Yikes...leftists will have a hit nightmare over this poll

Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

This thread rests on a completely failed premise, that being the idea that broadcast audience ratings represent something having to do with political ideology. A false causation carrying no evidence.

It's far from the first time the same premise has been trotted out, shot down, and obliviously trotted out again expecting different results. Ya gotta wonder about said trotters.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

This thread rests on a completely failed premise, that being the idea that broadcast audience ratings represent something having to do with political ideology. A false causation carrying no evidence.

It's far from the first time the same premise has been trotted out, shot down, and obliviously trotted out again expecting different results. Ya gotta wonder about said trotters.
Conservatism 101: repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be true.
Yes, so if we read it your way the not trusted quotient is higher among the others.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.

Wtf dood? Are you imagining ABC and CNN and CBS etc ------- each have their own unique version of news?? :cuckoo:

The only "unique" in the bunch is the Fox/MSNBC model. That's the only model that specializes in commentary rather than news. They're really two different types of TV. Fox/MSNBC do not do what the alphabets do, and vice versa. They're two different animals.

IOW the list:

--- comprises two different types of programming -- not six. And not one either, which kinda renders the framework of the poll moot.

They don't have their own news, they repeat the same leftist talking points, however in different formats.

The six organizations fall under the same category as far as sources people turn to in order to obtain news, which is why they were included in this poll.

The study isn't about "what sources people turn to in order to obtain news. At all. The study is on the relative merits of TV channels. We don't see print media or internet among its choices. Or even radio. So it's entirely within an intrinsically flawed medium.

As I said in my first post here, it's like your Subway sandwich maker asking what kind of turd you'd like your sandwich on -- no matter what you choose, you're getting a turd.

Ya okay, so just because FOX came out as the most trusted in this study, according to you guys, it's worthless.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

This thread rests on a completely failed premise, that being the idea that broadcast audience ratings represent something having to do with political ideology. A false causation carrying no evidence.

It's far from the first time the same premise has been trotted out, shot down, and obliviously trotted out again expecting different results. Ya gotta wonder about said trotters.
Conservatism 101: repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be true.

Isn't that what the leftist media did for months with the hands up don't shoot bullshit? And you wonder why FOX news came out on top.
If you read the poll objectively it is easy to see that 57% of the people polled trust other news outlets rather than Fox.

Really? So by your logic, the other INDIVIDUAL news sources such as NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC were trusted even less than FOX then.

You people aren't even ashamed that all the major media outlets are bought and paid for by the leftist progressives, are you? So you just lump all the non FOX organizations as one and the same. Whatever happened to objective journalism?

Like I said before, this is a winning argument for FOX no matter how you twist it.

Wtf dood? Are you imagining ABC and CNN and CBS etc ------- each have their own unique version of news?? :cuckoo:

The only "unique" in the bunch is the Fox/MSNBC model. That's the only model that specializes in commentary rather than news. They're really two different types of TV. Fox/MSNBC do not do what the alphabets do, and vice versa. They're two different animals.

IOW the list:

--- comprises two different types of programming -- not six. And not one either, which kinda renders the framework of the poll moot.

They don't have their own news, they repeat the same leftist talking points, however in different formats.

The six organizations fall under the same category as far as sources people turn to in order to obtain news, which is why they were included in this poll.

The study isn't about "what sources people turn to in order to obtain news. At all. The study is on the relative merits of TV channels. We don't see print media or internet among its choices. Or even radio. So it's entirely within an intrinsically flawed medium.

As I said in my first post here, it's like your Subway sandwich maker asking what kind of turd you'd like your sandwich on -- no matter what you choose, you're getting a turd.

Ya okay, so just because FOX came out as the most trusted in this study, according to you guys, it's worthless.

"Most trusted" (and also "least trusted", remember that graph you keep ignoring) -- within the paradigm of television.

Again for the umpteenth time, that's like saying "here are six burglars -- which one would you hire to be your house sitter?"
But you did lump the other five non FOX organizations as one, which is true, since they do generally report the news with different degrees of leftist-progressive spin. One against five, and FOX comes out top.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you lied about what I actually posted.

This is what you said:

"If there were 5 variations of Faux Noise splitting up that 29% they would average 6% each.

All that poll says is that there is only a single source for extreme conservative entertainment."

So by your own admission, there is only one variation of "conservative" news, while the other five are leftist-progressive entertainment. And despite that, and having all of academia and other sectors busy demonizing FOX, it still kicked ass.

Once again you tacitly admit that you lied about what I actually posted. Your fallacious assumptions are your problem, not mine.

I'm just repeating your own words. You said "if there were five variations of conservative news, FOX would be splitting that 29% up five ways", correct?

So, YOU lumped up the other non FOX outlets as "variations" of the same general type of "non conservative" viewpoint.

Seems like you have a problem with your own statement.

I have no problem with what I actually stated. Your problem is that you lied about what I posted and have tacitly admitted to lying because you cannot provide a link to me saying what you egregiously lied about.

That is your problem, not mine.

Okay, so you have no problem that five networks espouse the same general viewpoints and political ideology, and FOX Is the only one that doesn't. Don't worry, maybe King Oblahblah will issue an executive order to close FOX down. Ha ha.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

Yes the leftist media kept telling everybody that this sick racist cop shot this poor innocent black kid with his hands up, for no reason at all. They perpetuated this myth for months until people started burning cities down, and cops got shot.

And yet somehow, it's FOX that lies. Ha ha ha.
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Nothing to answer. Just you throwing out anything you can think of in hopes of giving the appearance you are actually saying something. :lol: :popcorn:
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Nothing to answer. Just you throwing out anything you can think of in hopes of giving the appearance you are actually saying something. :lol: :popcorn:

No answer -- because you have no clue what you're talking about.
I've already explained the answer. In detail. It's like a open book test. And you still don't get it.

But considering your track record up to now it would be stunning if you did.
The "most trusted" --- when the field is television -- is like saying "which of these turds would you like on your sandwich?"


Btw this belogs in Media.
With all respect I disagree. The poll is current AND it IS an event because news services like to brag about current standings.

Or they're a business trying to charge the highest rates for TV ads.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
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Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.
Fake wrestling attracts more viewers than anything on PBS but that surely isn`t an indication of quality programming. Do righties understand what reaching for the lowest common denominator is? It`s about aiming low to draw in the half wits and it`s a time tested winning formula.

You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.
You mean how the leftist media kept pushing the fake lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when Darren Wilson shot him, causing nation wide riots riots over a stupid myth? And they're still at it, the assoles won't stop until we have riots in every city across the nation.

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?
Come on libs, entertain us some more with your "explanations" of why Fox is kicking the shit out of the left wing propaganda networks you worship. Tell us how they're "really not" number one. This is great fun! :lmao:

Do you trade in TV advertising?

Assuming you do not, essplain to us what is meant by "number one".
Aside from excretory functions.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Keep 'em coming! :popcorn:

No answer then?

Didn't think so.
Nothing to answer. Just you throwing out anything you can think of in hopes of giving the appearance you are actually saying something. :lol: :popcorn:

No answer -- because you have no clue what you're talking about.
I've already explained the answer. In detail. It's like a open book test. And you still don't get it.

But considering your track record up to now it would be stunning if you did.
Nothing to get. All of your posts are the same, double talk and endless incoherent ramblings, then claiming you said something. You're the gift that keeps on giving. :lol:

There is no 'leftist media,' the notion is as idiotic as the premise of your thread, which is why this thread fails.

You actually believe the media isn't all Leftist / Democrat? Let's talk reality here. Maybe if they all started wearing Democratic Donkey pins it would make it more obvious.

How then do you explain that little sliver of media that actually IS leftist? We're talking Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, The Nation -- you know, those all-pervasive voices found in billions and billions of homes on every cable channel, radio dial and magazine table everywhere... (sarc)

Or do we just ignore that inconvenience like we ignore that poll chart?

This is a matter of slanted perspective. If most things on a map look like they're to your west, it could be that most of the country is in the west.... or it just might be that where you're standing is Annaoplis, Maryland.

"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage - all we could have asked. ... For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that." -- Pat Buchanan

"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures." -- William Kristol

Nope -- Fallacy of Presumption/Ipse Dixit isn't going to breathe life into this Frankenstein. It's not alive just because Lush Rimjob fantasizes it is.
It's interesting the level of denial that is exhibited at times. It's pretty obvious to most Americans that CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS and Academia are in the back pocket of the leftist progressives of the Democrat party. You even group them together as though they are one, and claim they are "derivatives" of each other, in this very thread. But you then refuse to accept what it actually means.

..... and there you8 go again, running the same play that went nowhere again, expecting different results.

"It's pretty obvious" is in no way an argument. Never will be.
It is however how political mythology and urban legends get started.

So why then did you group the five networks together and call them derivatives of each other?

I didn't.

ABC is a derivative of NBC, but we never went into that so... don't know what you're talking about :dunno:

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