Yo Barack...can You Spell Kobani?

OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.
DT 9904192
. reporter just back from battle says he saw three ISIS tanks out in the open. No airstrikes by the Unprecedented Coalition. Unprecedented stupidity on the part of the administration.

Kurdish fighter ISIS has entered Syrian city of Kobani - CNN.com

You ;are so hard up for a reason to call Obama stupid that you cite a reporter on October 3 who reportedly saw three IS terrorist tanks in the open near Kobani Syria as a case of unprecedented stupidity on the part of the Administration. The ignorance is all yours Deltex. Your link from CNN shows that the air strikes were ongoing for a week around Kobani

U.S. airstrikes have been directed against ISIS positions in the Kobani area this week. But U.S. Central Command said there were no further strikes in the area overnight into Friday.

So what is it Deltex? Is US Central Command 'stupid' for missing the three tanks some reporter supposedly saw?

And I notice you don't post news that is bad news for those IS terrorists. You seem to only get excited when they are advancing or killing lots of people and you can go along with the right wing mob and blame it all on Obama.

Update for you. Sorry if it upsets you that Kobani has not fallen to IS terrorists.

Peshmerga forces enter Kobani: KDP official ----- The chief of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) foreign relation said the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga have entered the Kurdish Syrian town of Kobani that is under the siege of the militants of the Islamic State (IS).

Peshmerga forces have entered Syria through Rabiya-Tel Kocar border pass way have simultaneously started their operation against the IS extremists. <> Peshmerga forces, who will fight to save Kobani from IS, will use Katyusha rocket launchers and a new model of American-made anti-aircraft guns, Cihan said. -------- News Code: 8711 | Date: 2014/10/28 | Time: 13 : 46

Here are some unprecedented stupid words from a US Adminstration:

"...The American people know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. By the way, he declared he didn't ave any -- 1441 insisted that he have a complete declaration of his weapons; he said he didn't have any weapons.
March 6, 2003 - George W. Bush stated in remarks made in a national press conference at the White House :
Iraq Statements by US President George W. Bush - US - Iraq War - ProCon.org

The Bush Administration got 4,487 Americans killed because he thought "The American people" knew that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Now that is stupid. Real stupid. Because at that time when Bush said that utterly stupid statement it was apparent in polling that nearly six in ten Americans wanted Bush to give the UN inspectors more time and only resort to war as a last resort. That was smart of most Americans. Too bad Republicans put one of the dumbest Americans in charge of the lives of our men and women in uniform.

Mar. 6, 2003
I guess you should pack up and head over there guys. I'll pitch in for you plane tickets. When can you head over there?
TOS 10064426
I guess you should pack up and head over there guys. I'll pitch in for you plane tickets. When can you head over there?

Why would you put such a stupid comment in writing? Just curious. Why would I go over there? Its their fight on the ground. I think air strikes to kill terrorist and in support of our allies on the ground is the right move. A smart move by the current president. For comparison and because Deltex doesn't seem to understand what 'stupid' is, I am pointing out here that air strikes are much smarter than sending ground troops into Iraq to find WMD that was not really there and there was a much better way set up to verify if they were or not. .
TOS 10064426
I guess you should pack up and head over there guys. I'll pitch in for you plane tickets. When can you head over there?

Why would you put such a stupid comment in writing? Just curious. Why would I go over there? Its their fight on the ground. I think air strikes to kill terrorist and in support of our allies on the ground is the right move. A smart move by the current president. For comparison and because Deltex doesn't seem to understand what 'stupid' is, I am pointing out here that air strikes are much smarter than sending ground troops into Iraq to find WMD that was not really there and there was a much better way set up to verify if they were or not. .

I'm saying that Deltex should go over there. He's obviously much smarter than everyone. Hell he won't even need any Kevlar! Go Deltex go!!!
TOS 10064426
I guess you should pack up and head over there guys. I'll pitch in for you plane tickets. When can you head over there?

Why would you put such a stupid comment in writing? Just curious. Why would I go over there? Its their fight on the ground. I think air strikes to kill terrorist and in support of our allies on the ground is the right move. A smart move by the current president. For comparison and because Deltex doesn't seem to understand what 'stupid' is, I am pointing out here that air strikes are much smarter than sending ground troops into Iraq to find WMD that was not really there and there was a much better way set up to verify if they were or not. .

I'm saying that Deltex should go over there. He's obviously much smarter than everyone. Hell he won't even need any Kevlar! Go Deltex go!!!

Sorry. I just can't picture Deltex fighting on the right side right now. He's too busy here helping with the terrorists propaganda effort by falsely maligning our troops' Commander in Chief such as that trivial crap about three terrorist's tanks not being hit. If those tanks remained out in the 'open' .. the are most likely destroyed by now anyway.
During Desert Storm, we averaged 1100 sorties a day .... our average against ISIS? 7 per day ... please tell me we're serious about this.
SC 10064688
During Desert Storm, we averaged 1100 sorties a day .... our average against ISIS? 7 per day ... please tell me we're serious about this.

Operation Desert Storm involved a US ground forces against a conventional army. That operation was not expected to take a year. The current operation is expected to take a year because the Syrian opposition need more training from scratch and the Iraqi Army needs to be toughened up some.

Memorize these seven words if you can:

"so that U.S. troops won't have to".

"so that U.S. troops won't have to"

."so that U.S. troops won't have to".

"so that U.S. troops won't have to".

Another key point in the following cited report:

"focusing attacks on those resources that enable IS to sustain itself and resupply its fighters."

You only have to listen to U.S. Central Command, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin in charge to know that we are serious.

In for the long haul: US general predicts airstrikes will degrade IS forces over next year
  • Article by: ROBERT BURNS , Associated Press
  • Updated: October 18, 2014 - 3:55 AM

WASHINGTON — Ten weeks into its war against Islamic State extremists, the Pentagon is settling in for the long haul, short on big early successes but still banking on enlisting Syrians and Iraqis to fight the ground war so that U.S. troops won't have to.

The U.S. general overseeing the campaign on Friday predicted that the jihadists will be "much degraded" by airstrikes a year from now, in part because he is focusing attacks on those resources that enable IS to sustain itself and resupply its fighters.

On Friday, for example, the U.S. military said one of its six airstrikes overnight in Syria hit several IS petroleum storage tanks and a pumping station — sites that are central to the militants' ability to resupply their forces and generate revenue. Likewise, it said two coalition airstrikes in Iraq damaged or destroyed IS military targets near the contested town of Beiji, home of Iraq's largest oil refinery.

In his first public overview of the campaign he leads from the Florida headquarters of U.S. Central Command, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin cautioned against expecting quick progress. He said he cannot predict how long it will take to right a wobbly Iraqi army and build a viable opposition ground force in Syria.

"The campaign to destroy ISIL will take time, and there will be occasional setbacks along the way," Austin told a Pentagon news conference, "particularly in these early stages of the campaign as we coach and mentor a force (in Iraq) that is actively working to regenerate capability after years of neglect and poor leadership."

While hammering the jihadists daily from the air, the U.S. military is talking of a years-long effort — one that will require more than aerial bombardment, will show results only gradually and may eventually call for a more aggressive use of U.S. military advisers in Iraq.

As of Thursday the U.S. had launched nearly 300 airstrikes in Iraq and nearly 200 in Syria, and allies had tallied fewer than 100, according to Central Command. Those figures don't capture the full scope of the effort because many airstrikes launch multiple bombs on multiple targets. Central Command said that as of Wednesday, U.S. and partner-nation air forces had dropped nearly 1,400 munitions.

Officials say the strikes have squeezed IS and slowed its battlefield momentum. More specifically, they claim they have destroyed an array of Islamic State military targets: command posts, sniper positions, artillery guns, armed trucks, tanks, mortar positions, buildings, mobile oil refineries and more. The Pentagon has shied from providing a body count, but Kirby said several hundred IS fighters have been killed in Kobani alone in recent days.

In for the long haul US general predicts airstrikes will degrade IS forces over next year Star Tribune
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SC 10064688
During Desert Storm, we averaged 1100 sorties a day .... our average against ISIS? 7 per day ... please tell me we're serious about this.

Operation Desert Storm involved a US ground forces against a conventional army. That operation was not expected to take a year. The current operation is expected to take a year because the Syrian opposition need more training from scratch and the Iraqi Army needs to be toughened up some.

Memorize these seven words if you can:

"so that U.S. troops won't have to".

"so that U.S. troops won't have to"

."so that U.S. troops won't have to".

"so that U.S. troops won't have to".

Another key point in the following cited report:

"focusing attacks on those resources that enable IS to sustain itself and resupply its fighters."

You only have to listen to U.S. Central Command, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin in charge to know that we are serious.

In for the long haul: US general predicts airstrikes will degrade IS forces over next year
  • Article by: ROBERT BURNS , Associated Press
  • Updated: October 18, 2014 - 3:55 AM

WASHINGTON — Ten weeks into its war against Islamic State extremists, the Pentagon is settling in for the long haul, short on big early successes but still banking on enlisting Syrians and Iraqis to fight the ground war so that U.S. troops won't have to.

The U.S. general overseeing the campaign on Friday predicted that the jihadists will be "much degraded" by airstrikes a year from now, in part because he is focusing attacks on those resources that enable IS to sustain itself and resupply its fighters.

On Friday, for example, the U.S. military said one of its six airstrikes overnight in Syria hit several IS petroleum storage tanks and a pumping station — sites that are central to the militants' ability to resupply their forces and generate revenue. Likewise, it said two coalition airstrikes in Iraq damaged or destroyed IS military targets near the contested town of Beiji, home of Iraq's largest oil refinery.

In his first public overview of the campaign he leads from the Florida headquarters of U.S. Central Command, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin cautioned against expecting quick progress. He said he cannot predict how long it will take to right a wobbly Iraqi army and build a viable opposition ground force in Syria.

"The campaign to destroy ISIL will take time, and there will be occasional setbacks along the way," Austin told a Pentagon news conference, "particularly in these early stages of the campaign as we coach and mentor a force (in Iraq) that is actively working to regenerate capability after years of neglect and poor leadership."

While hammering the jihadists daily from the air, the U.S. military is talking of a years-long effort — one that will require more than aerial bombardment, will show results only gradually and may eventually call for a more aggressive use of U.S. military advisers in Iraq.

As of Thursday the U.S. had launched nearly 300 airstrikes in Iraq and nearly 200 in Syria, and allies had tallied fewer than 100, according to Central Command. Those figures don't capture the full scope of the effort because many airstrikes launch multiple bombs on multiple targets. Central Command said that as of Wednesday, U.S. and partner-nation air forces had dropped nearly 1,400 munitions.

Officials say the strikes have squeezed IS and slowed its battlefield momentum. More specifically, they claim they have destroyed an array of Islamic State military targets: command posts, sniper positions, artillery guns, armed trucks, tanks, mortar positions, buildings, mobile oil refineries and more. The Pentagon has shied from providing a body count, but Kirby said several hundred IS fighters have been killed in Kobani alone in recent days.

In for the long haul US general predicts airstrikes will degrade IS forces over next year Star Tribune

LOL -- gotta love it.

Where I come from, we call that "whistlin' past the graveyard."

The cold truth is that Obama said he wouldn't start a war ... and he won't ... no matter what happens. Instead, he's trying to stall until the Republican Congress gets in, so he can say he's being forced into it. Of course, he, and you, conveniently ignore the fact that thousands are dying while he is dithering.

Either fight the damn war, with all your resources, or get the hell out of it completely. We have tried having civilians determine strategy for the last three wars, and they have managed to fuck it up beyond all comprehension. The president is asking the military to fight this war with both hands tied behind their back. Right now, ISIS is still a piss ant military wannabe. But, it won't be that way long ... do it, get it done, and get the hell out.
Obama is the biggest fuck up since I dont know when. His strategy on ISIS is to do as little as possible to pacify his base and his critics. That seldom works.
. reporter just back from battle says he saw three ISIS tanks out in the open. No airstrikes by the Unprecedented Coalition. Unprecedented stupidity on the part of the administration.

Kurdish fighter ISIS has entered Syrian city of Kobani - CNN.com

I'm sure the left will just blame our inept, blind as a bat pilots. You know, the same ones who dropped supplies and weapons to ISIS by 'accident.' They are following orders and doing exactly what they are told to do or not to do. Orders come from higher up, so the administration has some 'splaining to do.
CL 10135042 regarding DT 9904192
I'm sure the left will just blame our inept, blind as a bat pilots.

Why would you even think such an absurd conclusion? Can't you argue against '*the left' (*anti-rightwing knuckle-headism) that is here posting replies on threads like this one that was originated by a major league knuckle head.
SC 10134904
Of course, he, and you, conveniently ignore the fact that thousands are dying while he is dithering.

Dithering? Which world leader was the first to launch air strikes against Daesh in Iraq and in Syria? Haven't heard the 'dithering' crap for quite some time. I doubt you bothered to complain that Bush 'dithered' for a year before deciding to deploy the 'SURGE' in Iraq in 2007. That was dithering of major consequence if you are an American. You do recall that hundreds of Americans died in Iraq while that Right-Wing Republican dithering was going on.
SC 10134904
Of course, he, and you, conveniently ignore the fact that thousands are dying while he is dithering.

Dithering? Which world leader was the first to launch air strikes against Daesh in Iraq and in Syria? Haven't heard the 'dithering' crap for quite some time. I doubt you bothered to complain that Bush 'dithered' for a year before deciding to deploy the 'SURGE' in Iraq in 2007. That was dithering of major consequence if you are an American. You do recall that hundreds of Americans died in Iraq while that Right-Wing Republican dithering was going on.
Yeah Obama is jut right there giving them hell. ROFL!!!!
This guy is supposed to be personally directing the air strikes. I guess he does it between toasts at the fundraisers.
Kobani, the gift that keeps on giving. A shit hole with no real strategic value where communist Kurds are fighting ISIS in the middle of no where. It was supposed to have fallen a month ago, but according to the Kurds the US led air strikes have allowed the Kurds to hang on and defend the city. So everyday the ISIS nut jobs send in new troops and assets and every day air strikes kill the reinforcements and destroy the newly arrived assets.It's amazing that some here call this a US failure as they seem to cheer for the Jihadist.
BB 10136213
Yeah Obama is jut right there giving them hell. ROFL!!!!

If air strikes are Hell then yes, Obama was the first world leader to give it to them. So he was not dithering. Saying that he was is the chatter of fools.
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