You Believe NASA should be cut? Read this and think again.

I would love for NASA to have gobs of money to play with and use for all sorts of exciting stuff.

I'd also really love for every American child to have a home and a full tummy. How about highways and bridges that are not falling apart? And schools that actually teach our kids to compete on the world stage?

How about we pay our teachers and cops and fire fighters what they're worth?

Oh wait, I forgot, idiot rw's believe that's CommieMarxFascSoshSomething Or Other. They believe we raise taxes on the middle class and give it to the 1%. Stupid.

I do wish idiots like Ludds could do basic math.
Meet Amun 3554. Doesn’t look like much, right? Little more than a mile wide, it’s one of the smallest M-class (metal-bearing) asteroids yet discovered. Unless it ever decides to smash into us — a theoretical possibility, but extremely unlikely over the next few centuries — it will continue orbiting the sun, unknown and unmolested.

That is, unless Planetary Resources has its way. Planetary Resources is the asteroid-mining company launched Tuesday in Seattle, with backing from Microsoft and Google billionaires, along with the equally prominent James Cameron and Ross Perot Jr.

See, if there actually is profit to be made, private enterprise will take it up. NASA is mostly a wasteful welfare program for scientists and nerds.
Meet Amun 3554. Doesn’t look like much, right? Little more than a mile wide, it’s one of the smallest M-class (metal-bearing) asteroids yet discovered. Unless it ever decides to smash into us — a theoretical possibility, but extremely unlikely over the next few centuries — it will continue orbiting the sun, unknown and unmolested.

That is, unless Planetary Resources has its way. Planetary Resources is the asteroid-mining company launched Tuesday in Seattle, with backing from Microsoft and Google billionaires, along with the equally prominent James Cameron and Ross Perot Jr.

See, if there actually is profit to be made, private enterprise will take it up. NASA is mostly a wasteful welfare program for scientists and nerds.

Why shouldn't we explore and discover? You'd be willing to lay off hundreds of thousands of well trained scientists within the technological sector? We won't compete as a world power that's for sure.

China and India are increasing their technological sectors as they wish to lead the world. Slashing ours would be like slashing our own necks. I think the military is a million times bigger welfare program as it isn't even doing its purpose any longer with our open borders. :eusa_shhh:

At one time I would of fought any decrease in the defense budget, but the democrats are right. We need to get out of these wars and place more of those resources back into our own country. We need to modernize our energy grid and pour it into our educational system. An educational system that will of course make more scientist and engineers. Some of these will want to go to a nasa that will hopefully allow us to remain number one within exploration.

Ps. I'd only cut the part of the defense budget that has to do with the Afghanistan + waste.
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Now all we need is an intergalactic version of the EPA and OSHA. I'd love to see the enviromental impact statements for ripping up a cosmic body.. Maybe even spawn a People for the Ethical Treatment of Asteroids.

Nasa deserves to be funded even more to keep innovation up and the economy thriving.

I'm sorry, I'm not a f- idiot like you are, so I can't accept that funding NASA is good for the economy. How rich do you think it would make America to put astronauts on Pluto? Would it end to world poverty if we put a million people on Pluto?

Then why all the bad rep?
Now all we need is an intergalactic version of the EPA and OSHA. I'd love to see the enviromental impact statements for ripping up a cosmic body.. Maybe even spawn a People for the Ethical Treatment of Asteroids.

God I hope not. Wouldn't surprise me if the Bambie fuckers did attempt to do such a stupid thing.


Nasa deserves to be funded even more to keep innovation up and the economy thriving.

I'm sorry, I'm not a f- idiot like you are, so I can't accept that funding NASA is good for the economy. How rich do you think it would make America to put astronauts on Pluto? Would it end to world poverty if we put a million people on Pluto?

Then why all the bad rep?

We spend over a hundred billion a year in Afghanistan and he slams down on nasa. I just fucking lol'ed! :lol: NASA is likely the most successful part of our entire government and has been getting short charged for the past 40 years, but it is somehow their fault for the debt problems we're facing.

God someone needs to start living in the 21st century. :eusa_shhh:
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I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline
I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline

I agree that the free market must be the ones building the rockets and leading the manned space, but we shouldn't be ending the exploration and science either. One of the good things about Obama is he's putting more of it within private enterprise that can do it for less.

There's a place for both private and public sectors in space. Would be done more effectively and for less buck. I think we should be getting away from the idiocy(politics) and getting back to business.
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I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline

Can A private enterprise do it by itself, without any assistance of any kind?
Has one done it yet, without any assistance of any kind? No.
I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline

Can A private enterprise do it by itself, without any assistance of any kind?
Has one done it yet, without any assistance of any kind? No.

Welcome | Virgin Galactic
I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline

Can A private enterprise do it by itself, without any assistance of any kind?
Has one done it yet, without any assistance of any kind? No.

Welcome | Virgin Galactic
^^^^^^ Yup

Offer a $5 million dollar prize for private industry to come up with a working idea and save Billions
I was a big fan of NASA but they've turned into another Democrat run embarrassment.

Private enterprise can build rockets at 20% of NASA's costs.

Obama took some vengeance of US Space program by closing our manned space program and it took NASA 9 full months before they laid off any worker on that area. Seriously?

NASA needs some free market discipline

Can A private enterprise do it by itself, without any assistance of any kind?
Has one done it yet, without any assistance of any kind? No.

Welcome | Virgin Galactic

For low orbit(private flight and more) and construction of the rockets(ships) the private sector does have a place. On the other hand for Science and pushing outwards, NASA can't be competed with yet.

Private spaceflight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bigelow Aerospace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bigelow Commercial Space Station - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm a supporter of the private sector as it's what will keep us in space at the end of the day. Nasa will just lead the way. Now, if we got out of the middle east we would save many hundreds of billions, so the cost issue simply doesn't makes any sense. When you get down to what nasa adds to our economy through increasing the size of the technology sector.
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Can A private enterprise do it by itself, without any assistance of any kind?
Has one done it yet, without any assistance of any kind? No.

Welcome | Virgin Galactic
^^^^^^ Yup

Offer a $5 million dollar prize for private industry to come up with a working idea and save Billions

Thats for small satellites up to 550 pounds and space flight for people to see space (low orbit).

Thing is that the space port isn't up and running and their service hasn't started yet.
I think one of the best things we can do right now is to pull out completely out of the middle east. Put the money into the technology sector and modernize our military. Work by cutting the waste within the millitary that is many times nasa's intire budget.

If we don't do some of these things we will be elapsed by china within a decade.
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I get the appeal of deep space exploration.
I'm a star-gazer from way back.

I'm not seeing the benefits, though.
Are we finding the cure for cancer?

I just feel we have enough money floating in space and not enough here on good old planet earth
I get the appeal of deep space exploration.
I'm a star-gazer from way back.

I'm not seeing the benefits, though.
Are we finding the cure for cancer?

I just feel we have enough money floating in space and not enough here on good old planet earth

Maybe we need to pull out of the Middle East and stop spending hundreds of billion per year on something that's really worthless. What are the benefits; human knowledge and advancement for starters? A technological sector that can compete with the rest of the world. Just think of the benefit to the economy from that??? Of course people will blindly spout that nothing comes from it.

Nasa really isn't a waste for the amount of jobs and technical benefit it provides. The military and welfare on the other hand certainly is...Really, 17 billion dollars are somehow pointed out as a waste, while forgetting the hundreds of billions wasted throughout the military and welfare. It doesn't make much sense to slam down on an entire sector within our economy...While overlooking the real waste starring us in the face.

At least NASA increases the size of our technical sector and gives us the edge. Wtf has these wars done for us? Wtf has feeding little trayvon done for us? Nothing.

Both talking points are baseless. How do you increase the living standard on earth...Well, you increase your wealth on earth. You think everything is on this one planet? We really can't mine here on earth as the majority seems to not want to fuck the environment up.

How would killing NASA and space travel benefit the United States? I don't see it. It would be like killing Steve Jobs in 1975.
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