You are Wealthy Beyond Your Imagination

Great points. Some of us are also wealthy in time. We have time to kill, whereas the wealthy don't have that luxury. They have become servants to their wealth.

"Money is a wonderful servant, but a cruel master."

Financially independent people are not slaves to their money. The people who trade their hours for dimes and live paycheck to paycheck are slaves to their money
I know I am wealthy when towards the end of any given month at the grocery store checking out with a full cart when most others have 3-5 items in theirs and leeringly look at me!

Enuff said.!!
WOW ! ! !
A full-carter. I am SO ENVIOUS.

On that note, I will tell a true story.
Playing golf with a colleague from work, I was on the seventh green at a public golf course when a Japanese fellow who was paired up with me and my partner walked over to me, looked at his fingernails, and casually said, "My FICA score is 720. What's yours?"

Oh my. A throwdown. I'm you huckleberry. I'll play.

"To tell the truth, I don't know and I don't care. I can write a check for $350,000."

He silently turned and walked away from me. Game over. My colleague told me back at the parking lot that the fellow
came to him and asked, "Can John really write a check for $350,000?"

Don replied, "Oh yeah."

I think Mister 720 won't be asking that question again. But I could be wrong.
What does it profit a man who gains the world but loses his soul. - The Holy Bible

Billionaires and millionaires have had everything they could want, and lost their souls.
Harvey Weinstein, will spend the rest of his life in prison for raping women
Jeffrey Epstein, killed himself in jail awaiting trial for raping minors
Phil Spector, died in prison at age 81 after murdering his girlfriend
Bernie Madoff, died in prison at age 81 after losing billions in a Ponzi Scheme
Bill Cosby, escaped prison but lives in disgrace for drugging and raping numerous women

Everyone reading this is far better off than any of these super wealthy and formerly "important"
big shots, n-est'ce pas?
False dichotomy.

One need not lose his soul (whatever that is) in order to be financially independent.
WOW ! ! !
A full-carter. I am SO ENVIOUS.

On that note, I will tell a true story.
Playing golf with a colleague from work, I was on the seventh green at a public golf course when a Japanese fellow who was paired up with me and my partner walked over to me, looked at his fingernails, and casually said, "My FICA score is 720. What's yours?"

Oh my. A throwdown. I'm you huckleberry. I'll play.

"To tell the truth, I don't know and I don't care. I can write a check for $350,000."

He silently turned and walked away from me. Game over. My colleague told me back at the parking lot that the fellow
came to him and asked, "Can John really write a check for $350,000?"

Don replied, "Oh yeah."

I think Mister 720 won't be asking that question again. But I could be wrong.
Mine is 830 (last time I checked), and I can write a check for $1,000,000 but I keep it to myself. :cool: (Oops).
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Musa didn't have a clue what he was missing though.

I'd take a couple billion in lieu of the skiing and jet travel.
You would not know what to do with a couple of million, boy.
All that excess just sits in investments.

Which reminds me of a cool quote:

When asked, "What do you hope people say about you at your funeral?"

Funniest answer: "He owed me a lot of money!"

I owe nobody. I buy nothing on credit, so FICA is meaningless for me.
How many?
The point is that many rich people spend their time managing their businesses when they'd rather be doing something else. It's a 'time' thing. Of course, there are those who like Warren Buffet thoroughly enjoy that life. I have a good pile of dough but it's in financial instruments so I don't have to 'manage' it. That frees me up to do things I really enjoy. Ironically what I enjoy is...working.
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The point is that many rich people spend their time managing their wealth when they'd rather be doing something else. It's a 'time' thing.
How many is many?

And fyi most rich people do not micromanage their wealth for hours a day they pay other people to do it for them.
You would not know what to do with a couple of million, boy.
All that excess just sits in investments.
Good point. I'd like to buy a vacation property but my kids wouldn't use it that much and they'd be stuck with it when I die. So, my money remains in investments, which of course they will inherit without any hassle's.
I'm speaking of those still engaged in business.
So doing their jobs is the same as being a slave to their money?

Do you really think Musk, Bezos, et al still have to work? They work because that is what they like to do.
So doing their jobs is the same as being a slave to their money?

Do you really think Musk, Bezos, et al still have to work? They work because that is what they like to do.
Jes' sayin', there are those who are captives of their work and their wealth.

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