Yikes, sky dad...morals are absolute, though

Believing that the Living God was born into this world to testify to the truth and believing He manifests Himself into the Host for no other reason than we have faith that He will manifest Himself into the Host for no other reason than we ask Him, is the most powerful tool we have in repenting. It literally makes me want to change for Him. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you don't believe it is possible he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer for us. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you lack faith in God.

Its not about me not grasping what you are talking about. I simply reject it as the garbage that fills the confused mind of a person who either does not or cannot think very deeply.

If you were the prodigal son you are still at the part in the story where you have settled for minimum wage feeding garbage to swine except in your case, unlike the prodigal son in the story, you have eaten the same garbage fed to unclean creatures that do not ruminate instead of returning to God.

Repentance would be you rejecting the idolatrous worship of a human being.
I have chosen the better portion. It will not be taken away. You have no faith in God so you don't believe that God loves us so much that he would be born into this world, testify to the truth and suffer for us. You have no faith in God so you don't believe God would manifest Himself into the Host just because of faith.

You will never experience what I have experienced because you lack faith in God.

You can't grasp the power of faith.

No, ding, its the exact opposite.. I reject your false assertions about God because I have faith in what I know to be true about God.

What you describe is idolatry, believing that something made by human hands can become God or be imbued with the spirit of God because a human has faith that such a thing can happen even though it contradicts the law and the prophets and desecrates what Jesus taught.

God is spirit. The eucharist is made by human hands.

What you call faith, I call obstinate stupidity. You keep saying you have chosen the better portion and like the prodigal son have returned to God even though you have only returned to the idolatrous 'faith' of your youth like a dog returns to his vomit.
Having faith in what you believe to be true about God is not the same thing as having faith in God. It is really having faith in yourself.
Believing that the Living God was born into this world to testify to the truth and believing He manifests Himself into the Host for no other reason than we have faith that He will manifest Himself into the Host for no other reason than we ask Him, is the most powerful tool we have in repenting. It literally makes me want to change for Him. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you don't believe it is possible he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer for us. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you lack faith in God.

Its not about me not grasping what you are talking about. I simply reject it as the garbage that fills the confused mind of a person who either does not or cannot think very deeply.

If you were the prodigal son you are still at the part in the story where you have settled for minimum wage feeding garbage to swine except in your case, unlike the prodigal son in the story, you have eaten the same garbage fed to unclean creatures that do not ruminate instead of returning to God.

Repentance would be you rejecting the idolatrous worship of a human being.
I have chosen the better portion. It will not be taken away. You have no faith in God so you don't believe that God loves us so much that he would be born into this world, testify to the truth and suffer for us. You have no faith in God so you don't believe God would manifest Himself into the Host just because of faith.

You will never experience what I have experienced because you lack faith in God.

You can't grasp the power of faith.

No, ding, its the exact opposite.. I reject your false assertions about God because I have faith in what I know to be true about God.

What you describe is idolatry, believing that something made by human hands can become God or be imbued with the spirit of God because a human has faith that such a thing can happen even though it contradicts the law and the prophets and desecrates what Jesus taught.

God is spirit. The eucharist is made by human hands.

What you call faith, I call obstinate stupidity. You keep saying you have chosen the better portion and like the prodigal son have returned to God even though you have only returned to the idolatrous 'faith' of your youth like a dog returns to his vomit.
Having faith in what you believe to be true about God is not the same thing as having faith in God. It is really having faith in yourself.


When the talking serpent tried to deceive Adam he was trying to talk him into not believing what he already knew to be true about God in exchange for some specious lies.

Exactly like the serpent that convinced you that one unequalled God who is pure spirit is actually the same thing as a coequal trinity that became an edible man...

You died in the very day that you fell for it.
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Yes, good needs evil as a contrast.
Why would god make evil?
Evil is not extant, Taz.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.
Believing that the Living God was born into this world to testify to the truth and believing He manifests Himself into the Host for no other reason than we have faith that He will manifest Himself into the Host for no other reason than we ask Him, is the most powerful tool we have in repenting. It literally makes me want to change for Him. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you don't believe it is possible he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer for us. You cannot grasp what I am talking about because you lack faith in God.

Its not about me not grasping what you are talking about. I simply reject it as the garbage that fills the confused mind of a person who either does not or cannot think very deeply.

If you were the prodigal son you are still at the part in the story where you have settled for minimum wage feeding garbage to swine except in your case, unlike the prodigal son in the story, you have eaten the same garbage fed to unclean creatures that do not ruminate instead of returning to God.

Repentance would be you rejecting the idolatrous worship of a human being.
I have chosen the better portion. It will not be taken away. You have no faith in God so you don't believe that God loves us so much that he would be born into this world, testify to the truth and suffer for us. You have no faith in God so you don't believe God would manifest Himself into the Host just because of faith.

You will never experience what I have experienced because you lack faith in God.

You can't grasp the power of faith.

No, ding, its the exact opposite.. I reject your false assertions about God because I have faith in what I know to be true about God.

What you describe is idolatry, believing that something made by human hands can become God or be imbued with the spirit of God because a human has faith that such a thing can happen even though it contradicts the law and the prophets and desecrates what Jesus taught.

God is spirit. The eucharist is made by human hands.

What you call faith, I call obstinate stupidity. You keep saying you have chosen the better portion and like the prodigal son have returned to God even though you have only returned to the idolatrous 'faith' of your youth like a dog returns to his vomit.
Having faith in what you believe to be true about God is not the same thing as having faith in God. It is really having faith in yourself.


When the talking serpent tried to deceive Adam he was trying to talk him into not believing what he already knew to be true about God.
Which is exactly what you are doing here; trying to limit faith in God.
Why would god make evil?
Evil is not extant, Taz.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
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Why would god make evil?
Evil is not extant, Taz.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?
I do, maybe you used it wrong. Explain yourself.
I just did explain it. Evil is the absence of good. Good is extant. Evil is not extant.
So if I'm sitting in a chair not moving and not doing any good to anyone, how is that evil? Shouldn't there be a neutral state?
Evil is not extant, Taz.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.
Jesus came because he wanted to be in a book about a worldwide flood that ended up not being worldwide.
Evil is not extant, Taz.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?
I do, maybe you used it wrong. Explain yourself.
I just did explain it. Evil is the absence of good. Good is extant. Evil is not extant.
So if I'm sitting in a chair not moving and not doing any good to anyone, how is that evil? Shouldn't there be a neutral state?
Where did I say it was?
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.
He came so you could make fun of others and feel good about yourself.
But why would god make evil?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
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You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?
You don't know what extant means?

You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.
Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
Wrong. Even Jews know better.

The Claims of Jesus - Jews for Jesus
You said that evil is not extant.. Either you don't know what evil is or what extant means.
Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?

Yes, Jesus taught another more rational way to understand and conform to the divine commands that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that reveals the wisdom of God and fulfills the promise of life, comprehension.

Yes, the Jews have never expected the Messiah to be anything other than a human being, another Jew, chosen by God for the specific purpose of "conveying all of God's commands." Deut; 18:18.

And yes, as long as you realize that satan represents a specific human archetype, not an invisible malevolent spirit, that uses mind control, what the ancient people thought of as sorcery, to bend the unsuspecting to their will like any cultic charlatan despot or tyrant uses subtle deceptions, specious promises, and threats of real and imaginary violence to collect subservient followers like disposable possessions to do their bidding and fleece on a regular basis for their own selfish ambitions lust for power and personal gain.
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Wrong. Evil, like cold and darkness do not exist by themselves. They are the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?

Yes, Jesus taught another more rational way to understand and conform to the divine commands that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that reveals the wisdom of God and fulfills the promise of life, comprehension.

Yes, the Jews have never expected the Messiah to be anything other than a human being, another Jew, chosen by God for the specific purpose of "conveying all of God's commands." Deut; 18:18.

And yes, as long as you realize that satan represents a specific human archetype, not an invisible malevolent spirit, that uses mind control, what the ancient people thought of as sorcery, to bend the unsuspecting to their will like any cultic charlatan despot or tyrant uses subtle deceptions, specious promises, and threats of real and imaginary violence to collect subservient followers like disposable possessions to do their bidding and fleece on a regular basis for their own selfish ambitions lust for power and personal gain.
Hmm, sounds to me like you just painted Satan onto materialistic phenomena. Why the need for the flowery descriptions? Seems to me like you could be more.clear and empirical to describe it in...ahem...lesser terms. Terms that don't involve magical entities.
Deception is not just the absence of truth, it is a deliberate lie, a falsehood, even mingled with truth.

Evil is very much still in existence and will be for as long as morons like you allow satan to enter your minds to perpetuate falsehood.
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?

Yes, Jesus taught another more rational way to understand and conform to the divine commands that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that reveals the wisdom of God and fulfills the promise of life, comprehension.

Yes, the Jews have never expected the Messiah to be anything other than a human being, another Jew, chosen by God for the specific purpose of "conveying all of God's commands." Deut; 18:18.

And yes, as long as you realize that satan represents a specific human archetype, not an invisible malevolent spirit, that uses mind control, what the ancient people thought of as sorcery, to bend the unsuspecting to their will like any cultic charlatan despot or tyrant uses subtle deceptions, specious promises, and threats of real and imaginary violence to collect subservient followers like disposable possessions to do their bidding and fleece on a regular basis for their own selfish ambitions lust for power and personal gain.
Hmm, sounds to me like you just painted Satan onto materialistic phenomena. Why the need for the flowery descriptions? Seems to me like you could be more.clear and empirical to describe it in...ahem...lesser terms. Terms that don't involve magical entities.

Satan, the talking serpent, represents a specific human archetype. How is that not clear?

Materialistic phenomena? Flowery descriptions? Magical entities?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Jesus was very clear about who he was and why he came here. You are the one practicing deception.

Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?

Yes, Jesus taught another more rational way to understand and conform to the divine commands that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that reveals the wisdom of God and fulfills the promise of life, comprehension.

Yes, the Jews have never expected the Messiah to be anything other than a human being, another Jew, chosen by God for the specific purpose of "conveying all of God's commands." Deut; 18:18.

And yes, as long as you realize that satan represents a specific human archetype, not an invisible malevolent spirit, that uses mind control, what the ancient people thought of as sorcery, to bend the unsuspecting to their will like any cultic charlatan despot or tyrant uses subtle deceptions, specious promises, and threats of real and imaginary violence to collect subservient followers like disposable possessions to do their bidding and fleece on a regular basis for their own selfish ambitions lust for power and personal gain.
Hmm, sounds to me like you just painted Satan onto materialistic phenomena. Why the need for the flowery descriptions? Seems to me like you could be more.clear and empirical to describe it in...ahem...lesser terms. Terms that don't involve magical entities.

Satan, the talking serpent, represents a specific human archetype. How is that not clear?

Materialistic phenomena? Flowery descriptions? Magical entities?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
I think he's taking issue with your toe half in and toe half out portrayal ~ as am I, but admittedly, you're very unclear about it.

You believe the stories are allegorical/myths about human archetypes...
But believe in Jesus despite the source of our knowledge of Jesus being no better, rationally...

And believe in a deity with a lack of any empirical evidence of consequence, above "faith," for any rationalist to conclude at this juncture.
Jesus was clear about being the expected Jewish Messiah. A Jewish man who taught people everything he learned from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law making the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and entry into the kingdom of God possible while removing the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for non-compliance, for all those who received this divinely inspired teaching and acted on it.

There never was any Jewish expectation for an edible three in one unequalled coequal mangod. That is an ancient roman perversion, a defiant demonstration of contempt for he who truly is God and deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus.

Getting people to worship a false god is how satan uses the power of death consequent to defying the law of God to possess the minds of the gullible, the weak willed, and the cowardly.
And...you believe that?

Yes, Jesus taught another more rational way to understand and conform to the divine commands that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used that reveals the wisdom of God and fulfills the promise of life, comprehension.

Yes, the Jews have never expected the Messiah to be anything other than a human being, another Jew, chosen by God for the specific purpose of "conveying all of God's commands." Deut; 18:18.

And yes, as long as you realize that satan represents a specific human archetype, not an invisible malevolent spirit, that uses mind control, what the ancient people thought of as sorcery, to bend the unsuspecting to their will like any cultic charlatan despot or tyrant uses subtle deceptions, specious promises, and threats of real and imaginary violence to collect subservient followers like disposable possessions to do their bidding and fleece on a regular basis for their own selfish ambitions lust for power and personal gain.
Hmm, sounds to me like you just painted Satan onto materialistic phenomena. Why the need for the flowery descriptions? Seems to me like you could be more.clear and empirical to describe it in...ahem...lesser terms. Terms that don't involve magical entities.

Satan, the talking serpent, represents a specific human archetype. How is that not clear?

Materialistic phenomena? Flowery descriptions? Magical entities?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
I think he's taking issue with your toe half in and toe half out portrayal ~ as am I, but admittedly, you're very unclear about it.

You believe the stories are allegorical/myths about human archetypes...
But believe in Jesus despite the source of our knowledge of Jesus being no better, rationally...

And believe in a deity with a lack of any empirical evidence of consequence, above "faith," for any rationalist to conclude at this juncture.

If I say that satan is a mythological representation of a human archetype and someone responds by accusing me of having a belief in magical entities they are either not paying attention or they are not very rational.

Aside from that what makes you think that I have no empirical evidence of consequence above faith? What make you think I haven't already had my beliefs challenged by and proven to skeptics by conforming to and being confirmed by actual reality decades ago?

If a person doesn't have the intelligence to decipher the deep and mysterious metaphors and analogies like talking serpents, angels, demons, and all of the wild beasts of the field, they are not equipped to see God even if a dead person should rise from the grave and ascend into heaven right in front of their eyes..

Show me that you understand something of consequence and I will show you more.
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