You are required by law to own a gun

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Assume for the moment...

Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.

-The rifle must be semi-auto or select fire with a detachable magazine chambered in 5.56x45m 7.62x51 or 7.62x39. It must be a derivative of any service rifle put into service on or after1950 (more broadly, for those of you who know little about firearms -- an 'assault weapon').. The citizen must also acquire sufficient 20-30 round magazines to carry a basic load of 300 rounds of suitable ammunition, as well as 500 rounds of said ammunition; if 20-30 rd magazines are not available for the riffle in question, the largest capacity magazine will suffice.

-Citizens must train with their rifle at least every other year by attending the US military's Small Arms Firing School; or equivalent. The year in which citizens are required to attend based on the eve/odd last digit of their SSN.

-Citizens not meeting these criteria will pay a tax of $2500 in every year that they fail meet these requirements; revenue from this tax will subsidize the cost of those schools and fund a program for those who who seek to comply with the law but are economically unable to do so.

-The Federal requirement for the purchase and possession of an 'assault weapon' and magazines supersedes any state or local regulations to the contrary.

Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?
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Excellent post. It's basically the Obamacare of firearm ownership. Trumparms. Get it?

But yes...I'd like to know how libs feel about this. In fact....the American colonies I believe once actually did mandate all males to own a rifle...for the specific reason of defense. The "well regulated" part of the 2nd Amendment referred to ammunition caliber being one of a few select types so the military could replenish militia ammo if needed ( Book - "Stalkers and Shooters: A history of snipers").

So....what if Trump pulled an Obama....and for the good of the country mandated all Americans to purchase a weapon and a tax, sorry, a "fee" for non compliance. Enforced by the IRS.
Assume for the moment...

Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.

-The rifle must be semi-auto or select fire with a detachable magazine chambered in 5.56x45m 7.62x51 or 7.62x39. It must be a derivative of any service rifle put into service on or after1950 (more broadly, for those of you who know little about firearms -- an 'assault weapon').. The citizen must also acquire sufficient 20-30 round magazines to carry a basic load of 300 rounds of suitable ammunition, as well as 500 rounds of said ammunition; if 20-30 rd magazines are not available for the riffle in question, the largest capacity magazine will suffice.

-Citizens must train with their rifle at least every other year by attending the US military's Small Arms firing school; or equivalent. The year in which citizens are required to attend based on the eve/odd last digit of their SSN.

-Citizens not meeting these criteria will pay a tax of $2500 in every year that they fail meet these requirements; revenue from this tax will subsidize the cost of those schools and fun a program for those who who seek to comply with the law are economically unable to do so.

-The Federal requirement for the purchase and possession of an 'assault weapon' and magazines supersedes any state or local regulations to the contrary.

Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?

A. How often do you take LSD, and for how long have you been in that purple haze?

You need to retake US history 101.
Obamacare is based on the fact that at some point, all of us will need medical care and that others should not be paying for it hand over fist. We pay taxes for a constabulary that effectively limits crime and promotes public safety.


That being said, I'd pay the tax, happily. No need to endanger me or my family or my neighbors by having a firearm in the house.
Limiting crime and promoting public safety are fine ideals, but keep in mind the police aren't required to come to your assistance, and even when you call they will be minutes away.

But even that aside, there are times when an armed citizenry will make sense, like in the aftermath of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a riot, or so on. The sheriff or police chief may need to call on citizens to do more than just cower in corners and it will take time for governors to call up the National Guard. Some counties are very large and very rural and have limited police to begin with and being able to call up a militia is just common sense.

My caveat to that whole "buy a rifle or pay a tax" would be for county sheriffs to keep a militia roll, provide range time and ammo, and require annual training and call-ups the way we do with the National Guard.
Limiting crime and promoting public safety are fine ideals, but keep in mind the police aren't required to come to your assistance, and even when you call they will be minutes away.

But even that aside, there are times when an armed citizenry will make sense, like in the aftermath of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a riot, or so on. The sheriff or police chief may need to call on citizens to do more than just cower in corners and it will take time for governors to call up the National Guard. Some counties are very large and very rural and have limited police to begin with and being able to call up a militia is just common sense.

My caveat to that whole "buy a rifle or pay a tax" would be for county sheriffs to keep a militia roll, provide range time and ammo, and require annual training and call-ups the way we do with the National Guard.

Well, there are other reasons. The inherent danger of having a gun in the house. And, the sickness of being like some people on this forum. . 0

All of it is enough to make me happily pay the tax.
Limiting crime and promoting public safety are fine ideals, but keep in mind the police aren't required to come to your assistance, and even when you call they will be minutes away.

But even that aside, there are times when an armed citizenry will make sense, like in the aftermath of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a riot, or so on. The sheriff or police chief may need to call on citizens to do more than just cower in corners and it will take time for governors to call up the National Guard. Some counties are very large and very rural and have limited police to begin with and being able to call up a militia is just common sense.

My caveat to that whole "buy a rifle or pay a tax" would be for county sheriffs to keep a militia roll, provide range time and ammo, and require annual training and call-ups the way we do with the National Guard.

Well, there are other reasons. The inherent danger of having a gun in the house. And, the sickness of being like some people on this forum. . 0

All of it is enough to make me happily pay the tax.

There's inherent danger in having cleaning supplies, medicine, or rope in the house as well, and let's never forget about killer swimming pools that annually kill more children than guns do.
Assume for the moment...

Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.

-The rifle must be semi-auto or select fire with a detachable magazine chambered in 5.56x45m 7.62x51 or 7.62x39. It must be a derivative of any service rifle put into service on or after1950 (more broadly, for those of you who know little about firearms -- an 'assault weapon').. The citizen must also acquire sufficient 20-30 round magazines to carry a basic load of 300 rounds of suitable ammunition, as well as 500 rounds of said ammunition; if 20-30 rd magazines are not available for the riffle in question, the largest capacity magazine will suffice.

-Citizens must train with their rifle at least every other year by attending the US military's Small Arms firing school; or equivalent. The year in which citizens are required to attend based on the eve/odd last digit of their SSN.

-Citizens not meeting these criteria will pay a tax of $2500 in every year that they fail meet these requirements; revenue from this tax will subsidize the cost of those schools and fun a program for those who who seek to comply with the law are economically unable to do so.

-The Federal requirement for the purchase and possession of an 'assault weapon' and magazines supersedes any state or local regulations to the contrary.

Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?

A. How often do you take LSD, and for how long have you been in that purple haze?

You need to retake US history 101.

Why is that? If your reference is to the Militia's of the late 18th Century and you believe the OP represents such a corp you are dead wrong.

John Marshall and the Heroic Age of the Supreme Court

Read and think.

Good idea. A 10% tax on earnings on top of whatever they currently pay out in taxes at the local, state, and federal, levels for noncompliance.


Limiting crime and promoting public safety are fine ideals, but keep in mind the police aren't required to come to your assistance, and even when you call they will be minutes away.

But even that aside, there are times when an armed citizenry will make sense, like in the aftermath of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a riot, or so on. The sheriff or police chief may need to call on citizens to do more than just cower in corners and it will take time for governors to call up the National Guard. Some counties are very large and very rural and have limited police to begin with and being able to call up a militia is just common sense.

My caveat to that whole "buy a rifle or pay a tax" would be for county sheriffs to keep a militia roll, provide range time and ammo, and require annual training and call-ups the way we do with the National Guard.

Well, there are other reasons. The inherent danger of having a gun in the house. And, the sickness of being like some people on this forum. . 0

All of it is enough to make me happily pay the tax.

There's inherent danger in having cleaning supplies, medicine, or rope in the house as well, and let's never forget about killer swimming pools that annually kill more children than guns do.

All risks I'm willing to take.

Obamacare is based on the fact that at some point, all of us will need medical care and that others should not be paying for it hand over fist. We pay taxes for a constabulary that effectively limits crime and promotes public safety.


That being said, I'd pay the tax, happily. No need to endanger me or my family or my neighbors by having a firearm in the house.

Are you a drug addict, alcoholic, violent criminal or have a history of violent behavior...those are the things that make a home dangerous, not the gun.......

Homes that are normal....and do not have individuals who are drug addicts, alcoholics, violent criminals or a history of violence do not get murdered by guns in their home....

And with over 357 million guns in private hands now...and only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013......gun accidents are not a problem..since American gun owners who are normal, are extremely responsible.
Obamacare is based on the fact that at some point, all of us will need medical care and that others should not be paying for it hand over fist. We pay taxes for a constabulary that effectively limits crime and promotes public safety.


That being said, I'd pay the tax, happily. No need to endanger me or my family or my neighbors by having a firearm in the house.

No...obamacare is based on controlling your access to healthcare.....thus controlling you......
Limiting crime and promoting public safety are fine ideals, but keep in mind the police aren't required to come to your assistance, and even when you call they will be minutes away.

But even that aside, there are times when an armed citizenry will make sense, like in the aftermath of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, a riot, or so on. The sheriff or police chief may need to call on citizens to do more than just cower in corners and it will take time for governors to call up the National Guard. Some counties are very large and very rural and have limited police to begin with and being able to call up a militia is just common sense.

My caveat to that whole "buy a rifle or pay a tax" would be for county sheriffs to keep a militia roll, provide range time and ammo, and require annual training and call-ups the way we do with the National Guard.

Well, there are other reasons. The inherent danger of having a gun in the house. And, the sickness of being like some people on this forum. . 0

All of it is enough to make me happily pay the tax.

There's inherent danger in having cleaning supplies, medicine, or rope in the house as well, and let's never forget about killer swimming pools that annually kill more children than guns do.

All risks I'm willing to take.


Now thats' what I call scientific.

a journalist and a pediatrician went through some exercises.

Quite the in-depth study there

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