do, she walked into the conference chamber, wearing a black satin dress with a yellow chrysanthemum pattern, the skirt slit up the side. Since the Generalissimo spoke no English, she took over on the Chinese side, constantly correcting the interpreters and setting policy as she chain-smoked British cigarettes. At one point, according to the British chief of staff, she aroused a "rustle" and a "neighing" from men in the room when she shifted position and showed "one of the most shapely of legs" through the slit in her skirt.

But her plans to co-rule the world fell apart when Willkie failed to get the Republican nomination, and then died of a heart attack. Nor were matters smooth at home. The Generalissimo was congenitally suspicious of anybody around him who amassed power, including his wife. He was said to be having an affair with his nurse, and Meiling was reported to have thrown a vase at him, causing such injuries that he could not go out in public for several days.​

The sorceress
Jonathan Fenby
Tuesday 4 November 2003 22.00 EST

The extraordinary secret of Madame Chiang Kai-shek


Ivanka’s fame in China is made of the stuff that will defeat Communism without firing a shot:

. . . in China, Ms. Trump is widely adored. Her lavish lifestyle and business acumen resonate with many young professionals who are hungry for fame and fortune in a society that often equates material wealth with success.


“She’s pretty, she has her own career, she’s hardworking and she has a beautiful family,” said Ms. Wang, 26, a student at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing. “She inspires me.”​


She is called a “goddess” on social media. A video of her daughter singing in Chinese went viral, attracting tens of millions of viewers. Working mothers have latched onto Ms. Trump’s brand of have-it-all feminism, even if most lack her financial resources, and entrepreneurs have studied her speeches for clues on making successful pitches.

Xinhua, the official news agency, weighed in last week, describing Ms. Trump as having an “elegant and poised style.”


Chinese companies have also tried to profit from Ms. Trump’s popularity, filing hundreds of trademark applications using her name — Yi Wan Ka in Chinese — on products and services such as shoes, spa treatments, plastic surgery and pottery.​

The ‘Goddess’ Yi Wan Ka: Ivanka Trump Is a Hit in China
APRIL 5, 2017


Finally, I once compared Hillary Clinton to another Chinese woman:

I often accused Hillary Clinton of learning the road to political power from Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Saul Alinsky and others of their persuasion. I was mistaken. Hillary is a carbon copy of Jiang Qing:​

July 8, 2016
Jiang Qing: Wife of Mao Zedong, Cruel Manipulator, Feminist
By Jason Morgan

Articles: Jiang Qing: Wife of Mao Zedong, Cruel Manipulator, Feminist

Hillary: The Original
Yes, China would have been a much different and the world would have been much different if the Nationalists had won. I dont know why the west did not have the forethought to press harder to defeat the Communists?
Before that syphilis ridden monkey Mao died, he had starved or murdered 30M+ of his countrymen.

Chiang Wei Kuo
I think this picture my help us to understand why (((they))) in the west were not that eager to assist the Nationalists in their quests to defeat Mao.
I dont know why the west did not have the forethought to press harder to defeat the Communists?
To heil hitler: Research”Who Lost China?” and you will see the State Department’s ugly hand in every decision.

Who lost China? is an ongoing debate. After much reading over the past six decades my personal believe is that FDR, Truman, military leaders, etc., were deliberately given a lot of bad foreign policy advice by career officials in the State Department in order to quietly support Mao and Communism.

The United Nations in 1945 became a powerful tool for American Communists. Younger Americans probably do not know this but “Admit China” to the UN was a top priority for the American Left until President Nixon gave Nationalist China’s seat to Communist China in 1972. Nobody ever accused Nixon of being soft on Communism, yet he caved in to media pressure. China’s seat in the UN meant that Communists controlled two out of five permanent seats on the Security Council.
I dont know why the west did not have the forethought to press harder to defeat the Communists?
To heil hitler: Research”Who Lost China?” and you will see the State Department’s ugly hand in every decision.

Who lost China? is an ongoing debate. After much reading over the past six decades my personal believe is that FDR, Truman, military leaders, etc., were deliberately given a lot of bad foreign policy advice by career officials in the State Department in order to quietly support Mao and Communism.

The United Nations in 1945 became a powerful tool for American Communists. Younger Americans probably do not know this but “Admit China” to the UN was a top priority for the American Left until President Nixon gave Nationalist China’s seat to Communist China in 1972. Nobody ever accused Nixon of being soft on Communism, yet he caved in to media pressure. China’s Seat in the UN meant that Communists controlled two out of five permanent seats on the Security Council.

(((career officials)))... Jews are Communist and they are the sympathizers and progenitors of much of Westenrn Communist thought and propaganda.Jews were behind the UN.
If you are too genteel to say it...I will.

Jews are Communist and they are the sympathizers and progenitors of much of Westenrn Communist thought and propaganda.
To heil hitler: A philosophical case could have been made in the early 20th century. That same case is ludicrous today.
Jews were behind the UN.
To heil hitler: There is a big contradiction in your argument. The United Nations is a Communist institution, yet the UN is determined to destroy Israel one way or another.
If you are too genteel to say it...I will.
To heil hitler: LOL. Is this too genteel for you?

For years I’ve been saying American Jew-haters lose no matter which way a Muslim attack might go:

1. Israel grows stronger if it wins the war.

2. Should Muslims overrun Israel millions of refugees will come to the US assuming Muslims do not slaughter every Israeli.

Ask yourself where all of those Israeli refugees will go if Muslims overrun Israel? —— if Israelis are allowed to leave?

Incidentally, Americans and Europeans had open-borders forced on them by United Nations immigration policy that have nothing to do with Jews. That is another contradiction in your argument.. Israelis would benefit from United Nations policy on refugees. That puts a crimp in Islam’s plans to kill every Jew in the world.

Parenthetically, look how far the world went in the wrong direction since FDR refused to accept less than a thousand legitimate Jewish refugees on the MS Saint Louis.


MS St. Louis surrounded by smaller vessels in its homeport of Hamburg.

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 908 Jewish refugees from Germany, after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States and Canada, until finally accepted in various European countries, which were later engulfed in World War II.​

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia

Bottom line: Today's Israel did not exist in 1939. Today it is America’s duty to defend ally Israel in addition to being sound foreign policy.
To heil hitler: A philosophical case could have been made in the early 20th century. That same case is ludicrous today.

To heil hitler: There is a big contradiction in your argument. The United Nations is a Communist institution, yet the UN is determined to destroy Israel one way or another.

I am sure you fail to see the contradiction in these two statements.

For years I’ve been saying American Jew-haters lose no matter which way a Muslim attack might go:

The K!ke defeated the Muslim prior to any western support. What makes you think they lack the ability now? Today, 20% of Israel's GDP is derived from weapons development. Weapon systems that are exported. The myth that the pooor little Jews require the big eagle's help is completely absurd at this stage.

Ask yourself where all of those Israeli refugees will go if Muslims overrun Israel?
Concurrently, ask yourself how in the hell those Muslims are going to possibly overwhelm and overtake a country with the best weaponry in the world AND nuclear weapons. Stop...these old lines are exactly that...old and very tired.

Incidentally, Americans and Europeans had open-borders forced on them by United Nations immigration policy that have nothing to do with Jews.

Once again you are contradicting yourself...refer to you first two quotes that I have selected.

Yeap...and immigration polices have changed DRASTICALLY especially as a result of the 1965 Immigration Act. Your point? Are WE in America responsible....for da Shoah?!?!?! OY Gevalt!!...fuqoughtahere

Bottom line: Today's Israel did not exist in 1939. Today it is America’s duty to defend ally Israel in addition to being sound foreign policy.

Our duty?! Really? To protect a sovereign nation? A nuclear armed sovereign nation?!
Our duty! To pay $3B/yr to the 40th largest (185 nations) GDP nation in the world. A nuclear armed nation?
You are part of the problem...or a k!ke yourself.
ask yourself how in the hell those Muslims are going to possibly overwhelm and overtake a country with the best weaponry in the world AND nuclear weapons.
To heil hitler: One billion Muslims versus 7 million Jews.
Yeap...and immigration polices have changed DRASTICALLY especially as a result of the 1965 Immigration Act.
To heil hitler: Jew-haters scapegoating Jews is nothing new, but you are mixing oranges and apples. Ted Kennedy’s bill had nothing to do with Jews.


“Teddy Kennedy assured us his immigration bill would not alter the country’s ethnic mix” and that since the Kennedy immigration bill passed (back in 1965) the nation’s ethnicity has changed “from nearly 90 percent white in 1965 to about 63 percent white in 2013.”​

To this day misinformed Americans do not knew that Ted Kennedy and LBJ had turned immigration into an affirmative action program.

Scalia said:

During last week’s hearings Scalia said that the 1965 legislation created a “racial entitlement” that is very difficult to get out through “the normal political process.”


The third highest ranking Democratic in Congress flipped Scalia’s comments around by praising the Voting Rights Act and calling the US Constitution “an entitlement for everybody.”

Rep. Jim Clyburn Hammers Justice Scalia As ‘White And Proud’
by Garrett Quinn | 11:04 am, March 2nd, 2013

http://www.mediaite .com/online/jim-clyburn-hammers-justice-sc alia-as-white-and-proud/​


Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act so dramatically altered the kinds of immigrants America admits that, since 1969, about 85 percent of legal immigrants have come from the Third World. They bring Third World levels of poverty, fertility, illegitimacy and domestic violence with them. When they can't make it in America, they simply go on welfare and sometimes strike out at Americans.​

April 24, 2013



Half a century ago, Democrats looked at the country and realized they were never going to convince Americans to agree with them. But they noticed that people in most other countries of the world already agreed with them. The solution was obvious.

So in 1965 — 50 years ago this week — Sen. Ted Kennedy passed an immigration law that has brought 59 million foreigners to our shores, who happen to vote 8-2 for the Democrats.

Democrats haven’t won any arguments; they changed the voters. If anything, the Democrats have stopped bothering to appeal to Americans.​


Republicans should be sweeping the country, but they aren’t, because of Kennedy’s immigration law. Without post-1965 immigrants bloc-voting for the Democrats, Obama never would have been elected president, and Romney would have won a bigger landslide against him in 2012 than Reagan did against Carter in 1980.

This isn’t a guess; it’s a provable fact. Obama beat Romney by less than 5 million votes in a presidential election in which about 125 million votes were cast. More than 30 million of Obama’s votes came from people who arrived under Teddy Kennedy’s immigration law; fewer than 10 million of Romney’s did.

The 1965 act brought in the poorest of the poor from around the globe. Non-English-speaking peasants from wildly backward cultures could be counted on to be dependent on government assistance for generations to come.

Kennedy and other Democrats swore up and down that the new immigration law would not change the country’s demographics, but post-1965-act immigrants are nothing like the people who already lived here.​

The War on America Turns 50
Ann Coulter | Wednesday Sep 30, 2015 7:15 PM

The War on America Turns 50 | Human Events
Our duty?! Really? To protect a sovereign nation? A nuclear armed sovereign nation?!
To heil hitler: It is our duty to protect allies like France and the UK who have nuclear, as well defend allies that do not have nuclear like South Korea, Japan, Taiwan et al.
Our duty! To pay $3B/yr to the 40th largest (185 nations) GDP nation in the world. A nuclear armed nation?
To heil hitler: I would not give foreign aid to any country. I suspect that you would continue to give billions in foreign aid to Israel’s sworn enemies in Muslim countries?
You are part of the problem...or a k!ke yourself.
To heil hitler: Research my messages if you want to know my views on organized religion.
Ivanka’s fame in China is made of the stuff that will defeat Communism without firing a shot:

Put another win in Ivanka’s column:

US media reports that Ivanka Trump was booed in Germany are false, according to German paper Bild.


According to Bild, however, such claims by the media didn’t resembles what actually happened. “There was no booing or heckling at all, however,” Bild reports.

“This makes it even more surprising that US media are painting an entirely different picture of Ivanka’s appearance in Berlin. The murmuring that could be heard as Ivanka defended her father against criticism was interpreted as massive booing of the President’s daughter.”

German Paper: US Media Got It Wrong, Ivanka Wasn’t Booed
Peter Hasson
11:16 AM 04/28/2017

German Paper: US Media Got It Wrong, Ivanka Wasn’t Booed
I have no catchall answer as to why Ivanka has become famous in China.

I am betting that Xi knows a good thing in family-oriented China when he see it:



The president's daughter, Ivanka Trump, along with husband and White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner were formally invited to Beijing, China by President Xi Jinping.​

Report: China Considers Foreign Visit Invitation for Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump
By Reid Mene
5 minutes ago

Report: China Considers Foreign Visit Invitation for Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump

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