You can tell who the Left fears by who their paid posters demonize. It's Fiorina and Carson

We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
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There is one summary for S.142. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress
Uh-huh. & 'we' are deathly afraid of Carly & Ben & are even paid for posting. Ain't that right?
Some of us are paid

But fearing the chances of Republicans taking the White House is for suckers

Yes we know the paid far left drones, one person 30 ID's..

And yes all you want to do is bash like a two year old..

It is the far left religious dogma way..

You realize the more something is repeated- even when untrue - the more dumbfks will believe it. You are a perfect example.



Imagine what could have been- had the GOP cooperated just a little bit instead of becoming the party of no. no. no. nononononoNONONONONO!

The 'Republicans' of today are NOTHING like the party they once were. The Republicans of today are nothing like the Eisenhower GOP, or even Nixon. THERE'S your extremism. THERE is your nutjob mentality. Just look at the candidates.:cuckoo:

DONALD TRUMP is your forerunner????? :lmao:
Republican unwillingness to compromise has gotten them nothing

They got nothing out of obamacare, nothing in saving tax cuts, they lost on gay marriage, lost keystone, lost on the Iran nuclear deal

Yea..... They are really sticking it to Obama
Last edited:
We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

The firm that produced the audit is independent.
Some of us are paid

But fearing the chances of Republicans taking the White House is for suckers

Yes we know the paid far left drones, one person 30 ID's..

And yes all you want to do is bash like a two year old..

It is the far left religious dogma way..

You realize the more something is repeated- even when untrue - the more dumbfks will believe it. You are a perfect example.



Imagine what could have been- had the GOP cooperated just a little bit instead of becoming the party of no. no. no. nononononoNONONONONO!

The 'Republicans' of today are NOTHING like the party they once were. The Republicans of today are nothing like the Eisenhower GOP, or even Nixon. THERE'S your extremism. THERE is your nutjob mentality. Just look at the candidates.:cuckoo:

DONALD TRUMP is your forerunner????? :lmao:
Republican unwillingness to compromise has gotten them nothing

They got nothing out of obamacate, nothing in saving tax cuts, they lost on gay marriage, lost keystone, lost on the Iran nuclear deal

Yea..... They are really sticking it to Obama

every day you make a fool of yourself. obama LITERALLY told Republicans to "sit in the back of the bus"
that isnt something a person who wants to compromise says
We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

The firm that produced the audit is independent.

We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
Listen to this page
There is one summary for S.142. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress

you're citing law??
you poor idiot. is obama following current IMMIGRATION LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS??????
We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

The firm that produced the audit is independent.

We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
Listen to this page
There is one summary for S.142. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress

you're citing law??
you poor idiot. is obama following current IMMIGRATION LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS??????

I am citing the Hyde Amendment, which further requires oversight which further requires audit which further requires an independent firm to perform that audit.

IMMIGRATION???? You mean the SAME laws that have been on the books b4 Obama????


You know what bedowin? Why don't YOU show tangible unbiased PROOF that backs up what YOU claim? I did. Now it's YOUR turn. PROVE ME WRONG.

I'll wait.
We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

The firm that produced the audit is independent.

We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
Listen to this page
There is one summary for S.142. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress

you're citing law??
you poor idiot. is obama following current IMMIGRATION LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS??????

I am citing the Hyde Amendment, which further requires oversight which further requires audit which further requires an independent firm to perform that audit.

IMMIGRATION???? You mean the SAME laws that have been on the books b4 Obama????


IT ISNT a straw man; you're just being a coward and lying to yourself

obama changed the way deportations are counted, not the procedure. He's counting people turned away at the border as deportations. or didnt you know that???
We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

The firm that produced the audit is independent.

We're independent because we say so.
if the money is truly seperate then you wont mind losing just the amount of money spent on providing abortions, just to make sure right? you can make that amount up from wherever PP gets the rest of its money that doesnt come from the government right??

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
Listen to this page
There is one summary for S.142. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | | Library of Congress

you're citing law??
you poor idiot. is obama following current IMMIGRATION LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS??????

I am citing the Hyde Amendment, which further requires oversight which further requires audit which further requires an independent firm to perform that audit.

IMMIGRATION???? You mean the SAME laws that have been on the books b4 Obama????


IT ISNT a straw man; you're just being a coward and lying to yourself

obama changed the way deportations are counted, not the procedure. He's counting people turned away at the border as deportations. or didnt you know that???

So you DON'T want them turned away? Why won't the (R) even discuss reform?

What I meant about your 'argument' being a strawman... is we are discussing PP. You wanna talk immigration - start another thread dealing with that.

In the meantime, show me unbiased proof about PP & the claims you've posted.

I'll wait.............................
Republican unwillingness to compromise has gotten them nothing
Well except for control of the House and the Senate, however at this point it's unclear as to whether that's been a blessing or a curse for 'em.

You are correct. It did get them something. But unlike dems who win on issue after issue they have managed to gain nothing from their victory

It is like winning the lottery and never getting around to cashing in the ticket
Yes we know the paid far left drones, one person 30 ID's..

And yes all you want to do is bash like a two year old..

It is the far left religious dogma way..

You realize the more something is repeated- even when untrue - the more dumbfks will believe it. You are a perfect example.



Imagine what could have been- had the GOP cooperated just a little bit instead of becoming the party of no. no. no. nononononoNONONONONO!

The 'Republicans' of today are NOTHING like the party they once were. The Republicans of today are nothing like the Eisenhower GOP, or even Nixon. THERE'S your extremism. THERE is your nutjob mentality. Just look at the candidates.:cuckoo:

DONALD TRUMP is your forerunner????? :lmao:
Republican unwillingness to compromise has gotten them nothing

They got nothing out of obamacate, nothing in saving tax cuts, they lost on gay marriage, lost keystone, lost on the Iran nuclear deal

Yea..... They are really sticking it to Obama

every day you make a fool of yourself. obama LITERALLY told Republicans to "sit in the back of the bus"
that isnt something a person who wants to compromise says
Show me where he literally said that
Yes we know the paid far left drones, one person 30 ID's..

And yes all you want to do is bash like a two year old..

It is the far left religious dogma way..

You realize the more something is repeated- even when untrue - the more dumbfks will believe it. You are a perfect example.



Imagine what could have been- had the GOP cooperated just a little bit instead of becoming the party of no. no. no. nononononoNONONONONO!

The 'Republicans' of today are NOTHING like the party they once were. The Republicans of today are nothing like the Eisenhower GOP, or even Nixon. THERE'S your extremism. THERE is your nutjob mentality. Just look at the candidates.:cuckoo:

DONALD TRUMP is your forerunner????? :lmao:
Republican unwillingness to compromise has gotten them nothing

They got nothing out of obamacate, nothing in saving tax cuts, they lost on gay marriage, lost keystone, lost on the Iran nuclear deal

Yea..... They are really sticking it to Obama

every day you make a fool of yourself. obama LITERALLY told Republicans to "sit in the back of the bus"
that isnt something a person who wants to compromise says
When did he say that?
“we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

this is called a QUOTE left-wing loser. now instead of making yourself look stupid trying to ridicule me; provide something that proves Obama didnt say this, or what you think he "actually" said. or just keep looking like the crybaby idiot you look like already ok????

thanks!! ;)
Pubs DO feq things up, so why the hell do you idiots vote for them? Hater dupes!

I usually DON'T vote for Republicans. But remember Franco hater dupe, Republicans are like a case of herpes, where democrats are full blown AIDS in the fatal stage.

It's too bad you lack even a basic education in history, you would be able to see this in perspective.
“we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

this is called a QUOTE left-wing loser. now instead of making yourself look stupid trying to ridicule me; provide something that proves Obama didnt say this, or what you think he "actually" said. or just keep looking like the crybaby idiot you look like already ok????

thanks!! ;)

I still don't see where he said Republicans have to sit in the back of the bus

It is not the same thing you know
“we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

this is called a QUOTE left-wing loser. now instead of making yourself look stupid trying to ridicule me; provide something that proves Obama didnt say this, or what you think he "actually" said. or just keep looking like the crybaby idiot you look like already ok????

thanks!! ;)

So you disagree with Obama and you would prefer the special interests riding shotgun.

lol, big surprise.

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