You Are Being Manipulated

There's an easy answer waiting for you when you're ready to accept the facts on bad government that's due the corruption of the establishment American way. You can't be helped until you're ready to help yourselves.
Unfortunately, it also requires a move to the left. That move doesn't have to even be to the center of any political spectrum, outside of America's slanted nonsense politics.

I offer you the facts for free from Canada. One of the most free countries in the world and the world's leader in quality of life for all the people!

Start by stopping the flagwaving at least!
A move to the left requires unquestioning acceptance of Democrat corruption.

Meanwhile, up in Canada, there are thousands of unmarked graves of First Nations children you need to be searching for.

You have no moral standing.
A move to the left requires unquestioning acceptance of Democrat corruption.

Meanwhile, up in Canada, there are thousands of unmarked graves of First Nations children you need to be searching for.

You have no moral standing.
If you're asking for a discussion elsewhere on the unmarked graves issue, then initiate it. My opening positions is that the wooden grave markers rotted away.

If you're simply trolling then I'm not interested.
If you're asking for a discussion elsewhere on the unmarked graves issue, then initiate it. My opening positions is that the wooden grave markers rotted away.

If you're simply trolling then I'm not interested.
You're the one trolling ever since post #4.
If you're asking for a discussion elsewhere on the unmarked graves issue, then initiate it. My opening positions is that the wooden grave markers rotted away.

If you're simply trolling then I'm not interested.
Not interested? Oh, you mean like Americans aren't interested in the opinions of a Canadian.

Run along.
You're going to have to take the responsibility of debating my facts, not just loosely imply otherwise with careless objections and lack of any substance. I'm simply not going to entertain that sort of nonsense by you any longer.
You've only posted opinions not facts.
Mac 1958's immediate reaction demonstrates how spot on the article is. Thanks, Commie.
Oh oh. The narrative caught up to another fact they just cannot have. The MSM jumped on this right away saying it (mass psychosis) just is not so. What took the moderators so long?

How can a statement of what some people see be a conspiracy? It is a conspiracy because it is true? I await an answer from the dorks that moved this thread.
Time to deal with reality. Do not accept a thing our government says about Covid. For that matter, anything they say about the economy, inflation or race relations. All calculated lies sprinkled with as little truth as possible.

Mass Formation Psychosis, or “mass hypnosis” or “the madness of crowds,” as noted by TrialSiteNews, occurs when a large fraction of the population is completely unable to process new scientific data and facts, demonstrating that they have been misled or lied to.

In the case of COVID-19, the no-longer-pandemic, Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, and the Democrat Party, and the Democrat state media — principally CNN and MSNBC — have consistently misled, changed their stories, or outright lied to America about the effectiveness and adverse impacts of mandatory mask use, lockdowns, and genetic vaccines that cause people’s bodies to make large amounts of biologically-active coronavirus spike protein.

Tens of millions of Americans, hypnotized by the left, have been and remain incapable of recognizing the lies and manipulation.
I'm going to bet that technology and social media are to blame. But even without these enhancements to amplify the crowd herd phenomenon the plandemic course would be unchanged with a slower effect. Smartphones have taken the throngs of herdlike copy machines and interconnected them to synch together at an evermore precise and efficient fitting. I believe the plandemic thinktank knew this and wanted to see how far it would go.

Most of the copy machines in this self offing herd are oblivious to the warnings and facts and much of the time dont posess the mental faculties at all to make informed decisions for themselves. They went and got the clotshot because they heard about it on Twitter and everyone is doing it. They did no research, did not check to see how legit this thing was, and didnt even question it. These are the same people that will keep buying fast food even when its obviously contaminated, not complain once, and shove the harmful substance down their throats because hey everyone else is doing it, who cares if theres sewage grime and roadkill in your burger? These are the same people that let disgusting perverts invade their privacy and turn their lives into see through empty lots and since they outnumber the rest of us who have some self respect and intelligent discretion we must fight off the effects of their ill choices from harming us as they are the hordes these invasive perverts go through to gain that power. They dont realize how much damage they do to life for the rest of us and they truly dont care. Theyre empty and purposeless and let anyone do anything to them. Theyd dive off a canyon together if thats where their herd was going.

Smartphones paired with social media have streamlined this behavior into a well oiled machine and this plandemic has steered that herd into the canyon. They know theyre wrong and even if you yell at them blue faced a million verifiable facts to get them with the program and stop being so self destructive because its destroying us all they continue to act like they dont know what youre talking about can you feel sorry for them theyre dying and need another booster shot, wanna garbage burger oh and I gotta check my views counter because the camera in my bathroom is popular.

Yes, there is manipulation, and I will not be the target.

They know perfectly well their mistake and carelessness in protecting themselves and let the breakdowns pile up. Except this time theyre not taking us down with them. They are free to go and off themselves but we will stay unscathed by their self destruction.

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