You Can Have Sex With Them; Just Don't Photograph Them

Though it may be true that the Old are Seduced by the Young, We definitely know one thing much more deeply than they do, Consequence. You play with Fire, you get burned. 35 is not compatible with 16, I don't care what math you use.
Though it may be true that the Old are Seduced by the Young, We definitely know one thing much more deeply than they do, Consequence. You play with Fire, you get burned. 35 is not compatible with 16, I don't care what math you use.
A 16 year old is a 16 year old.........Just talk to a 16 year old girl. Basically, they are still just a kid.

Any 35 year old thinking that sex with a 16 year old is ok, is a sick fuck.:cuckoo:
16 is just to young to be fucking a grown man let alone with another teenager.

In trouble for the pics? lame

man, my heads going to implode, my oldest is 16, she could have girls like this around her.

When did it become too young? When my great-grandparents got married in 1912 my great-grandfather was 26 and my great-grandmother was 17. It never used to be all that uncommon for women to get married at a very young age, as teenagers.

I got married at 20 and my ex-wife was 19.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, I'm just posing the question at what point did this suddenly become frowned upon.

When our society grew up past the point of selling daughters to old men for politics (arranged marriages), when our life spans became that which did not require us to bear children before we turned 18 and when we realized that women are more than baby ovens. That's when. :)
16 CAN be much too young; on the other hand, is 18 necessarily that much different? Legal ages are fairly arbitrary and cannot take individual maturity levels into account. It's necessary, but the idea that anyone of a particular age is automatically prepared or not to do something is just untrue.

I'm not trying to say the girls in this situation were mature enough for their relationships, simply that they might have been (or maybe that the man was immature enough!). I consider it pretty irrelevant either way; however you spin it, it's ridiculous that one can be convicted of a crime for taking a private photograph of a legal sexual act.

Oh, and if 16 is simply too young for sex, there are a lot of states that need to change their age of consent laws.
No. I think it's justice that he is now in trouble and he has been publicly exposed for his perversion. A 34 year old married cop may LEGALLY sleep with a child of 16, but it is still morally reprehensible. If it weren't for the porno law, he may never have been exposed. Karma.

I agree. The girls may not have known better, He should have.

In the past month there have been two local stories about missing teens who ran off with men they met on the internet.

A woman I know said her 15 year old daughter has been getting expensive gifts in the mail from some "guy she met on the internet". She won't give her mom any information about him, and the police don't want to get involved because so far there's been no crime.

It is scary world.

This cop showed poor judgment and lack of self control. Not someone we want walking around with a gun and a badge.
Though it may be true that the Old are Seduced by the Young, We definitely know one thing much more deeply than they do, Consequence. You play with Fire, you get burned. 35 is not compatible with 16, I don't care what math you use.
A 16 year old is a 16 year old.........Just talk to a 16 year old girl. Basically, they are still just a kid.

Any 35 year old thinking that sex with a 16 year old is ok, is a sick fuck.:cuckoo:
I agree 35 on 16 don't get it. Fuck. I'm a perv but girls under 30 don't much interest me.
As to" just kids"

Your speaking of murkin gurlz.
I have a 17 year old neighbour that has 2 daughters. She got married at 14.
She make tortillas, farmers cheese and chicken, pork or beef tamales every morning at 4 AM( the cheese every 3 days) or so.
The other neighbours come and buy her out by 11 AM so they have lunch for the guys when they come home at noon.
Hubby is also 17. He's a block mason-concrete finisher with his own tiny company.

They get the "A". They're Amurkin.:clap2:
Pic of said Amurkinz drinking some high h.p. eggnog at my xmess fiesta.


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This is our bizzare legal system. Watch this.

Lets say the guy is 35 and the girl is 15. First the guy gets the parents to like him and then he asks for her hand in marriage. They consent, the two get married, and then sex with a fifteen year old girl is completely legal. Or you could go the Ted Nugent route and just adopt your wife.

here is a better one, hypothetical of course.

A 15 year old girl marries her 18 year old boyfriend before he goes off to Afgahnastan with parents approval. Said husband is killed in combat making the 15 year old a widow, does she have to wait until she is of legal age before she can have sex again?
We are not talkiing about "love and marriage" here. Puhleez. The cop was with TWO teenagers. He's got a fucking problem.
We are not talkiing about "love and marriage" here. Puhleez. The cop was with TWO teenagers. He's got a fucking problem.

Your right we are not talking about love and marriage, but with the divorce rate at over 50%, love and marraige seem to seldom go together. The cop was just looking for sex, that is understood. How long have you been out of circulation? when it comes to sex most guys lie like a rug. I believe the cop in question told those girls anything he had to to get what he wanted.
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The guy whose mind immediately went to thoughts of little girls is calling me a letch for highlighting the absurdity of the law as written?
We are not talkiing about "love and marriage" here. Puhleez. The cop was with TWO teenagers. He's got a fucking problem.
I'm sure when you're his age, you won't cast an eye at a young hunk
This is our bizzare legal system. Watch this.

Lets say the guy is 35 and the girl is 15. First the guy gets the parents to like him and then he asks for her hand in marriage. They consent, the two get married, and then sex with a fifteen year old girl is completely legal. Or you could go the Ted Nugent route and just adopt your wife.

here is a better one, hypothetical of course.

A 15 year old girl marries her 18 year old boyfriend before he goes off to Afgahnastan with parents approval. Said husband is killed in combat making the 15 year old a widow, does she have to wait until she is of legal age before she can have sex again?
If he has a brother, she marries him. Else for anyone else to ever lie with her would be a sin.
Though it may be true that the Old are Seduced by the Young, We definitely know one thing much more deeply than they do, Consequence. You play with Fire, you get burned. 35 is not compatible with 16, I don't care what math you use.
Then ask for the law to be changed
We are not talkiing about "love and marriage" here. Puhleez. The cop was with TWO teenagers. He's got a fucking problem.
I'm sure when you're his age, you won't cast an eye at a young hunk

"Casting an eye" at a young hunk, is quite different than fucking one. It's called "self control".

I'm sure there are plenty of teachers who are physically attracted to beautiful teenagers. Those that act on it are criminals. Those that don't are called adults.
We are not talkiing about "love and marriage" here. Puhleez. The cop was with TWO teenagers. He's got a fucking problem.
I'm sure when you're his age, you won't cast an eye at a young hunk

"Casting an eye" at a young hunk, is quite different than fucking one. It's called "self control".

It's called 'Chanel's mad 'cause she can't score young hotties'
I'm sure there are plenty of teachers who are physically attracted to beautiful teenagers. Those that act on it are criminals.

Only if it can be shown they used their positions as teachers to coerce an underage person into sexual relations.
Chanel isn't interested in "young hotties". In fact I've always been attracted to older men. And in the course of my marriage, I've been as tempted as anyone else, but my morals prohibit adultery.

I find your fascination with pederasty quite disturbing. Please stay away from the mall.

Technically, a person in New Jersey can be charged with second degree sexual assault (N.J.S.A. 2C: 14-2c.) where he or she commits an act of sexual penetration with another person who is at least 16 but less than 18 years of age and the actor (defendant) has supervisory power over the victim by virtue of his or her occupational status (teacher would qualify).

NJ Megan's Law - Second Degree Sexual Assault - Sex With Student | NJ Criminal Defense Law News & Information Blog
Pederasty? The story says that the officer was involved with two females, one of whom was a matter of months from the age of majority.

But don't let reality bother you now- it hasn't thus far

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