Yikes...leftists will have a hit nightmare over this poll

Well here we go again;

"My news channel is better than yours!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"


Hey don't get me wrong. It's just somewhat ironic that the only news channel that isn't the propoganda arm of the Democratic party happens to be the most trusted among Americans. That means that the public isn't falling for all the lies and the leftist social reengineering of the other news channels.
It also depends on whether the responses are about the actual news segments or if they include the spin meisters also, why anyone would trust any of those (regardless of which side they're on) is beyond me.
One other thing I haven't been able to confirm is I was told by someone I trust to have valid information that MSNBC is not registered with the FCC as a "news outlet". While I trust him I also know people can make mistakes and be willing to believe due to bias so I'd like to verify.
Which leads to the claim that all non fox outlets are "propaganda arms" of the DNC, that's just a mostly ridiculous talking point the same as the mostly ludicrous claim that Fox is the propaganda arm of the RNC, it's almost all partisan political bull shit.

MSNBC reports the news. Its a news outlet. MSNBC also comments about the news. Which also qualifies it as a news outlet. Their classification by the FCC which would be self serving is immaterial.
Hell when Dan Rather reported on 60 Minutes the stuff about Bush 43 which got not only him but some top brass at CBS fired, CBS management attempted to claim( this was very amusing) that 60 Minutes is not a news reporting program. That was such a lie it was almost humorous...After all the introduction to the 60 Minutes program has in it a voice over "This is 60 Minutes. A CBS weekly news magazine".
Please don't split hairs with "well technically"....

There is no such FCC classification. The FCC has nothing to do with anyone's content and never did.
We did this days ago.

"60 Minutes" (and it was actually the spinoff "60 Minutes Wednesday") is not a news reporting program. Never has been. It's a documentary "magazine" about single issues -- not about the news. The news would be the daily evening broadcast. Doesn't matter anyway.

The correct response is "thank you".

You're welcome.
Was Pravda the most trusted paper in the USSR? Who cares? There are some people stupid enough to believe in anything.
Do I detect some sour grapes with you and pogo? Yeah, I think I do. :lol:

Nope. It is just irksome when people act as if cable news viewership is indicative of national sentiment.

It's idiocy to infer that the Fox Cult is in any way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.
As already correctly noted, Fox isn't 'news,' it's entertainment for conservatives. Fox is commentary and political advocacy. Fox promotes a clearly conservative agenda, where 'news' is 'reported' in the context of rightwing dogma, advancing a relentless partisan theme: that bad things are happening in the world where the president and democrats are somehow 'responsible.'
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


Lies, damn lies and statistics.

If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment.

Got to wonder why they left our Comedy Central.

Well at least you agree that the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda arm of the Democrat party. We'll take it!

Life must be really hard for those whose only rebuttal is to lie about what others actually post.

Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.
As already correctly noted, Fox isn't 'news,' it's entertainment for conservatives. Fox is commentary and political advocacy. Fox promotes a clearly conservative agenda, where 'news' is 'reported' in the context of rightwing dogma, advancing a relentless partisan theme: that bad things are happening in the world where the president and democrats are somehow 'responsible.'
What's really funny is you're serious!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.

Wtf dood? Are you imagining ABC and CNN and CBS etc ------- each have their own unique version of news?? :cuckoo:

The only "unique" in the bunch is the Fox/MSNBC model. That's the only model that specializes in commentary rather than news. They're really two different types of TV. Fox/MSNBC do not do what the alphabets do, and vice versa. They're two different animals.

IOW the list:

--- comprises two different types of programming -- not six. And not one either, which kinda renders the framework of the poll moot.

They don't have their own news, they repeat the same leftist talking points, however in different formats.

The six organizations fall under the same category as far as sources people turn to in order to obtain news, which is why they were included in this poll.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


Lies, damn lies and statistics.

If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment.

Got to wonder why they left our Comedy Central.

Well at least you agree that the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda arm of the Democrat party. We'll take it!

Life must be really hard for those whose only rebuttal is to lie about what others actually post.

Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.
Was Pravda the most trusted paper in the USSR? Who cares? There are some people stupid enough to believe in anything.
Do I detect some sour grapes with you and pogo? Yeah, I think I do. :lol:

Nope. It is just irksome when people act as if cable news viewership is indicative of national sentiment.

It's idiocy to infer that the Fox Cult is in any way 'representative' of the Nation as a whole.

I bet you think that the MSNBC cult is somewhat representative of America.
Lies, damn lies and statistics.

If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment.

Got to wonder why they left our Comedy Central.

Well at least you agree that the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda arm of the Democrat party. We'll take it!

Life must be really hard for those whose only rebuttal is to lie about what others actually post.

Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68.8 years.

May cable news ratings spare no one - POLITICO.com
Well at least you agree that the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda arm of the Democrat party. We'll take it!

Life must be really hard for those whose only rebuttal is to lie about what others actually post.

Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68.8 years.

May cable news ratings spare no one - POLITICO.com

I don't see how you can come away with only that, and ignore the rest of what your article states:

Still, Fox remains strong when compared to other networks. For May, in the key 25-54 demographic, MSNBC averaged 103,000 viewers, while CNN averaged just 99,000. The only show to crack Fox's numbers in the top 10 for the 25-54 demo came from CNBC, with “Shark Tank,” which averaged 210,000 25-54 viewers, placing ninth overall.

****In a month of bad ratings, FOX still kicked ass.
Life must be really hard for those whose only rebuttal is to lie about what others actually post.

Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.

Once again you tacitly admit that you lied about what I actually posted. Your fallacious assumptions are your problem, not mine.
Nope. The representation was made that together, all the other five news outlets numbers trust ratio adds up to more than FOX.

And, the five other News outlets are all either somewhat, or very, leftist progressive pro democrat. So I'm not lying about anything.

Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.

Once again you tacitly admit that you lied about what I actually posted. Your fallacious assumptions are your problem, not mine.

I'm just repeating your own words. You said "if there were five variations of conservative news, FOX would be splitting that 29% up five ways", correct?

So, YOU lumped up the other non FOX outlets as "variations" of the same general type of "non conservative" viewpoint.

Seems like you have a problem with your own statement.
Onus is on you to provide the link to where I posted that "the media is dominated by leftist hacks who in essence are the propoganda [sic] arm of the Democrat party".

You can't, because I didn't, ergo you lied about what I actually posted.

But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.

Once again you tacitly admit that you lied about what I actually posted. Your fallacious assumptions are your problem, not mine.

I'm just repeating your own words. You said "if there were five variations of conservative news, FOX would be splitting that 29% up five ways", correct?

So, YOU lumped up the other non FOX outlets as "variations" of the same general type of "non conservative" viewpoint.

Seems like you have a problem with your own statement.

I have no problem with what I actually stated. Your problem is that you lied about what I posted and have tacitly admitted to lying because you cannot provide a link to me saying what you egregiously lied about.

That is your problem, not mine.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.

Wtf dood? Are you imagining ABC and CNN and CBS etc ------- each have their own unique version of news?? :cuckoo:

The only "unique" in the bunch is the Fox/MSNBC model. That's the only model that specializes in commentary rather than news. They're really two different types of TV. Fox/MSNBC do not do what the alphabets do, and vice versa. They're two different animals.

IOW the list:

--- comprises two different types of programming -- not six. And not one either, which kinda renders the framework of the poll moot.

They don't have their own news, they repeat the same leftist talking points, however in different formats.

The six organizations fall under the same category as far as sources people turn to in order to obtain news, which is why they were included in this poll.

The study isn't about "what sources people turn to in order to obtain news. At all. The study is on the relative merits of TV channels. We don't see print media or internet among its choices. Or even radio. So it's entirely within an intrinsically flawed medium.

As I said in my first post here, it's like your Subway sandwich maker asking what kind of turd you'd like your sandwich on -- no matter what you choose, you're getting a turd.
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.

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