You Can Win Through Losing


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Be careful what you wish for...

Here's how Bush may win by losing
Published March 18, 2005

Politics is a funny game. A win can turn out to be a loss, or sometimes you can lose by winning.

The betting here is a California judge's decision to legalize gay marriage there will eventually fall into that category.

In the long run, those unhappy with the ruling may come to view it as a catalyst that advanced their overall agenda -- and not just when it comes to same-sex marriage.

Gay-rights proponents may well wonder, as they did after last November's election, whether court victories are worth the political cost.

That's because the decision likely will help President Bush win the upcoming war over judicial confirmations about to engulf Washington, D.C. Such a victory could tilt the national verdict on many issues.

The nation's political polarization has created consolidated agendas among Republicans/conservatives and Democrats/liberals that cut across single-issue constituencies.

First of all, the California Supreme Court may overturn this decision. If not, a state constitutional amendment taking the matter out of court hands by banning gay marriage would seem quite possible.

After all, voters in 11 states last fall banned gay unions. California is unlikely to be any different if the question is on the ballot....

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