You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

Reagan Cut investment in infrastructure in half and it has stayed that way, doofus. Our roads airports Etc are joke.
What else could he do? You ignorant wingnuts implemeted unconstitutional socialism which has run up our national debt. It costs us over $1 trillion per year. Just imagine what our infrastructure would look like if we could spend $1 trillion per year on it.

Who created unconstitutional welfare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional food stamps? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicaid? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Obamacare? The Dumbocrats.

I get that your ashamed of failed left-wing policy (I would be too if I had supported something so ignorant). But don’t even attempt to place the blame for failed left-wing policy at the feet of the great Ronald Reagan.
We are the only country in the world trying this low taxes on the rich thing. it doesn't work stupid.
It doesn’t? Then why do we have record highs in the market, record lows in unemployment, and increased revenues to the federal government (which is what you wanted)?

It not only works - it creates unprecedented prosperity. I know it. You know it. The American people know it. You’re just a partisan hack who is pissed off that you won’t be able to control others and mooch off of them.

Dow jumps more than 100 points to all-time high, rallies for a second day to start fourth quarter
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.

Yes, there was a 31bil increase due to taxes on lower income levels. Going from 7.25 to 10 an hour did make a difference. The min wagers went into a higher tax bracket.
That’s not true at all (as usual). None of it (as usual). The tax revenues to the federal government increased because the pool of taxable labor force increased. Reduced taxes allow businesses to invest and expand.

I want you to think about what you just typed. Taxable income went up. It went up from 7.25 to 10 bucks and is going up further. That is an increase in the taxable income. Small Businesses didn't expand that much. They are trying to fill the void where the Baby Boomers used to fill. The Baby Boomers have all but left the work force since SS pays better than the crappy jobs they were offered. Full time employment didn't go up, it went down to be replaced with more Part Time slots. Small Business, like large business, do not have to offer as many benefits to part time workers as they do full time slots. These are the job increases that the Politicos and you slaves have been touting for a couple of decades. The increase of Service Jobs that pay minimum wage and are mostly part time. You can deny it all you want but even Walmart went from a 60/40 to a 40/60 format for full time versus part time. You are wrong, as usual.
Reagan Cut investment in infrastructure in half and it has stayed that way, doofus. Our roads airports Etc are joke.
What else could he do? You ignorant wingnuts implemeted unconstitutional socialism which has run up our national debt. It costs us over $1 trillion per year. Just imagine what our infrastructure would look like if we could spend $1 trillion per year on it.

Who created unconstitutional welfare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional food stamps? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicare? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Medicaid? The Dumbocrats. Who created unconstitutional Obamacare? The Dumbocrats.

I get that your ashamed of failed left-wing policy (I would be too if I had supported something so ignorant). But don’t even attempt to place the blame for failed left-wing policy at the feet of the great Ronald Reagan.

What Reagan and the Congress at the time did was remove much of the business regulations that kept the corporations stateside. Like always, it took them about 10 years to figure it out and to start taking advantage of it. At one time, even discussing moving a company overseas to save 5 to 10 percent would have gotten your butt thrown off the board and out of the company, possibly, put in prison. Then they learned to make it up to 25 percent profit and Katy Bar the Door at that point when they got real good at it. The stage was set for 2003/2008 at that point.
The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.

Yes, there was a 31bil increase due to taxes on lower income levels. Going from 7.25 to 10 an hour did make a difference. The min wagers went into a higher tax bracket.
That’s not true at all (as usual). None of it (as usual). The tax revenues to the federal government increased because the pool of taxable labor force increased. Reduced taxes allow businesses to invest and expand.

I want you to think about what you just typed. Taxable income went up. It went up from 7.25 to 10 bucks and is going up further. That is an increase in the taxable income. Small Businesses didn't expand that much. They are trying to fill the void where the Baby Boomers used to fill. The Baby Boomers have all but left the work force since SS pays better than the crappy jobs they were offered. Full time employment didn't go up, it went down to be replaced with more Part Time slots. Small Business, like large business, do not have to offer as many benefits to part time workers as they do full time slots. These are the job increases that the Politicos and you slaves have been touting for a couple of decades. The increase of Service Jobs that pay minimum wage and are mostly part time. You can deny it all you want but even Walmart went from a 60/40 to a 40/60 format for full time versus part time. You are wrong, as usual.
All bullshit. More jobs equals more tax revenue, dingus. Sell your smoldering sack of leftarded manure somewhere else.
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.
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The problem is GOP tax giveaways to the rich and we don't have enough money to invest in infrastructure
The real problem is, you are simple-minded. It has allowed you to buy into ignorant left-wing propaganda. See, tax revenues to the federal government increased after the latest Republican tax breaks.

Only an ignorant ideologue could whine that more revenue is needed while denouncing the policies that resulted in higher revenues.

Yes, there was a 31bil increase due to taxes on lower income levels. Going from 7.25 to 10 an hour did make a difference. The min wagers went into a higher tax bracket.
That’s not true at all (as usual). None of it (as usual). The tax revenues to the federal government increased because the pool of taxable labor force increased. Reduced taxes allow businesses to invest and expand.

I want you to think about what you just typed. Taxable income went up. It went up from 7.25 to 10 bucks and is going up further. That is an increase in the taxable income. Small Businesses didn't expand that much. They are trying to fill the void where the Baby Boomers used to fill. The Baby Boomers have all but left the work force since SS pays better than the crappy jobs they were offered. Full time employment didn't go up, it went down to be replaced with more Part Time slots. Small Business, like large business, do not have to offer as many benefits to part time workers as they do full time slots. These are the job increases that the Politicos and you slaves have been touting for a couple of decades. The increase of Service Jobs that pay minimum wage and are mostly part time. You can deny it all you want but even Walmart went from a 60/40 to a 40/60 format for full time versus part time. You are wrong, as usual.
All bullshit. More jobs equals more tax revenue, dingus. Sell your smoldering sack of leftarded manure somewhere else.

More part time jobs with an increase in pay with a even added increase in the cost of living, you do get more taxes and more people are working. It takes a larger workforce to fill those part time position. I am not disagreeing with you. But the method you overlook isn't what you believe it is.
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.

I got raises as well. Not exactly thousands of dollars. You must be in the more than 250K bracket that the tax bill was designed to give the gifts to. But us Mortals, we lost in the process. What little we received in raises, we lost in the increase in the cost of benefits and the cost of living has outstripped the raise by a large margin. Not the first time in my life for this to happen. Sometimes they can just keep their stinking raise, I may not be able to afford it.
What Reagan and the Congress at the time did was remove much of the business regulations that kept the corporations stateside.
First of all, there were no regulations that kept businesses “stateside”. But even if there had been, and Regan had removed them, all he would have been doing is restoring constitutional government. It’s not even remotely legal for the government to hold businesses hostage in the U.S. People can leave the U.S. any time they want - and they can take their businesses with them.

The fact is, nobody would want to leave the U.S. if we didn’t have the failed and idiotic left-wing policies that you support,
What Reagan and the Congress at the time did was remove much of the business regulations that kept the corporations stateside.
First of all, there were no regulations that kept businesses “stateside”. But even if there had been, and Regan had removed them, all he would have been doing is restoring constitutional government. It’s not even remotely legal for the government to hold businesses hostage in the U.S. People can leave the U.S. any time they want - and they can take their businesses with them.

The fact is, nobody would want to leave the U.S. if we didn’t have the failed and idiotic left-wing policies that you support,

And I suppose that Trump is going against the Constitution with his Tariffs? Actually, I suggested a few decades ago when the corporations started the mass exodus that we needed to place tariffs on those that go and tax breaks on those that stay. It's the way a Country stays solvent. I even came up with the 25% tariff rate back then that he is using today. Here is a bit of business 101 for your brain. Chinese Manufacturing plus shipping (including bribes before it leaves China) it can be on the shelves for 20% less than a US made product. The cost of shipping eats up quite a bit to get it here. Now, the quality of the product versus the US product, the US product is higher so fewer are needed to be sold. You buy one US made every 2 or 3 years instead of one Chinese made one every 1 or 2 years. But the Seller doesn't point that out. He just points out that it's 20% cheaper and says it's a better deal. So we place a 25% tariff on the chinese made products and on the same products made in the USA, we give them a nice tax break so they can make it cheaper. Then we negotiate with the chinese for a 20% tariff where it should have been in the first place. Now, the price is very close on the chinese made and the US made products. And we create jobs. Actually, we just put back the jobs and then some that were there before the exodus took place. We can lower taxes because more taxes are coming in because we have more people working making higher wages. It's Business 101 and Economics 101. If this sounds like FM (the M stands for Magic) to you then you should take some night classes in business and economics to catch up.
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.

I am fine dingbat happily retired, you unbelievably brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich. 35 years of give away to the rich makes us us the most unequal and least upwardly mobile of all developed countries and in our history. Worst infrastructure, no Health Care system, no cheap college or training. Etc etc etc. Thanks
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.

The mess was the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008, idiot. Despite pure obstruction by the GOP, the economy turned around and grew for seven years straight under Obama. Trump added a trillion to the deficit with his tax cut mainly for the rich. Give him 8 years and I'll bet there is another corrupt GOP bubble. It's what they do, and the non Rich will pay for it.
The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.

I am fine dingbat happily retired, you unbelievably brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich. 35 years of give away to the rich makes us us the most unequal and least upwardly mobile of all developed countries and in our history. Worst infrastructure, no Health Care system, no cheap college or training. Etc etc etc. Thanks
Oh, so I was simply brainwashed into thinking that the GOP cut my taxes.

The democrats thrive on the poor and the ignorant spoiled trust fund baby elitists. Make no mistake. The poor consider that middle class "the rich." When the democrats refer to "the rich" they are referring to the middle class in their coded speeches.
Sometime it's not so coded.

The last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and total BS propaganda have given us a giant mess. The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. But you know every detail of imaginary scandals about Hillary in the foundation and the FBI and emails.
The GOP lowered my taxes by thousands of dollars.

The Democratic party made a huge mess out of the economy, jackass. If you want upward mobility you need to stop supporting the Democratic party.

I'm sick of you stupid jerks whining about how poor you are when you refuse to help eliminate the Democratic party of slavery that has been keeping you down.

I am fine dingbat happily retired, you unbelievably brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich. 35 years of give away to the rich makes us us the most unequal and least upwardly mobile of all developed countries and in our history. Worst infrastructure, no Health Care system, no cheap college or training. Etc etc etc. Thanks
Oh, so I was simply brainwashed into thinking that the GOP cut my taxes.


No, everything else though LOL. as long as you get a tax cut that's all that matters...
No, everything else though LOL. as long as you get a tax cut that's all that matters...
Whereas you believe that as long as you can fuck over people who work hard by taking what belongs to them, that’s all that matters.
It's Business 101 and Economics 101. If this sounds like FM (the M stands for Magic) to you then you should take some night classes in business and economics to catch up.
Two things you know nothing about. You support the MaObama policies that collapsed our housing market and gave us 10% unemployment and you cry about the conservative policies record highs in the market, record lows in unemployment, and record highs in median income.

Get back to me when you comprehend even basic supply and demand. :lmao:
It's Business 101 and Economics 101. If this sounds like FM (the M stands for Magic) to you then you should take some night classes in business and economics to catch up.
Two things you know nothing about. You support the MaObama policies that collapsed our housing market and gave us 10% unemployment and you cry about the conservative policies record highs in the market, record lows in unemployment, and record highs in median income.

Get back to me when you comprehend even basic supply and demand. :lmao:

Oh, really. I didn't know Obama was President in 2006. The Housing Bubble burst that year. It was identified as early as 2002 but no one seemed to want to listen. There were internal memos from Freddie Mac warning as early as 2001 that the lending practices were about to cause a bust. The Lending Organizations were quite well aware that it might happen but kept lending and making unwise loans to people that probably shouldn't have been issued the loans. I can't blame this on Bush, Jr as he was one of the ones that warned against it. But Congress ignored the warnings and didn't do a thing about it as that would have been a Socialist Action according to your bunch. This was actually set up by Bank Regulation softening during Reagans time of office when the GOP controlled the Federal Government. It just took at 10 years to blow all the well to hell and gone. So don't go blaming any President. You need to place the blame securely on Congress that made millions themselves from all this regardless of party.

And as for the increase in Unemployment, in 2008 (before Obama took office) the unemployment rate was already climbing due to the recession started in 2007. Things don't happen over night. But this one actually happened very quickly. In less than a year, the unemployment rate jumped to 10.2 percent. Newsflash: Right around that time, I was looking for work. After seeing the jobs that were available, I elected to take early retirement as the retirement paid better. So in 2008, I retired for the second and third time. I also shut down a business that cost 15 people their livelihoods. As a small business, I saw it coming as early as 2003 and knew it was coming if things didn't get better fast. It didn't. For the next 10 years, things went down hill and it was time to just pull all the plugs. Do I blame Bush? Nope. I do blame Congress and Reagan that started us down that path in the first place.

The real culprits all made billions over this and even accepted bonuses during the Economic Federal Relief Package even though they were the chief cause of it all. They were leaving the Companies and that bonus was part of their agreement for separation. Obama's Government tried recover these funds but only could recover a fraction of them. Who says crime doesn't pay. It pays damn well if your collar is white enough.

Okay, I got back to you. Now stop blaming a later Government for the sins of the older Governments just because you hate "Obama,spit on floor".
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic failed left-wing policy...
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -Thomas Sowell


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