Yikes...leftists will have a hit nightmare over this poll

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Nothing to answer. Just you throwing out anything you can think of in hopes of giving the appearance you are actually saying something. :lol: :popcorn:

No answer -- because you have no clue what you're talking about.
I've already explained the answer. In detail. It's like a open book test. And you still don't get it.

But considering your track record up to now it would be stunning if you did.
Nothing to get. All of your posts are the same, double talk and endless incoherent ramblings, then claiming you said something. You're the gift that keeps on giving. :lol:

Yes, we've already established that the question stumped you. We've moved on to other unexpected mysteries.
Where do you see the sun setting today? My money's on "west".
You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did. And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Nothing to answer. Just you throwing out anything you can think of in hopes of giving the appearance you are actually saying something. :lol: :popcorn:

No answer -- because you have no clue what you're talking about.
I've already explained the answer. In detail. It's like a open book test. And you still don't get it.

But considering your track record up to now it would be stunning if you did.
Nothing to get. All of your posts are the same, double talk and endless incoherent ramblings, then claiming you said something. You're the gift that keeps on giving. :lol:

Yes, we've already established that the question stumped you. We've moved on to other unexpected mysteries.
Where do you see the sun setting today? My money's on "west".
You mean this question?

"Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions."
How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did.

Fuck's that got to do with me??

"Me" - "others" ... know the difference. Don't I get my own voice? What the fuck's the point of signing onto this website if you think you're addressing some kind of committee? :cuckoo:

And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.

News -- if it's real news -- can't "contradict each other". Real news is factual. There is no debate about a fact; it's either 28 degrees outside, or it is not.

What you're talking about can't then be news.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did.

Fuck's that got to do with me??

"Me" - "others" ... know the difference. Don't I get my own voice? What the fuck's the point of signing onto this website if you think you're addressing some kind of committee? :cuckoo:

And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.

News -- if it's real news -- can't "contradict each other". Real news is factual. There is no debate about a fact; it's either 28 degrees outside, or it is not.

What you're talking about can't then be news.
It's not only news they're delivering, it's news with an agenda and leftist twist to it. The media, including FOX news, have lost all objectivity.
..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did.

Fuck's that got to do with me??

"Me" - "others" ... know the difference. Don't I get my own voice? What the fuck's the point of signing onto this website if you think you're addressing some kind of committee? :cuckoo:

And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.

News -- if it's real news -- can't "contradict each other". Real news is factual. There is no debate about a fact; it's either 28 degrees outside, or it is not.

What you're talking about can't then be news.
It's not only news they're delivering, it's news with an agenda and leftist twist to it. The media, including FOX news, have lost all objectivity.

Ah well, it's all corporate news. That I certainly agree with. That's the pitfall of Big Box Media.
Hard to put a left-right tag on that though. Certainly can't put a "left" one on it.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.

Once again you tacitly admit that you lied about what I actually posted. Your fallacious assumptions are your problem, not mine.

I'm just repeating your own words. You said "if there were five variations of conservative news, FOX would be splitting that 29% up five ways", correct?

So, YOU lumped up the other non FOX outlets as "variations" of the same general type of "non conservative" viewpoint.

Seems like you have a problem with your own statement.

I have no problem with what I actually stated. Your problem is that you lied about what I posted and have tacitly admitted to lying because you cannot provide a link to me saying what you egregiously lied about.

That is your problem, not mine.

Okay, so you have no problem that five networks espouse the same general viewpoints and political ideology, and FOX Is the only one that doesn't. Don't worry, maybe King Oblahblah will issue an executive order to close FOX down. Ha ha.

So you are still tacitly admitting to being a liar.
So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did.

Fuck's that got to do with me??

"Me" - "others" ... know the difference. Don't I get my own voice? What the fuck's the point of signing onto this website if you think you're addressing some kind of committee? :cuckoo:

And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.

News -- if it's real news -- can't "contradict each other". Real news is factual. There is no debate about a fact; it's either 28 degrees outside, or it is not.

What you're talking about can't then be news.
It's not only news they're delivering, it's news with an agenda and leftist twist to it. The media, including FOX news, have lost all objectivity.

Ah well, it's all corporate news. That I certainly agree with. That's the pitfall of Big Box Media.
Hard to put a left-right tag on that though. Certainly can't put a "left" one on it.

Aw come on, let's be realistic The five in question all have a left / Democrat bias to them. Some like MSNBC are extreme, and some likeCNN are more subtle. And FOX has a right / republican bias to it. That's why I'm saying, the news organizations have lost all objectivity and are constantly busy SPINNING the news as opposed to just delivering it.

FOX news wouldn't be doing what it's doing if not for the media being so dominated the left wing. The journalists and reporters graduate from radical leftist colleges and find jobs in leftist news organizations with like minded employees. It's a natural transition and a familiar environment for them.
I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

Others in this thread did.

Fuck's that got to do with me??

"Me" - "others" ... know the difference. Don't I get my own voice? What the fuck's the point of signing onto this website if you think you're addressing some kind of committee? :cuckoo:

And they are correct in that those five are on the same team, basically delivering the same talking points in a stylistically different format and rarely contradict each other.

News -- if it's real news -- can't "contradict each other". Real news is factual. There is no debate about a fact; it's either 28 degrees outside, or it is not.

What you're talking about can't then be news.
It's not only news they're delivering, it's news with an agenda and leftist twist to it. The media, including FOX news, have lost all objectivity.

Ah well, it's all corporate news. That I certainly agree with. That's the pitfall of Big Box Media.
Hard to put a left-right tag on that though. Certainly can't put a "left" one on it.

Aw come on, let's be realistic The five in question all have a left / Democrat bias to them. Some like MSNBC are extreme, and some likeCNN are more subtle. And FOX has a right / republican bias to it. That's why I'm saying, the news organizations have lost all objectivity and are constantly busy SPINNING the news as opposed to just delivering it.

FOX news wouldn't be doing what it's doing if not for the media being so dominated the left wing. The journalists and reporters graduate from radical leftist colleges and find jobs in leftist news organizations with like minded employees. It's a natural transition and a familiar environment for them.

"Aw come on, let's be realistic" = "Everybody knows..." = "It's obvious that..."

Well -- no, it isn't. Saying so doesn't make it so, and saying it over and over in different words doesn't either.

Take for an easy example GE owning NBC. Besides the media empire GE's also a major player in nuclear power, arms production and airline travel. You think Corporate is gonna allow news that in any way upsets the paradigm of nuclear power, perpetual war or flying?

Poster please.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


Most trusted when it's also the most watched by uneducated people behind only Jerry Springer, isn't all that surprising. :)
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


Most trusted when it's also the most watched by uneducated people behind only Jerry Springer, isn't all that surprising. :)

"Most trusted" and simultaneously "least trusted".
They keep leaving that part out.

But hey, there's no emotional relationship with a TV channel here. Nothing to see, move along. (/sarc)
Post in thread 'How you can help Vanuatu relief efforts' by Luddly Neddite has been reported by Luddly Neddite. Reason given:
Please consider sticky-ing this thread. Thanks.

Content being reported:
You can lend a hand by visiting the following links and donating to the disaster relief effort in Vanuatu:

Link to photos and more information.

These people have lost what little they had.

If you have more information of how we can help, please do post it.
Post in thread 'How you can help Vanuatu relief efforts' by 1stRambo has been reported by Luddly Neddite. Reason given:
Could we please have a thread about doing good instead of the usual hate? PLEASE delete this post.

Content being reported:
You can lend a hand by visiting the following links and donating to the disaster relief effort in Vanuatu:

Link to photos and more information.

These people have lost what little they had.

If you have more information of how we can help, please do post it.

Yo, this is what the U.S.A. needs in America? Charity! Like it used to be, no more WELFARE!!! If we can do it for other Country Disasters, we can still do it like God intended in the U.S.A. like it should be, instead of holding people captive and beholding to the Government!

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