You can't take credit for all you did good in your career, then suddenly say you don't wanna take credit for what folks don't like about your career

Trump knows plenty about shady actions of so many others including Democrat politicians who he might have greased along the way. Going after him while not going after others is the major issue and with how unpredictable Trump is, the courts might hear details they weren't anticipating. These chsrges standing alone might have more credibility if not for the treatment of him for his entire presidency.
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For someone aspiring to be president of a constitutional republic, a résumé showing no experience with transparency and accountability to others is not a good sign. For someone aspiring to head a country such as Russia or Saudi Arabia or North Korea, that résumé might work, but in the United States not so much.
For someone aspiring to be president of a constitutional republic, a résumé showing no experience with transparency and accountability to others is not a good sign. For someone aspiring to head a country such as Russia or Saudi Arabia or North Korea, that résumé might work, but in the United States not so much.
This is the problem, we have lowered our standards to such a degree that a guy like Trump is a welcome reprive. We had a mayor who indulged in crack in Toronto (I felt sympathy for him, he clearly had issues but he wasn't the devil) The difference is, Trump tells us, "Im no angel, but Im also not the devil career politician who didnt care about your issues, I DO care and will address them". Peple mock China but you would be surprised at how effective their voices can be hesrd, especialy regarding local issues. They even forced China to alter their strict covid policy (after some time). Trump was smart,.he listened to people and forged his policies in such a manner. He is now back in the headlines, Desantis oxygen is gone. Maybe this was all very intentional by the Dems...
Trump’s personal life is, and always has been, colorful. He has had two ugly divorces. He talked on the Howard Stern Show about his many affairs and the physical attractiveness of Ivanka. He has made bizarre sexist comments such as, “Bad press doesn’t matter as long as you have a sexy girlfriend,” “A woman must be hot in order to be a journalist,” and “All women hate prenups because they are gold diggers.”
Trump’s sex life is far more salacious than any previous president’s, including Warren Harding and Bill Clinton, the most promiscuous presidents in modern American history. (I suspect that at least half the other presidents had affairs outside of marriage as well, but with far less publicity.)
Trump knows plenty about shady actions of so many others including Democrat politicians who he might have greased along the way. Going after him while not going after others is the major issue and with how unpredictable Trump is, the courts might hear details they weren't anticipating. These chsrges standing alone might have more credibility if not for the treatment of him for his entire presidency.
You seem to think it has been unfair to dislike trump's policies and behavior. That's just childish.
Trump likes nothing more than taking credit for his accomplishments in business and as president, then why doesn't he want to be held accountable for the things he did wrong?

Everyone of our Presidents have gladly taken credit for when good things are happening and take no responsibility for when bad things happen, it happens all the time. Biden took credit for a rebounding economy but wouldn‘t take blame for high prices. Bush took credit for his economy but not when it went south, Obama took credit for cleaning up the banks but not for a slow rebounding economy, you can go back to Washington and see the same pattern.

The truth is most people can face reality and see both sides and are open minded to know BS when they see it. Not taking responsibility for things going wrong seems to be a self preservation thing.
Everyone of our Presidents have gladly taken credit for when good things are happening and take no responsibility for when bad things happen, it happens all the time. Biden took credit for a rebounding economy but wouldn‘t take blame for high prices.
October 13 2022
"Americans are squeezed by the cost of living: that’s been true for years, and they didn’t need today’s report to tell them that," Biden said in a statement.

The consumer price index rose 0.4% last month after gaining 0.1% in August, the Labor Department said in its report, on hikes in rent and food. In the 12 months through September, the CPI increased 8.2% after rising 8.3% in August.

Biden said the consumer price index shows some progress in the fight against higher prices but there is more work to do.

The White House noted that inflation over the last three months has averaged 2% at an annualized rate, down from 11% in the prior quarter.

Bush took credit for his economy but not when it went south, Obama took credit for cleaning up the banks but not for a slow rebounding economy,

September 10 2010
Obama sought credit for promoting economic policies that he said have helped middle-class Americans and laid a stronger foundation for the future. But he acknowledged that economic recovery overall has been "painfully slow."

To move forward, Obama called on Republicans to support proposals he unveiled this week to extend tax breaks for businesses and to spend an additional $50 billion on infrastructure projects.

you can go back to Washington and see the same pattern.
With republicans.
The truth is most people can face reality and see both sides and are open minded to know BS when they see it. Not taking responsibility for things going wrong seems to be a self preservation thing.
October 13 2022
"Americans are squeezed by the cost of living: that’s been true for years, and they didn’t need today’s report to tell them that," Biden said in a statement.

The consumer price index rose 0.4% last month after gaining 0.1% in August, the Labor Department said in its report, on hikes in rent and food. In the 12 months through September, the CPI increased 8.2% after rising 8.3% in August.

Biden said the consumer price index shows some progress in the fight against higher prices but there is more work to do.

The White House noted that inflation over the last three months has averaged 2% at an annualized rate, down from 11% in the prior quarter.


September 10 2010
Obama sought credit for promoting economic policies that he said have helped middle-class Americans and laid a stronger foundation for the future. But he acknowledged that economic recovery overall has been "painfully slow."

To move forward, Obama called on Republicans to support proposals he unveiled this week to extend tax breaks for businesses and to spend an additional $50 billion on infrastructure projects.

With republicans.
I see both sides doing the same, Clinton blamed Reagan and Bush and Bush blamed Clinton and Obama blamed Bush and then Trump blamed Obama and then Biden blamed Trump.

In reality, when it comes to the economy no President has that much to do with credit or blame. Biden had not much to do with the rebound after a pandemic because the economy had to rebound and Congress poured trillions into the economy before he was President. He had little to do with inflation because Congress poured trillions into the economy. Clinton was said to hand Bush a recession however it was going to happen because investors overpaid for dot com companies and when they started to fail, the economy shrank. The economy in 2008 hit the skids because of policies enacted before Bush was even President and consumers were over paying for property by leaps and bounds, it had to slow down and when it did, it caught many in the bubble that popped. Partisans tend to be closed minded and see only what they want to see and dismiss other evidence. Both sides have blamed the other for decades and decades, none of your situationAl rhetoric change the speeches and rhetoric over several decades and excusing one over the other is just dishonest.

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