YIKES!! -60 degree's in Siberia......in November!!!


Old Rocks always conveniently forgets inconvenient data. No matter how many times it is shown to him.

Steady upward climb? Or cyclical? Depends on your start date.

And old Rocks has the nerve to say-
. Fucking dumb, asshole. They are scientists, unlike you. And they used all the data they could get their hands on

Why do you think I call him olfraud?

Old Rocks always conveniently forgets inconvenient data. No matter how many times it is shown to him.

Steady upward climb? Or cyclical? Depends on your start date.

And old Rocks has the nerve to say-
. Fucking dumb, asshole. They are scientists, unlike you. And they used all the data they could get their hands on

Why do you think I call him olfraud?

You can be honestly mistaken, but once it has been pointed out to you, if you repeat it again it is neither a mistake nor honest.
Nope. I merely enjoy pointing out that you idiots always claim that any warm day is evidence of globull warming.

We never say that. You're lying proudly and loudly in service of your Stalinist cult.

If you're not lying, you can point to some examples of what you claim. Given you say we "always" do it, it should be no problem for you, if you're not lying.

Do it right here. I'll leave some space.

You can run now. Don't worry, you won't be disappointing anyone. You always snarl and run when challenged to back up your BS, so everyone expects you to run.

Old Rocks always conveniently forgets inconvenient data. No matter how many times it is shown to him.

Steady upward climb? Or cyclical? Depends on your start date.

And old Rocks has the nerve to say-
. Fucking dumb, asshole. They are scientists, unlike you. And they used all the data they could get their hands on
Old Rocks used the data from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. The data closest to the problem.

Old Rocks always conveniently forgets inconvenient data. No matter how many times it is shown to him.

Steady upward climb? Or cyclical? Depends on your start date.

And old Rocks has the nerve to say-
. Fucking dumb, asshole. They are scientists, unlike you. And they used all the data they could get their hands on
Old Rocks used the data from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. The data closest to the problem.

Look... we covered all this Alaskan stuff a few years back. I went out of my way to show you the huge differences in optics and propaganda value that can be implemented by carefully choosing start dates. Whether it is the PDO shift in the seventies, the historic lows in the fifties or the highs in the twenties and forties.

You claim that your scientists are using all the available data. I showed that they didn't.

You know that the Arctic has cyclical temperature changes because I showed you and you responded at the time. Now, two years later, you are acting as if you had never seen the data before.

You are dishonest, you are lying. And sometime in the future you will pull off the same scam again.
According to the USGS, climate change could cause summer temperatures to warm by 3.6 to 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit, and snow accumulation to markedly decrease. Those changes could contribute to the loss of thousands of glaciers in Alaska and northwest Canada by the end of the century.

Today, the federal benchmark glacier program extends beyond Alaska and includes research at the South Cascade Glacier in Washington state and the Sperry Glacier in Montana. Experts say those glaciers are influenced by different climates, allowing scientists to compare how glaciers respond in different regions.

Daniel McGrath, a research geophysicist with the program, said much of the government’s ongoing climate research draws from the USGS’s 50 years of Alaska glacier studies.

“Detailed and continuous records of this length are exceedingly rare in our field, and thus these are indispensable to our understanding of the changes we’re observing across this region.”

Alaska's Glaciers Are Retreating

I use sources like this, not the ranting and prattling of WUWT.
More than 3.5 trillion tons of water have melted off of Alaska's glaciers since 1959, when Alaska first became a state, studies show—enough to fill more than 1 billion Olympic-sized pools.

The crucial, coast-hugging sea ice that protects villages from storms and makes hunting easier is dwindling in summer and is now absent each year a month longer than it was in the 1970s, other studies find. The Army Corps of Engineers identified 26 villages where erosion linked to sea ice loss threatens the communities' very existence.

Permafrost is thawing more often as the ground warms, so as the ground oozes, roads, pipelines and houses' foundations tilt and shift—sometimes enough to cause homes to be abandoned. In far northern Barrow, the upper part of the ground is 7 degrees warmer than it was in the late 1950s and getting closer to the melt point in the summer, data shows. And scientists fear the thawing permafrost will unleash large amounts of trapped greenhouse gases and speed up worldwide warming.

So far this year, more than 5.1 million acres in Alaska—an area the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined—have burned in wildfires. In the first 10 years of statehood, Alaska averaged barely a quarter million acres of wildfires yearly. The last 10 years have averaged 1.2 million acres.

Read more at: Global warming carving changes into Alaska in fire and ice

Real scientists reporting, not undegreed ex-TV weathermen and fake British Lords. LOL
More than 3.5 trillion tons of water have melted off of Alaska's glaciers since 1959, when Alaska first became a state, studies show—enough to fill more than 1 billion Olympic-sized pools.

More melting than for most of the past 10,000 years?

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I wonder how Old Fraud is going to spin it when the polar low over Siberia settles on the Midwest in a couple of days and temps drop to -20 below median and things freeze up all the way to the gulf coast. The Atlantic blocking high has the potential to hold it over the us for 3-6 weeks...

Overheard the weather guy just this morning saying the exact same thing :thup:
I wonder how Old Fraud is going to spin it when the polar low over Siberia settles on the Midwest in a couple of days and temps drop to -20 below median and things freeze up all the way to the gulf coast. The Atlantic blocking high has the potential to hold it over the us for 3-6 weeks...

Overheard the weather guy just this morning saying the exact same thing :thup:

But they wont count the -20 arctic temps that will drop into the US from Siberia the next couple of days!! That's an anomaly.......that's just "weather".:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The fucked up thing is that most of these people really believe their own crap............ :eek-52::eek-52:


Thankfully, the mere fact of the matter is, very, very few people are caring about this in 2017........they've been watching this profoundly dumb dynamic play out for decades and wake up this morning and see photo's on The Weather Channel from Siberia of fishing ships caked in ice and its barely December!! Only the really nutters sit home and see this and say, "Fuck man.....gotta call my representative on Monday. This global warming stuff is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of hand!":up:
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The same kind of blocking pattern that gave us the rain in Houston. The same kind of blocking pattern that was predicted to increase the severity of extreme weather events by Jennifer Francis in 2012. And you denialists called her names. Yes, we may get that kind of weather event. For one of the primary predictions of global warming is wider and wilder swings in weather, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.
Oct 9, 2014 @ 09:26 AM 26,684 The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets
NOAA Report Destroys Global Warming Link To Extreme Weather

Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have demolished claims by global warming activists that global warming caused or worsened many extreme weather events last year.

According to NOAA’s new publication, Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective, there is no discernible connection between global warming and 2013 extreme weather events such as the California drought, Colorado floods, the UK’s exceptionally cold spring, a South Dakota blizzard, Central Europe floods, a northwestern Europe cyclone, and exceptional snowfall in Europe’s Pyrenees Mountains.


C'mon now.........nobody believes anymore in the fictional link between global warming and extreme weather. There are about 400,000 links to it!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Unreal that this is still part of the established narrative from the climate crusaders........only the uber activists are saying shit like this in 2017.
  • NOAA says global warming not linked to extreme weather ...
    This article originally appeared on heartland.org. Contrary to claims often repeated by environmental radicals, global warming is not responsible for extreme weather ...
  • Five Myths About Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Five Myths About Extreme Weather and Global Warming. ... Global warming caused the polar vortex that led to the extreme ... (the supposed link between a warming ...
And last months temperature was an anomaly;



Now that is the average anomaly for the globe for last month. Quite a bit more impressive than an anomaly for just one place. Impressive for more reasons than just the 0.63. We are on the verge of a weak La Nina, yet the temperature has been going up for 3 months. Exactly opposite of what is the normal trend in a La Nina. Not only that, but there are only six prior month that meet or exceed last months anomaly, all in super El Nino's. I think that we are seeing something different here, and nobody seems to know quite what.
Common thread in all the links...........the word "some" experts. That means to climate activists, "all".

When it becomes "all", maybe some people will pay attention.:popcorn:
And anyway..........all this crap for the future is based upon computer modeling. But.............

The models are wrong
October 14, 2012 at 10:14 pm Robert Zimmerman

Today one mainstream newspaper finally caught up with the global warming skeptic community and recognized that a recent release of data from the United Kingdom’s Met Office shows that since 1996 the temperature of the climate has stalled. For the past sixteen years there has been no global warming, at all.

Three takeaways from this story.

  • This period of no-warming has now been as long as the previous period of warming. In other words, the stall in warming is getting long enough now to be statistically significant.
  • The Met Office revealed its biases by how it unveiled this fact. Previously, when their data suggested the climate was warming, they heralded that fact loudly with bold predictions of catastrophes to come. But when their data suggested their predictions were wrong and the climate wasn’t warming, they released the data with as little fanfare as possible.
  • Finally, and most important, this data demonstrates clearly that all the computer models used by climate scientists to predict the future climate are patently wrong. They don’t understand what is happening, even if some of them refuse to admit it.
The last point is the most important. The early IPCC reports in the 1990s went into great detail about the many uncertainties that exist in the field. They didn’t know what the influence of pollution would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of clouds would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of the atmosphere’s water vapor would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of variations of the Sun’s brightness would be on future climate.

And they didn’t know what the effect of the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be on future climate. Compared to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, which is probably the atmosphere’s most significant global warming component, carbon dioxide is merely a trace gas. Making this trace gas important enough to cause global warming remains a difficult and overly complex theory, and a theory that has not yet been proven.

Those early IPCC reports were very honest about these uncertainties. Later IPCC reports however have dismissed these uncertainties, even though subsequent research has done practically nothing to eliminate them. Instead, the last two IPCC reports have trumpeted the climate models as if these models were the same as actual data. The models, based on theory, said that the increase in carbon dioxide was going to cause the climate to warm, and that was that. Turn off those heaters. Shut down those coal factories. Stop making cars. Learn to freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer. We can’t have technology any more because it is going to kill us!

The fact is that these models were garbage. They are useful for trying to understand how the atmosphere functioned, but as predictors they were less than worthless. None of them have ever been able to predict anything, and to rely on them to make policies that will squelch human freedom and creativity is beyond foolish.

Skeptics have been pointing out this obvious fact now for the better part of two decades. We now have proof that they were right.


  • NOAA says global warming not linked to extreme weather ...
    This article originally appeared on heartland.org. Contrary to claims often repeated by environmental radicals, global warming is not responsible for extreme weather ...
  • Five Myths About Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Five Myths About Extreme Weather and Global Warming. ... Global warming caused the polar vortex that led to the extreme ... (the supposed link between a warming ...
Warmer air,warmer ocean, more evaporation, more rain in a precipitation event. Houston. And several other places around the world this year. Major heat wave, high winds, record forest fires, thousands of homes and businesses burned in a matter of hours. What was the common denominator in these events? A warmer world.

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