You Can't Win When 1/5th of Your Voters Think You Should Drop Out

Well, yeah, because we have 2% of the population addicted to painkillers. all wonderfully legal, until they can't get scripts anymore.

I believe those cases are the few and not the norm. This year we expect over 500 OD's in my county alone. I'd be willing to bet that few if any have something to do with getting hooked on prescription drugs.

My cousin just buried her 28 year old son from a heroin OD last summer. He and his friends got hooked on the dope in their teens. If kids have access to these kinds of dangerous narcotics, then the problem is severe.
Look, everyone, Raycist from Cleveland is trying to blame minorities for the carnage inflicted by the gun industry.

Sure I am and I have the statistics to prove my point.

Without minorities in our country, our gun death rate would be much, much lower and closer to those in Europe. I'm sorry you feel that facts are racist.
I believe those cases are the few and not the norm. This year we expect over 500 OD's in my county alone. I'd be willing to bet that few if any have something to do with getting hooked on prescription drugs.

Dude, If Iived in your county, I'd want to overdose, too.

Here's teh thing, we don't shrug our shoulders and say, "Screw it" on drug abuse because "they are going to do it anyway". Which is what you clowns do say about Gun Control.

If something is a problem, you try to fix it.
I believe those cases are the few and not the norm. This year we expect over 500 OD's in my county alone. I'd be willing to bet that few if any have something to do with getting hooked on prescription drugs.

Dude, If Iived in your county, I'd want to overdose, too.

Here's teh thing, we don't shrug our shoulders and say, "Screw it" on drug abuse because "they are going to do it anyway". Which is what you clowns do say about Gun Control.

If something is a problem, you try to fix it.
Unless you are benefiting from it.
Uh, guy, according to the government, only 1800 of our 16,000 homicides a year are "gang related". The rest are domestic arguments.

Nationwide, but not in your neck of the woods.

Whether you shoot somebody because you are upset with your lover or you shoot somebody to rob them, it's still a criminal act either way.
Dude, If Iived in your county, I'd want to overdose, too.

Here's teh thing, we don't shrug our shoulders and say, "Screw it" on drug abuse because "they are going to do it anyway". Which is what you clowns do say about Gun Control.

If something is a problem, you try to fix it.

You don't try to fix it with something you know isn't going to work. That's just a complete waste of time and infringement on good people to solve nothing. That's besides the fact that before this Black Lies Matter nonsense, we've been on a decline of murders and violent crime since the early 90's.

But if you are in a hurry and want immediate results, then here is what you do:

*Get rid of all liberal judges.

*Make prisons prison again. Hard work, no AC, no television, no visitation rights, no workout rooms or libraries, no football fields, and no starting families from jail either. See the movie Cool Hand Luke.

*All appeals for execution be exhausted within three months of sentencing. No more waiting 8, 10, 15 years to execute a murderer.

*Allow all executions to be made pubic, particularly to juvenile delinquents. Take a large group of them to the execution chamber and let them witness what we do to murderers in our country. As for the rest of us, it should be televised.

That will cut our murder rate by at least half, and you don't have to worry about taking away one gun from a law abiding citizen.
*Make prisons prison again. Hard work, no AC, no television, no visitation rights, no workout rooms or libraries, no football fields, and no starting families from jail either. See the movie Cool Hand Luke.

Guy, if we could imprison or way to a civil society, we'd be there already.

Guess what, Germany only locks up 78,000 people to our 2 million.

*All appeals for execution be exhausted within three months of sentencing. No more waiting 8, 10, 15 years to execute a murderer.

*Allow all executions to be made pubic, particularly to juvenile delinquents. Take a large group of them to the execution chamber and let them witness what we do to murderers in our country. As for the rest of us, it should be televised.

Fuck, why stop there. Let's start throwing them to Starving Lions. Shit, set it up in colliseums and charge people fucking admission.

When people agree that you are a national menace and a threat to national security you are done whether you know it or not. The votes are no longer there and people are turning their backs.

"Nearly one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday, reflecting the turmoil his candidacy has sown within his party.

Some 19 percent think the New York real estate magnate should drop out, 70 percent think he should stay in and 10 percent say they "don't know," according to the Aug. 5-8 poll of 396 registered Republicans. The poll has a confidence interval of six percentage points.

Among all registered voters, some 44 percent want Trump to drop out. That is based on a survey of 1,162 registered voters, with a confidence interval of 3 percentage points. That is 9 points higher than his support for the presidency in the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll registered on Monday." One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out: Reuters/Ipsos poll

and twice that did not want Romney or McCain in 2012 and 2008 and it costs them the election.

No matter how you libtards try to spin it, there are only too groups in the GOP that comprise the NeverTrump morons; Neocons and hard core fundamentalists.

Most Evangelicals and Pentecostals have moved in behind Trump, but fundamentalist groups like the Mormons, Primitive baptists, etc, are the ones whining 'Never Trump!'
Dude, If Iived in your county, I'd want to overdose, too.

Here's teh thing, we don't shrug our shoulders and say, "Screw it" on drug abuse because "they are going to do it anyway". Which is what you clowns do say about Gun Control.

If something is a problem, you try to fix it.

You don't try to fix it with something you know isn't going to work. That's just a complete waste of time and infringement on good people to solve nothing. That's besides the fact that before this Black Lies Matter nonsense, we've been on a decline of murders and violent crime since the early 90's.

But if you are in a hurry and want immediate results, then here is what you do:

*Get rid of all liberal judges.

*Make prisons prison again. Hard work, no AC, no television, no visitation rights, no workout rooms or libraries, no football fields, and no starting families from jail either. See the movie Cool Hand Luke.

*All appeals for execution be exhausted within three months of sentencing. No more waiting 8, 10, 15 years to execute a murderer.

*Allow all executions to be made pubic, particularly to juvenile delinquents. Take a large group of them to the execution chamber and let them witness what we do to murderers in our country. As for the rest of us, it should be televised.

That will cut our murder rate by at least half, and you don't have to worry about taking away one gun from a law abiding citizen.

Agree with all but one caveat; Death Penalties should only be given in cases where all five main categories of evidence are clear and unmistakable in their indicating who committed the crime (motive, witnesses or confession, physical connection to murder weapon along with the weapon itself, physical evidence linking the accused to the site of the murder, and unmistakable forensic proof of cause of death.,), and defense attorneys and prosecution need to be notified of new evidence by police simultaneously.

If we continue finding one newly proven innocent man after another on death row and public support for the Death penalty will continue to ebb.
Agree with all but one caveat; Death Penalties should only be given in cases where all five main categories of evidence are clear and unmistakable in their indicating who committed the crime (motive, witnesses or confession, physical connection to murder weapon along with the weapon itself, physical evidence linking the accused to the site of the murder, and unmistakable forensic proof of cause of death.,), and defense attorneys and prosecution need to be notified of new evidence by police simultaneously.

If we continue finding one newly proven innocent man after another on death row and public support for the Death penalty will continue to ebb.

I agree, but most of the cases I'm aware of for false sentencing were cases heard before the technology we have today. I would think that today, evidence is clear and indisputable before they hand out the death sentence.
*Make prisons prison again. Hard work, no AC, no television, no visitation rights, no workout rooms or libraries, no football fields, and no starting families from jail either. See the movie Cool Hand Luke.

Guy, if we could imprison or way to a civil society, we'd be there already.

Guess what, Germany only locks up 78,000 people to our 2 million.

*All appeals for execution be exhausted within three months of sentencing. No more waiting 8, 10, 15 years to execute a murderer.

*Allow all executions to be made pubic, particularly to juvenile delinquents. Take a large group of them to the execution chamber and let them witness what we do to murderers in our country. As for the rest of us, it should be televised.

Fuck, why stop there. Let's start throwing them to Starving Lions. Shit, set it up in colliseums and charge people fucking admission.


Guy, if we could imprison or way to a civil society, we'd be there already.

Guess what, Germany only locks up 78,000 people to our 2 million.

Germany also only has 80 million people compared to our 325 million.

Much of our prison population has to do with know, that crime we thought we could solve by simply making laws against it?

Fuck, why stop there. Let's start throwing them to Starving Lions. Shit, set it up in colliseums and charge people fucking admission.

Naaah, too much blood. But you are on the right track. Perhaps have it televised Pay per View. The proceeds could go to the victims family.
Germany also only has 80 million people compared to our 325 million.

do I really have to teach you fucking math.

Okay... let's teach you math.

Germany has 78,000 people in jail and 80 million people. That means they only feel a need to lock up one in 1000 of their people.

America has 325 million and locks up 2 million. that means we lock up one out of 150.

Dude, that's fucked up... they should have explained math to you in Home School.
do I really have to teach you fucking math.

Okay... let's teach you math.

Germany has 78,000 people in jail and 80 million people. That means they only feel a need to lock up one in 1000 of their people.

America has 325 million and locks up 2 million. that means we lock up one out of 150.

Dude, that's fucked up... they should have explained math to you in Home School.

And again, that's because of our severe drug problem in this country. And again, single-culture people are less violent and criminal than multicultural societies.

But you wish to lock up even more people because they have guns.
I agree, but most of the cases I'm aware of for false sentencing were cases heard before the technology we have today. I would think that today, evidence is clear and indisputable before they hand out the death sentence.
True the tech has improved, but the human heart has not so much.

Too often prosecutors show the heinousness of a crime and make the jury feel that they cannot let the *probable* guilty party get away with it, and *poof* the man is therefore guilty.
And again, that's because of our severe drug problem in this country. And again, single-culture people are less violent and criminal than multicultural societies.

But you wish to lock up even more people because they have guns.

I don't think you'd have to lock up that many of you, and the one who we would have to lock up are the scary assholes I'd want locked up.

Wayne Lapeirre locked up with a big, oversexed black convict. That would be funnier than shit.
I don't think you'd have to lock up that many of you, and the one who we would have to lock up are the scary assholes I'd want locked up.

Wayne Lapeirre locked up with a big, oversexed black convict. That would be funnier than shit.

If you were somehow be able to create a law that nobody is allowed to own a gun, trust me, we would need ten times our prison space.

And why would it be funny if it was a "black" convict? You racist people are something else.
True the tech has improved, but the human heart has not so much.

Too often prosecutors show the heinousness of a crime and make the jury feel that they cannot let the *probable* guilty party get away with it, and *poof* the man is therefore guilty.

I don't think they can get away with that like they used to. Too many media outlets, social media and various other things would stand in their way.

We see what's going on in Baltimore right now with the bogus charges against those police officers. We seen what happened in the Zimmerman case, and of course going back a couple of years, the Duke LeCrosse case.

During the winter time when I watch more TV, I like to turn on those detective shows where they have those forensic scientists processing a case. When I first started to watch those shows, I was amazed at how much evidence they need to charge somebody. They would find something that was proof positive the suspect committed the murder, but they couldn't stop looking for more because what they found was not evidence enough.

Like you, I'm not for executing somebody unless it's undeniable the suspect committed the murder.
If you were somehow be able to create a law that nobody is allowed to own a gun, trust me, we would need ten times our prison space.

And why would it be funny if it was a "black" convict? You racist people are something else.

It would be fucking hilarious to watch that racist POS getting sodomized by a black guy.

Absolutely hilarious.

Again, guy, every other industrialized country gets by fine without prisons or guns...

We are the ones with the problem.

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