Yikes...leftists will have a hit nightmare over this poll

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC...Five major media outlets that are in the back pocket of the leftists and Democrats, and only one that isn't: FOX.

Considering that FOX is constsntly demonized by the media, govt., other leftists in academia and elsewhere, this poll is a huge credit to the FOX organization, no matter how you look at it.

False premise. A Composition Fallacy.
No ideology sells a TV channel. Ratings are what sell a TV channel, and ratings are determined by attention. Not any kind of ideology.

This is easily demonstrable and I've only pointed it out about six thousand times.

Fatter o' mact your entire thread title "leftists.. nightmare" is based on the same false premise, imagining that what Fox Noise sells is "rigthtism".

It isn't.

What Fox Noise sells is what all commercial broadcasting sells -- advertising, for cars and Viagra and insurance and cellphones and whatever. That's what ratings are for. Whatever ideological slant they may weave into their fabric is simply the shiny object to draw eyeballs, which is to set them up for that commercial.

I think summa y'all labor under the idea that the Foxes and MSNBCs are some kind of giant football game and whichever one tops the ratings "score" is somehow "validated" -- and meanwhile everybody's operation bills are just magically paid by the fairies. That's not how it works at all -- nor is it what ratings mean. Whether it's politics, sex, dangerous stunts, or any other kind of fear and loathing, the objective of the TV channel is to draw your attention so it can sell you an ad. It doesn't give a shit what it needs to do to accomplish that. Certainly it has nothing to do with anything resembling "truth" or "intellect". That's exactly why we call it the Vast Wasteland.

ClearChannel TV corporate executive to one of his underlings:
"Do you know what the definition of programming is? Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

The five networks are more or less in line with each other, promoting the Democrat, leftist-progressive talking points in stylistically different ways, and then you have FOX that offers a different perspective. That's the truth.

And despite being demonized constantly and having all the media, academia, and other leftist elitist sectors against them, FOX news still manages to come out on top. That's quite an achievement.

Did all of the above just sail over your head completely?
What Fox has "achieved" is the ability to charge more for its ads than its competitors in the same demographic. That's it. That's what coming out "on top" means when you're talking ratings -- how many eyeballs you can deliver to the advertiser.

What part of that is so inconvenient it has to be continually met with :lalala: ?

Broadcast ratings are meaningful, significant, and in any conceivable way relevant to exactly two entities:
1 - Those who sell commercial airtime;
2- Those why buy commercial airtime.

That's it. End of list.

And "the same demographic" is significant. An advertiser that wants to reach for example old people to sell Viagra or life insurance, is going to find more eyeballs on Fox. One that has a younger target, say for iPhones, is going to find a better avenue in CNN.

I don't think ratings means what you think it means.

Yes....because the audience that tunes into FOX like and agree with it's perspective and take on current events, therefore it can charge more for its ads because of the larger size of that audience, relative to the other outlets.

Whether they "agree" with its perspective, "disagree" or are indifferent to it is entirely irrelevant. "Agreeing with" is hardly the only reason to watch a particular channel. "Disagreeing" with it is just as volatile, and then there's good old Ubiquity -- the first thing Rupert Murdoch did launching was to make sure it was readily available everywhere, for no extra charge (which is not the case for MSNBC).

The bottom line you keep missing is that ratings, high, low or medium, don't tell us anything about viewership "agreeing" or "disagreeing". They tell us about attention. And attention, as already painstakingly noted, comes from emotional manipulation. Simple proof: if TV ratings could be held to be synonymous with public political ideology, then by these ratings then no Democrat could ever get elected at all. Which leads me to observe, to paraphrase one Fox talking head, this ratings-as-political-landscape baloney is just "math you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better". :lol:

In sum, when broadcast entity X returns a showing of high ratings, it's good news for exactly one entity, and that is the sales department that sells its commercial time. But the reason they're high is because its programming department figured out how to keep people watching -- whether they "agree", "disagree" or "don't care about" the perspective. Put Mother Theresa on the screen, you get attention. Put Emmanuel Goldstein on the screen, you still get attention. Doesn't mean the audience is "agreeing" with either one.

And there's a lot more to that psychological mining than an ideological perspective; first and foremost in this case the Fear Factor, but piled on top of that are bright colorful graphics that go whoooosh, suggestive chyrons running all the time, and short-skirted cougar bimbos dressed to fetch the 78-year-old men. And of course the race baiting within the Fear Factor. It's all part of the same prime directive, and all for the same purpose: attention.

You're being illogical and irrational. People generally watch or listen to programs they either like or agree with. I watch Anthony Bordain because it's entertaining and interesting. I check out MSNBC and start yawning when I see it's the same old same old propaganda and progressive bullshit. So I flip quickly to a game. That's how freedom of choice works. People are voting with their fingertips.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

And here comes the denials and obfuscation.
Was Pravda the most trusted paper in the USSR? Who cares? There are some people stupid enough to believe in anything.
The USSR's official news soruce was not Pravda. Pravda was a publication of the Communist Party. In Russian "Pravda" translates to "truth"..
The news agency in the old USSR was "Tass"..
And it was the ONLY source of news in the country...So trust never came into the equation.
You mean MSNBC isn't the most trusted? LOL
No they`re not. That would be NPR. Have you ever listened to NPR? Stomp on the ground once for yes...and twice for no,
Yeah. It's the liberal wing state controlled news agency funded by taxpayers.
I cannot listen to the commentary for more than 5 minutes.
Left wing biased organizations dominate both print and electronic. Fox News is the ONLY counterpart to them...And the libs cannot stand it that Fox News gets more viewers than all the other outlets combined. It just eats their lunch.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


They benefit from being the favorite of the right wingers. Votes from the left were divided up among the other news channels, but righties all vote fox. It's surprising Fox only got 29%.
Obfuscation.....This is not an election where you have two left wing candidates dividing up the liberal vote.
There are several left biased news and cable outlets that comment on the news. Just one which does the same from a conservative point of view.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


They benefit from being the favorite of the right wingers. Votes from the left were divided up among the other news channels, but righties all vote fox. It's surprising Fox only got 29%.

Guess you MISSED the OP. To quote from the OP.
"Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent."

That's 58% of Republicans AND 25% of independents. So that's a grand total of 83% of viewing America. Which should be about equal to what the race for the oval office will be.

Hillary's numbers are DOWN to 37% and that is IN the democratic party. A three legged blind hunting dog has a better chance finding it's way to the oval office then a democrat.

That doesn't change what I said.
Who cares what you said. Your statement is nothing more than an excuse. What's next? Are you going to complain that the poll is "unfair"?
Well here we go again;

"My news channel is better than yours!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"


Hey don't get me wrong. It's just somewhat ironic that the only news channel that isn't the propoganda arm of the Democratic party happens to be the most trusted among Americans. That means that the public isn't falling for all the lies and the leftist social reengineering of the other news channels.
It also depends on whether the responses are about the actual news segments or if they include the spin meisters also, why anyone would trust any of those (regardless of which side they're on) is beyond me.
One other thing I haven't been able to confirm is I was told by someone I trust to have valid information that MSNBC is not registered with the FCC as a "news outlet". While I trust him I also know people can make mistakes and be willing to believe due to bias so I'd like to verify.
Which leads to the claim that all non fox outlets are "propaganda arms" of the DNC, that's just a mostly ridiculous talking point the same as the mostly ludicrous claim that Fox is the propaganda arm of the RNC, it's almost all partisan political bull shit.
MSNBC reports the news. Its a news outlet. MSNBC also comments about the news. Which also qualifies it as a news outlet. Their classification by the FCC which would be self serving is immaterial.
Hell when Dan Rather reported on 60 Minutes the stuff about Bush 43 which got not only him but some top brass at CBS fired, CBS management attempted to claim( this was very amusing) that 60 Minutes is not a news reporting program. That was such a lie it was almost humorous...After all the introduction to the 60 Minutes program has in it a voice over "This is 60 Minutes. A CBS weekly news magazine".
Please don't split hairs with "well technically"....
Well here we go again;

"My news channel is better than yours!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"


Hey don't get me wrong. It's just somewhat ironic that the only news channel that isn't the propoganda arm of the Democratic party happens to be the most trusted among Americans. That means that the public isn't falling for all the lies and the leftist social reengineering of the other news channels.
It also depends on whether the responses are about the actual news segments or if they include the spin meisters also, why anyone would trust any of those (regardless of which side they're on) is beyond me.
One other thing I haven't been able to confirm is I was told by someone I trust to have valid information that MSNBC is not registered with the FCC as a "news outlet". While I trust him I also know people can make mistakes and be willing to believe due to bias so I'd like to verify.
Which leads to the claim that all non fox outlets are "propaganda arms" of the DNC, that's just a mostly ridiculous talking point the same as the mostly ludicrous claim that Fox is the propaganda arm of the RNC, it's almost all partisan political bull shit.

MSNBC reports the news. Its a news outlet. MSNBC also comments about the news. Which also qualifies it as a news outlet. Their classification by the FCC which would be self serving is immaterial.
Hell when Dan Rather reported on 60 Minutes the stuff about Bush 43 which got not only him but some top brass at CBS fired, CBS management attempted to claim( this was very amusing) that 60 Minutes is not a news reporting program. That was such a lie it was almost humorous...After all the introduction to the 60 Minutes program has in it a voice over "This is 60 Minutes. A CBS weekly news magazine".
Please don't split hairs with "well technically"....

There is no such FCC classification. The FCC has nothing to do with anyone's content and never did.
We did this days ago.

"60 Minutes" (and it was actually the spinoff "60 Minutes Wednesday") is not a news reporting program. Never has been. It's a documentary "magazine" about single issues -- not about the news. The news would be the daily evening broadcast. Doesn't matter anyway.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Well here we go again;

"My news channel is better than yours!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"


Hey don't get me wrong. It's just somewhat ironic that the only news channel that isn't the propoganda arm of the Democratic party happens to be the most trusted among Americans. That means that the public isn't falling for all the lies and the leftist social reengineering of the other news channels.
It also depends on whether the responses are about the actual news segments or if they include the spin meisters also, why anyone would trust any of those (regardless of which side they're on) is beyond me.
One other thing I haven't been able to confirm is I was told by someone I trust to have valid information that MSNBC is not registered with the FCC as a "news outlet". While I trust him I also know people can make mistakes and be willing to believe due to bias so I'd like to verify.
Which leads to the claim that all non fox outlets are "propaganda arms" of the DNC, that's just a mostly ridiculous talking point the same as the mostly ludicrous claim that Fox is the propaganda arm of the RNC, it's almost all partisan political bull shit.

MSNBC reports the news. Its a news outlet. MSNBC also comments about the news. Which also qualifies it as a news outlet. Their classification by the FCC which would be self serving is immaterial.
Hell when Dan Rather reported on 60 Minutes the stuff about Bush 43 which got not only him but some top brass at CBS fired, CBS management attempted to claim( this was very amusing) that 60 Minutes is not a news reporting program. That was such a lie it was almost humorous...After all the introduction to the 60 Minutes program has in it a voice over "This is 60 Minutes. A CBS weekly news magazine".
Please don't split hairs with "well technically"....

There is no such FCC classification. The FCC has nothing to do with anyone's content and never did.
We did this days ago.

"60 Minutes" (and it was actually the spinoff "60 Minutes Wednesday") is not a news reporting program. Never has been. It's a documentary "magazine" about single issues -- not about the news. The news would be the daily evening broadcast. Doesn't matter anyway.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


They benefit from being the favorite of the right wingers. Votes from the left were divided up among the other news channels, but righties all vote fox. It's surprising Fox only got 29%.
It appears Fox News is more trusted by MEN (34%) and those 55+ (also 34%)...if older is wiser...then men are wiser than women...and women wise up with age. It is wise to trust Fox News the most.

Liberals hate Fox News because it exposes their dishonesty, corruption and political chicanery.
The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.
But more people trust Fox News than any other source.
Really shows how effective Murdoch's plan has been. Y'all may remember that he was filmed in staff meetings, telling his staff to LIE, telling them to say "fair and balanced" over and over and over, even though they were telling lies. That ploy, repeating "fair and balance" continuously, has been so effective that brainless RWs now hang on every lie fox spews.

This, in spite of the facts they KNOW- that a Muslim controls the programming, that fox is truthful in only 18% of their programming and, of course, most recently, that Bill O'Reilly has been lying for years.

Gullible idiots know they're being lied to and they're actually proud of being stupid enough to keep right on swallowing it whole.

But still - the good news is that many more don't get their "news" from fox than those who do.

The best part is that the demographics show that younger people aren't buying Faux Noise lies.
With age comes wisdom and the ability to ferret out the truth. Young people are full of dreams and the idea that nothing significant happened before they were born.
I guess we have president Oblahblah and his radical anti capitalist anti American agenda to thank for?

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.
Fox News Channel beats out CNN for America's most trusted cable or broadcast news coverage, and MSNBC lags far behind, even among Democrats, according to new polling done by Quinnipiac University. The poll found 29 percent of people say they trust Fox News' coverage the most, followed by 22 percent for CNN and 10 percent for NBC News and CBS News.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).

Here's the breakdown by political affiliation, gender, and age:

(via Quinnipiac)
Fox News' dominance puts its frequent complaints about the "mainstream media" into perspective. For millions of Americans, Fox News is the mainstream media.

Fox News' figures are unsurprising considering its ratings. The channel ended 2014 second only to ESPN in total viewers among all ad-supported basic cable networks. Its "America's Newsroom," "The Five," "Special Report with Bret Baier" and "The O'Reilly Factor" were the most-watched shows in their time slots among all cable stations. Put simply: Fox News is a ratings juggernaut.

Yes, FNC's numbers are boosted by the fact that 58 percent of Republicans trust it the most; Fox News also has the most trusted coverage among independents with 25 percent.

While Fox News is bolstered by the right, MSNBC doesn't get the same support from the left. The poll found that more Democrats trust CNN (32 percent) and NBC News (15 percent) than MSNBC (14 percent, tied with CBS News).


They benefit from being the favorite of the right wingers. Votes from the left were divided up among the other news channels, but righties all vote fox. It's surprising Fox only got 29%.
It appears Fox News is more trusted by MEN (34%) and those 55+ (also 34%)...if older is wiser...then men are wiser than women...and women wise up with age. It is wise to trust Fox News the most.

Liberals hate Fox News because it exposes their dishonesty, corruption and political chicanery.

The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.

Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.

No, it's highest on Fox and MSNBC. Why do you keep ignoring the graph in post 56?

Here it is again. See the red/purple line, bottom right:

The poll is being read wrong. 29% only mean that 29% of the people polled trust Fox News with the rest approximately 57% of those polled not trusting Fox News are going with some other news outlets and the rest not really giving a damn.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.

Wtf dood? Are you imagining ABC and CNN and CBS etc ------- each have their own unique version of news?? :cuckoo:

The only "unique" in the bunch is the Fox/MSNBC model. That's the only model that specializes in commentary rather than news. They're really two different types of TV. Fox/MSNBC do not do what the alphabets do, and vice versa. They're two different animals.

IOW the list:

--- comprises two different types of programming -- not six. And not one either, which kinda renders the framework of the poll moot.
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