You Can't Turn Someone Gay?

Lol! Kinky! I've heard this too, but I've also heard that most men who enjoy that type of sexual activity but aren't actually gay prefer to do it with women. So yeah, I don't think enjoying anal play necessarily makes a man "gay."

I'm a woman who enjoys oral sex, and I don't think that makes me a lesbian either. :D

My understanding is bisexual men want anal sex with women. :eusa_hand:

There are nerve endings in the body that provide sexual stimulation. Aversion brought on by societal pressures aside, the gender of the person providing those stimulations is not relevant. People are not gay by what stimulations provide release, but by who they are attracted to and feel emotional love for.

Possibly. My statement was coming from my own frame of reference. The only two men who desired/needed that kind of stimulation ( hurting a woman ) were bisexual. :dunno:

I wasn't up for it.
Exactly, that's why I said it doesn't make a guy gay if he is into getting strapon fucked by a woman. But there will still be a greater chance that they might think about having sex with a man. If they did have those thoughts, they might not even act on them or even mention them to others.

IMO they're gay.

I wonder how many of the guys on here enjoy digital prostrate stimulati9n?

Come on, Howey. Gay is only about enjoying certain physical sensations?

Any man can enjoy it. Whether they are attracted to men is the question. And a big part of that is the emotional bond between partners that goes FAR beyond sex.

Good point but I'm not talking "emotional bond". I believe if a man wants to enjoy this practice he's more inclined to go the anonymous route. See below...

I don't know about that. The strait guys I know that dig that type of thing aren't at all interested in having sex with a man.

Exactly, that's why I said it doesn't make a guy gay if he is into getting strapon fucked by a woman. But there will still be a greater chance that they might think about having sex with a man. If they did have those thoughts, they might not even act on them or even mention them to others.

See above. Have you ever been to a public park? Count the number of cars slowly driving through it driven by men. Mostly 35 to 60 years old. I'd wager it's at least in the hundreds daily. Hint: They're not looking for anything other than male 2 male sex. Quick, anonymous, guilt free. Then they go home to their wife and children until the next excursion. This is why I believe my claim that at least 15-20% of our population is gay.
(Somewhere up there I botched a quote up. Sorry.)
Lol! Kinky! I've heard this too, but I've also heard that most men who enjoy that type of sexual activity but aren't actually gay prefer to do it with women. So yeah, I don't think enjoying anal play necessarily makes a man "gay."

I'm a woman who enjoys oral sex, and I don't think that makes me a lesbian either. :D

Is it true that women like to get fucked in the ass? What about you?

Plenty of women enjoy anal sex. I read a study recently that had something like 40% of women having had anal sex. It is not the rarity it once was.

That obviously infers that 40% of males enjoy anal sex...
My understanding is bisexual men want anal sex with women. :eusa_hand:

There are nerve endings in the body that provide sexual stimulation. Aversion brought on by societal pressures aside, the gender of the person providing those stimulations is not relevant. People are not gay by what stimulations provide release, but by who they are attracted to and feel emotional love for.

Possibly. My statement was coming from my own frame of reference. The only two men who desired/needed that kind of stimulation ( hurting a woman ) were bisexual. :dunno:

I wasn't up for it.

Some men enjoy hurting women, for various reasons. Properly done, anal sex need not be painful for most people.
Is it true that women like to get fucked in the ass? What about you?

Plenty of women enjoy anal sex. I read a study recently that had something like 40% of women having had anal sex. It is not the rarity it once was.

That obviously infers that 40% of males enjoy anal sex...

I think a LOT of men enjoy being on the "giver" end of anal sex. I think it's fewer that enjoy receiving it though. I think some straight guys are probably afraid it does make them "gay" if they enjoy it, but it really has nothing to do with orientation IMO.
Is it true that women like to get fucked in the ass? What about you?

Plenty of women enjoy anal sex. I read a study recently that had something like 40% of women having had anal sex. It is not the rarity it once was.

That obviously infers that 40% of males enjoy anal sex...

As I pointed out, the nerve endings providing the pleasureable sensations do not recognize any gender. That said, the most potent sexual organ in your body is between your ears, not between your legs. That can be either a positive or a negative.
Plenty of women enjoy anal sex. I read a study recently that had something like 40% of women having had anal sex. It is not the rarity it once was.

That obviously infers that 40% of males enjoy anal sex...

I think a LOT of men enjoy being on the "giver" end of anal sex. I think it's fewer that enjoy receiving it though. I think some straight guys are probably afraid it does make them "gay" if they enjoy it, but it really has nothing to do with orientation IMO.

Good point.
Catcher or pitcher? :D

So, how many guys have pounded your starfish?

You seem very interested in the intimate details of her sex life. Perhaps discussing things on a general level would be better? Otherwise she will have the details thrown up in her face repeatedly while she is here on USMB.

I don't mind giving details on my own terms. I'm not ashamed, but I will not be pressured into giving some strange dude on the internet any details about my private sex life, if you know what I mean. :D
So, how many guys have pounded your starfish?

You seem very interested in the intimate details of her sex life. Perhaps discussing things on a general level would be better? Otherwise she will have the details thrown up in her face repeatedly while she is here on USMB.

I don't mind giving details on my own terms. I'm not ashamed, but I will not be pressured into giving some strange dude on the internet any details about my private sex life, if you know what I mean. :D

Good deal. Obviously this is not your first rodeo.
If I strapon fuck a guy and make him cum while stimulating his prostate, the likelihood of him desiring to explore receptive anal sex with a male will exponentially increase.

But that doesn't make him gay... although it can push him to explore that side of the continuum, and later on on life may actually prefer it... he might instead embrace the exciting possibilities of bisexual sexcapades. Or he will continue to prefer women and may or may not repeat the strapon fucking we had.

One thing is for certain though. He will always remember the feeling he had when he simultaneously orgasmed and had his prostate stimulated.

I wish you hadn't done that, in retrospect; even though at the time, I kind of liked it.

If I strapon fuck a guy and make him cum while stimulating his prostate, the likelihood of him desiring to explore receptive anal sex with a male will exponentially increase.

But that doesn't make him gay... although it can push him to explore that side of the continuum, and later on on life may actually prefer it... he might instead embrace the exciting possibilities of bisexual sexcapades. Or he will continue to prefer women and may or may not repeat the strapon fucking we had.

One thing is for certain though. He will always remember the feeling he had when he simultaneously orgasmed and had his prostate stimulated.

I wish you hadn't done that, in retrospect; even though at the time, I kind of liked it.


Sounds like Goddess A showed you a good time. lol :eusa_shhh:
Lol! Kinky! I've heard this too, but I've also heard that most men who enjoy that type of sexual activity but aren't actually gay prefer to do it with women. So yeah, I don't think enjoying anal play necessarily makes a man "gay."

I'm a woman who enjoys oral sex, and I don't think that makes me a lesbian either. :D

Is it true that women like to get fucked in the ass? What about you?

Plenty of women enjoy anal sex. I read a study recently that had something like 40% of women having had anal sex. It is not the rarity it once was.

Yes Playboy magazine did a really In Depth study.
If I strapon fuck a guy and make him cum while stimulating his prostate, the likelihood of him desiring to explore receptive anal sex with a male will exponentially increase.

But that doesn't make him gay... although it can push him to explore that side of the continuum, and later on on life may actually prefer it... he might instead embrace the exciting possibilities of bisexual sexcapades. Or he will continue to prefer women and may or may not repeat the strapon fucking we had.

One thing is for certain though. He will always remember the feeling he had when he simultaneously orgasmed and had his prostate stimulated.

Let's make darn sure people like this poster have easy access to impressionable youth...

Go gay marriage/adoption privileges! :eek: :cuckoo:
If I strapon fuck a guy and make him cum while stimulating his prostate, the likelihood of him desiring to explore receptive anal sex with a male will exponentially increase.

But that doesn't make him gay... although it can push him to explore that side of the continuum, and later on on life may actually prefer it... he might instead embrace the exciting possibilities of bisexual sexcapades. Or he will continue to prefer women and may or may not repeat the strapon fucking we had.

One thing is for certain though. He will always remember the feeling he had when he simultaneously orgasmed and had his prostate stimulated.

Let's make darn sure people like this poster have easy access to impressionable youth...

Go gay marriage/adoption privileges! :eek: :cuckoo:

Ok by me.

Are you now demanding that even straight couples only have sex the way YOU think is appropriate?

What business of yours? How would her being a teacher have any effect on the world? Is she not hostile enough towards the people you dislike?
If I strapon fuck a guy and make him cum while stimulating his prostate, the likelihood of him desiring to explore receptive anal sex with a male will exponentially increase.

But that doesn't make him gay... although it can push him to explore that side of the continuum, and later on on life may actually prefer it... he might instead embrace the exciting possibilities of bisexual sexcapades. Or he will continue to prefer women and may or may not repeat the strapon fucking we had.

One thing is for certain though. He will always remember the feeling he had when he simultaneously orgasmed and had his prostate stimulated.

Let's make darn sure people like this poster have easy access to impressionable youth...

Ok by me.

Are you now demanding that even straight couples only have sex the way YOU think is appropriate?

What business of yours? How would her being a teacher have any effect on the world? Is she not hostile enough towards the people you dislike?

Go gay marriage/adoption privileges! :eek: :cuckoo:
My issues are with her graphic knowledge & description of how deviant sex [receptive anal which has the highest morbidty] is trainable with repetition..for which I am in awe she would admit...but also applaud her for her graphic honesty. :eusa_clap: & is of course the general knowledge livestock handlers have been employing with a yawn for hundreds of years across all warm blooded species to do AI collections.

For what demographic is the most impressionable of all for this artificial-sex training..using an artificial vagina [the anus..rubber sleeve..catch beaker etc.]? Youth of course.

So then it's no wonder why we are seeing a sudden sharp rise in 13-24 year old boys coming down with their early death sentence [HIV] from receptive gay/bi anal sex...statistically speaking.

& that "Born that way" is a cleverly crafted "civil rights" myth..

BTW most HIV/AIDS patients go quickly indigent once diagnosed. The average $500,000 tab until they die gets picked up by taxpayers...

So there is a financial incentive to object to ashtara's "training" as well...
At least I thought so....but there's a story going around on Facebook about some woman named Aimee who cut off her idiot husband's dick and dumped him for another woman.

Children are unprepared for how pleasurable sex can feel. So, a single, solitary pleasurable experience may have lasting results.

If you had experienced heterosexual sex as a 12 year old and you liked it isn't there a chance you could be bi-sexual now?

Well, if a heterosexual experiences Gay sex and likes it and decides to continue having sex with Guys and Gals wouldn't you be turning someone bi-sexual?

And if they preferred Gay sex to straight sex wouldn't they have been made to like sex, Gay sex, because of someone's meddling?

In effect, wouldn't someone have turned that person Gay?
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No sex under age 21, either have a full time job*, or be in school full time, then you may indulge in sex.

*Being a homemaker is a full time job.
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Let's make darn sure people like this poster have easy access to impressionable youth...

Ok by me.

Are you now demanding that even straight couples only have sex the way YOU think is appropriate?

What business of yours? How would her being a teacher have any effect on the world? Is she not hostile enough towards the people you dislike?

Go gay marriage/adoption privileges! :eek: :cuckoo:
My issues are with her graphic knowledge & description of how deviant sex [receptive anal which has the highest morbidty] is trainable with repetition..for which I am in awe she would admit...but also applaud her for her graphic honesty. :eusa_clap: & is of course the general knowledge livestock handlers have been employing with a yawn for hundreds of years across all warm blooded species to do AI collections.

For what demographic is the most impressionable of all for this artificial-sex training..using an artificial vagina [the anus..rubber sleeve..catch beaker etc.]? Youth of course.

So then it's no wonder why we are seeing a sudden sharp rise in 13-24 year old boys coming down with their early death sentence [HIV] from receptive gay/bi anal sex...statistically speaking.

& that "Born that way" is a cleverly crafted "civil rights" myth..

BTW most HIV/AIDS patients go quickly indigent once diagnosed. The average $500,000 tab until they die gets picked up by taxpayers...

So there is a financial incentive to object to ashtara's "training" as well...

So, of course, anyone who practices any anal sex is obviously doing so only to destroy this nation.

Do you actually think that anyone who enjoys these sorts of sexual acts should NOT be allowed to be a teacher or counsellor for young people?

I don't care what your politics is, your sexual practices should not be discussed with your students. And, having graduated with a degree in Secondary Ed, I have quite a few friends who are currently teachers. Some of them were quite wild, in their youth. But I can guarantee they do not discuss that with their students.

As for your comment "For what demographic is the most impressionable of all for this artificial-sex training..using an artificial vagina [the anus..rubber sleeve..catch beaker etc.]? Youth of course", I can only say that there are plenty of others who use an anus or a rubber sleeve (have no idea what a "catch breaker" is). In fact, a recent study showed that as many as 40-45% of women in some age groups have tried anal sex. And many straight couples do it for the sole reason that it feels good for both.

But you go right ahead and try and get a witch hunt up for people who have anal sex. I will enjoy watching it fail and become a laughing stock.
Go gay marriage/adoption privileges! :eek: :cuckoo:
My issues are with her graphic knowledge & description of how deviant sex [receptive anal which has the highest morbidty] is trainable with repetition..for which I am in awe she would admit...but also applaud her for her graphic honesty. :eusa_clap: & is of course the general knowledge livestock handlers have been employing with a yawn for hundreds of years across all warm blooded species to do AI collections.

For what demographic is the most impressionable of all for this artificial-sex training..using an artificial vagina [the anus..rubber sleeve..catch beaker etc.]? Youth of course.

So then it's no wonder why we are seeing a sudden sharp rise in 13-24 year old boys coming down with their early death sentence [HIV] from receptive gay/bi anal sex...statistically speaking.

& that "Born that way" is a cleverly crafted "civil rights" myth..

BTW most HIV/AIDS patients go quickly indigent once diagnosed. The average $500,000 tab until they die gets picked up by taxpayers...

So there is a financial incentive to object to ashtara's "training" as well...

So, of course, anyone who practices any anal sex is obviously doing so only to destroy this nation.

Do you actually think that anyone who enjoys these sorts of sexual acts should NOT be allowed to be a teacher or counsellor for young people?

I don't care what your politics is, your sexual practices should not be discussed with your students. And, having graduated with a degree in Secondary Ed, I have quite a few friends who are currently teachers. Some of them were quite wild, in their youth. But I can guarantee they do not discuss that with their students.

As for your comment "For what demographic is the most impressionable of all for this artificial-sex training..using an artificial vagina [the anus..rubber sleeve..catch beaker etc.]? Youth of course", I can only say that there are plenty of others who use an anus or a rubber sleeve (have no idea what a "catch breaker" is). In fact, a recent study showed that as many as 40-45% of women in some age groups have tried anal sex. And many straight couples do it for the sole reason that it feels good for both.

But you go right ahead and try and get a witch hunt up for people who have anal sex. I will enjoy watching it fail and become a laughing stock.

Some people tend to get all worked up over the silliest things and seem to think there is some big conspiracy. Who really cares what people are doing in their own bedrooms?

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