Yirmiyahu - 6:22


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Found Joe's off limits list
Lol... The squirrel spends most of its time finding and storing nuts to eat for the Long winter months ahead... It uses much energy and probably figures it is really clever.. The bear before it hibernates and rests seeks out all the hidden treasures of the squirrel which is hidden in a few choice spots... It digs the squirrels treasure up with very little effort and eats till his heart content then after it has filled its belly to capacity it saunters off to its den and sleeps the winter away peaceably knowing that the squirrel cannot do anything to hurt him and that the squirel will be back at it again and that the bear will only have to bide its time till once again it can easily take the spoils away from the nutty squirrel .. In case any are wondering the bear is Russia the nutty squirrel is Biden his time till the bear is sound asleep..

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

What did they mean, who are the northland people, and which is the great nation?

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

What did they mean, who are the northland people, and which is the great nation?
"At that time" it was Chaldeans in Assyria,
Which embedded in parts of Babylonian empire at the 2 rivers and north western Persia, and Babylonian territories (awakened) were equated to them as being stretched from the ends of the earth, so Babylon was the great Nation.

"Today" in the news:
Daesh (terrorist group)is still present in the North, there is a resurgence of Daesh in Syria (Assyria) and Iraq (Babylon).
Lebanon is struggling bad /collapsing, the UN better be on alert and watching to make sure the Daesh don't take advantage of a collapsing nation, something such groups do to easily plant their feet into territories.
Brittish navy is on top of this, but our sleepy Joe has no clue of the dangers going on, like when he as VP allowed Isis(Daesh) to slither into many territories before, and take over.
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Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

What did they mean, who are the northland people, and which is the great nation?
"At that time" it was Chaldeans in Assyria,
Which embedded in parts of Babylonian empire at the 2 rivers and north western Persia, and Babylonian territories (awakened) were equated to them as being stretched from the ends of the earth, so Babylon was the great Nation.

"Today" in the news:
Daesh (terrorist group)is still present in the North, there is a resurgence of Daesh in Syria (Assyria) and Iraq (Babylon).
Lebanon is struggling bad /collapsing, the UN better be on alert and watching to make sure the Daesh don't take advantage of a collapsing nation, something such groups do to easily plant their feet into territories.
Brittish navy is on top of this, but our sleepy Joe has no clue of the dangers going on, like when he as VP allowed Isis(Daesh) to slither into many territories before, and take over.
Thankyou Michael I missed that in the news TODAY hence the 6;22. I do note as you have mentioned before that there are 3 layers to prophecy and Daesh has always been interested in the Levant as part of its caliphate Lebanon being part of that territory as well as Syria and Iraq if Joe continues to weaken US interests there as we know “ nature “ abhors a vacuum and someone or something will move in to fill that void...

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Jeremiah is talking about the Scythians.
Wrong era and Chaldeans stretched into those areas and were allianced with Scythians against Assyria and was Embedded in the eastern portion of the Babylonian Empire

Are you sure?

Palestine during the Scythian Invasion and the Period of ...
Description: A map of the regions of Palestine after the Scythian invasion (628 BC) and the reign of Josiah (639–608 BC) showing principal cities, mountains, rivers, the route of the Scythians, and the
Wrong era and Chaldeans stretched into those areas and were allianced with Scythians against Assyria and was Embedded in the eastern portion of the Babylonian Empire

Are you sure?

Palestine during the Scythian Invasion and the Period of ...
Description: A map of the regions of Palestine after the Scythian invasion (628 BC) and the reign of Josiah (639–608 BC) showing principal cities, mountains, rivers, the route of the Scythians, and the
Jeremiahs references are during earliest
And to answer your question, there's differences in opinions but they are between Chaldeans and Assyrians and no I'm not 100% sure, because I'm more knowledgable about books of Daniel, Isaiah and Ezekiel.
Wrong era and Chaldeans stretched into those areas and were allianced with Scythians against Assyria and was Embedded in the eastern portion of the Babylonian Empire

Are you sure?

Palestine during the Scythian Invasion and the Period of ...
Description: A map of the regions of Palestine after the Scythian invasion (628 BC) and the reign of Josiah (639–608 BC) showing principal cities, mountains, rivers, the route of the Scythians, and the
Jeremiahs references are during earliest
And to answer your question, there's differences in opinions but they are between Chaldeans and Assyrians and no I'm not 100% sure, because I'm more knowledgable about books of Daniel, Isaiah and Ezekiel.

Most scholars think Daniel was an historian and that the book was written about 168 BC around the time of Antiochus IV and the Maccabbean Revolt.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

I don't have to know your views. If you believe that ridiculous passage your ignorant views are in display.
As for the ad hominem claim, grow up.
You can't tolerate the criticism.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

I don't have to know your views. If you believe that ridiculous passage your ignorant views are in display.
As for the ad hominem claim, grow up.
You can't tolerate the criticism.
See, I rest my case, angry.
Ask yourself why History being recorded as to learn from and not repeat, makes you angry.
Are you one of the neo marxists trained to deny the importance of history, dirty laundry and all?
Because you do not learn from whitewashing or hiding history, hence doomed to repeat.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

Tanakh in English​

Jeremiah 6:22 ....Behold, a people is coming from the northland, and a great nation will be aroused from the ends of the earth.​

Here we go again. More cons piracy theories originated from that filthy religious books. You are paranoid. See a doctor.
You seem angry, here have a snickers!View attachment 504713

Why do people against your views always become angry?
I'm not angry. I'm in my element tearing you guys to pieces.
That was not an argument against views, especially since you don't know mine, instead it was an ad hominem enraged post aka trolling.

I don't have to know your views. If you believe that ridiculous passage your ignorant views are in display.
As for the ad hominem claim, grow up.
You can't tolerate the criticism.
See, I rest my case, angry.
Ask yourself why History being recorded as to learn from and not repeat, makes you angry.
Are you one of the neo marxists trained to deny the importance of history, dirty laundry and all?
Because you do not learn from whitewashing or hiding history, hence doomed to repeat.

It's nothing to do with Marxist. You're paranoid about it.

The OP is implying there will be an invasion from somewhere which there hasn't been and now you quoting about history repeating itself.
What a load of re ligious bullshit.

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